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Sleet Tempest Snape

Sleet Tempest Snape

"Welcome, Kindred glooms! Congenial, hail!"



Full name: Sleet Tempest Snape
Birthday: October 27
Sign: Scorpio
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Blood type: O+
Bloodline: Half Siren, half Wizard, pure magical blood.
Family: Celeste Thorn Bloodmoon (mother (dead)), Severus Snape (Father) Drusilla Storm Bloodmoon (Aunt, (dead))
Eye color: Almond shaped and violet
Hair color: Ebony.
Weight: 170 lbs.
Height: 6'0"
Sexual preference: Gay.
Mate: Leif Shigo Riddle
Pet: Black hawk, Anarchy
Favorite subjects: Divinations, Dark Arts (old school class) and Magical Song and Dance (also old school class)
Previous school:  The Academy of the Dark Flame
Previous House: League of the Blood Rose
New school: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Slytherin
Quidditch Position: Beater
    Conceived during the matting season of the Siren, Celeste Thorn Bloodmoon had two years ago fallen in love with Severus Snape, and had finally bedded him after two years of being out of Hogwarts.
    Celeste was so very thrilled when she found out she was pregnant! Heading back to Severus to inform him of the news, Celeste found Severus laying on the floor of the living room of his manor, worn out from being under the crucio curse, that's when she actually saw the dark mark on his arm.
    Running from Severus not telling him the good news, as to keep herself, her unborn and Severus safe from the Dark Lord. Celeste headed for America, New York, to live with her sister Drusilla.
    Almost seven months later, Celeste lay on her death bed, a small bundle clothed in a light blue blanket in her arms, she had just named her child and son and thing were starting to go dark in front of her eyes, as she felt her life leaving her body.
    It was five years later, the summer before what would be Sleet's 6th year, when it happened...Siren's were declared dark creatures and one of the first families of Siren blood they, the American Ministry, attacked were the Bloodmoon's.
    Sleet who had been out getting his school things, came home to find his aunt, uncle and their daughter, dead.
    Not being a stupid person Sleet took off for England, hoping to seek refuge their...Instead he found his protection in the form of the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Voldemort offered Sleet protection from the Ministry and Auroras in exchange for his services, meaning Sleet was to become a Death Eater.
    After becoming a Death Eater, Sleet transferred himself into Hogwarts to finish his education, and also informed the Headmaster not to let his father know who he was, that he would be using his mothers last name of Bloodmoon.
    When Sleet got to Hogwarts he was almost immediately sorted into Slytherin house, where he did join the Quidditch team as a beater.