
Hey~ I got a message board from I havent looked at it yet, so if it's yucky, it's temporary. I got it free when I signed up. My cjb url is so if you've bookmarked/linked me anywhere, please change it to that url!!! :) Thanks. I'm gonna work on some About Me pages now. So..sign the message board!!! :) Thanks, bye!

Hey~ Sup? n/m/h. I got a counter. :) woohoo! Ok, I'm gonna go put up some graphics now...I have no skool tomorrow so I'll prolly work on the site a lot..especially an About Me section...well, byebye!

Hey! Like the new layout...and name?? I figured a new layout once or twice a month is appropiate..and I finally finished this one! I don't think it's perfect, tho, because I don't want this textbox on top of Christina's face..I want it moved to the right, but I don't know how...*whine*. Ah well, I did my best, and I think it rocks! (along with Christina!! *hehe*) Anywho, about the name: one day I was sitting in Latin class, flipping thro the book when i came across Aranea. I thought it sounded so cool and pretty and..just, awesome! So i look it up in the back of the book and it means (get this!) spider web!!!! I thought that was so cool! Saying just 'Spider Web' for a name is..uh..lame..but to have it in a (*pretty*) Latin word is WAY COOL! Ok, I'm a dork right? But that's cool too..Well, that's off topic. Ok then...About the site: the Song of the Update is on a lil Hiatus cuz I dont have time to piece it together, but I DID manage to put up 2 new pages: Dolls and CSS Codes. Check it out!! Also, my awesome FFX layout got screwed up and I have NO IDEA how. I just looked at it one day and ... it wasn't there..SO that one won't be going in the layout's section. *sigh* I loved it too...Well, guess that's it. I have some graphics stuff to put up, but it's already quarter to 10 so I dunno if I wanna do it *eyes droop*. So sorry!! ... O YEAH! ¿*question*? Does anyone know where to find good quality, free message boards like Boards2go? For some odd reason unbeknowst to me, b2g isn't working, and I want a GOOD, FREE message board and I don't know where to find one! *another whine* Well, if any of you DO know where to find one, PLEASE email me and lemme know. Thanks!!! byebye 4 now. (<~~ So0o 2 years ago :p)

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