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Srenitys Banners!

UPDATE! 26/12/03: i added a bunch of new songs today. hope you had a good christmas! i got some nice things but coulda been better. i've added some new lookups aswell. hope you find somethin ya want and don't forget to sign my guest book! byez!!
UPDATE! 4/1/04: i added a couple new ANIME BLOGS! since people have been wanting them. i'll add more over the next few days so enjoy them! byez!!
UPDATE! 26/3/04: i FINELY added the inuyasha adoptables i've been planning! later i'll add kikyou and kouga and some others but i have some now! and thanks for your comments in my guest book and poll box. you've realy helped me with idias for my website! well thanks again, byez!!
UPDATE! 24/5/04: YAY!! i'm getting a temp host for my images, unfortunently the music is still dead until i start paying but over the next few days i'll update my codes and have it all reset ;) bye ((it will take a few days because i'm sick *cough* *sneeze*))

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rabbie21 got their Neopet at
yes people, i have a cybunny, strange isn't it o.0