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Copyright © 2003 Soosan Productions. All rights reserved.
( I  W R I T E ,  Y O U  R E A D )
excuse me for my manners but i can't seem to figure out a proper way of welcoming you onto my webpage but then again why don't i just cut to the chase and start introducing myself which i know you're all thrill about. well i go by soosan but normally answers to susan, which isn't much of a differnce but soosan sounds more fob which i'm proud of being. i'm currently 18, which most considers an adult however i'm still a kid at heart, mind, body, and soul and i don't intend on maturing until i hit 60. i'm normally nice but can get pretty intimidating at times with my karate skills so i suggest you don't get on my bad side. if you haven't figured it out yet i'm asian specifically hmong. hmong? you may ask, but don't worry i've been asked that question many times. so how can i make it easier for you to understand? how about this.. we're just another group of southeast asians out there making babies and populating this place we call earth. besides what difference does it make? we're all human. we all eat, sleep, and shit so in the end it doesn't even matter.

For all the ladies, October is breast cancer awareness month. For more information, visit this site.
( B R I E F   I N F O )

obsessed:chocalate fudged ice cream sundae
saw:school of rock
listening to:hungry lucy-"her song"
feeling: exhausted

song playing:
jill hsu/i wanna be with you
sing along?
