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Sky Dancer is the the twin sister to Magic Qanuit.  She is a Lunar and Human, her father was a Lunar and her mother was Human.  The blood that runs through her body is mostly Lunarian, for she has more of their sprit inside her.  Sky is stunningly beautiful next to her twin Magic.. there is no other like her. Her blue eyes often sparkle in the light and are full of emotions; one can almost always tell what she is feeling by looking into her eyes. Some people call her the Goddess of Moon Light...her powers are great and she is the only one with this great power. Her twin Magic as her own powers.. as strong as hers.

Her Long blonde hair reaches down to her shimmers like gold in the sunlight.  She stands 5'11, she is normally in a white dress, with a white cloak., upon her head is a Gold and Silver headdress, she was given this by her caretaker..she walks mostly barefoot on the soft forest floor.  She owns a horse, his color is white as the moonlight that hits the earth, his name is Onix, her he only has Black mane and tail. 

Sky and Magic were separated when they were 3 days old, for their mother was very ill and their father could not take care of two little girls.  So he sent Sky to the Lunar Kingdom were she grew up as a Princess and a Goddess of the Moon Kingdom, she was raised to protect her family and friends.  One year Galen and Magic came to the Lunar Kingdom and Sky was reading in the Library doing her studies, Sky was the age of 13 when he came.  She knew that she had a twin sister, but has yet to see her.  When Magic entered the library, Sky did not look up nor hear the door open.

"It is good to see my sister that I have been waiting to meet." with these words Sky look away from her book and turned to the door.  Magic stood and looked to her, her hair was brown and her eyes were green, unlike her own hair was blonde and she had blue eyes.  Sky was amazed to see herself, not in a mirror but her sister.  She stood to her feet and looked upon her sister, not saying a word.  She held her book in her hand, just as she were to say something, her father Galen walks into the room, "This is a great day, both my daughters are together again."  He opens her arms to Sky.  She stood there for a little.... looking at her twin and her father, a tear slowly runs down her face and she drops her book and runs to him and gives him a hug.  She only knew her father and sister by letters they have written her.  Now Sky gets to go see were she was born, and to spend time with her father and sister.

War... Sky hates that word with no other passion in her blood.  Her father was lost in a war, she swore on her fathers death that she would take care of her sister and herself.  Just before he died, her father gave Magic and herself lockets with pictures of each of them, and himself and their mother.  Sky's read on the back: "Sky, take care of the world, as I was unable to take care of you, you are a great Child and will always be my little girl.  We love you.  Love Mother, Father and Magic.  Tears rolled down her face and his sprit leaves his body, but not the world. Her father and mother both live as a sprit in this world, to watch over both of their daughters.  Magic to this day blames herself for their fathers death.  To this day Sky makes sure she watches over her sister, and her friends. 


..................I shall bring peace to this land once again.....................