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welcome to my site
i hope you enjoy your stay..
my site isn't much, but i try my best to make it the best i can. ^-~
and before you leave do sign the guestbook!!!! thanksss!

love, lexis.
entry 2
December 8
hahahaa.. finally updating!! cool huh? well, camp sucked. XP and i've moved my stuff to freewebs!!!! it's /l3x... i think.. :P hahhaha..
well.. today's joyces birthday, it's been two months since i've updated...
oh well, it was fun anyway.
gotta go, bye!
love, lex
8:53 PM entry 1
October 13
wow! i made this site under 1 hour!! i'm so proud of myself.. All the coding and editing... 1 hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy!!!!
i gotta go. bye!
love, lex
9:54 PM