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Members must Abide by these simple rules, these rules
are not to take the fun out, but to some what govern
what we think if a fair way to play.

1. No spawn Killing Under Any Circumstance.
2. No Type killing if you can clearly tell he is typing.
3. No killing someone while they are Away From Keyboard(AFK)
4. A Name Will be assigned to you and it must always be worn in any Clan servers including SoV servers
5. These weapons are off limits Smart Gun, Mini Gun , Rocket Launcher, Excessive Disc, and Preatorian.
6. Spamming any explosive weapon is off limits
7. You are to respond to the command of a Mp ( Military Police)

**Failure to heed, will not result immediate clan removal, unless members fails to say sorry for the mistake on more than one occasion, or continuesly shows no reguard in caring about the rules.

Our Server Rules for a person not associated with SoV.

1. No spawn Killing Under Any Circumstance.
2. No type killing if you can clearly tell he is typing.
3. No killing someone while they are Away From Keyboard(AFK)
4. Spamming any explosive weapon is off limits.
5. No tracking weapons, moderate use of disc allowed.
6. No Bad Mouthing SoV members, and try to keep a civil tongue towards everyone period.

**Failure to heed, will not result in immediate removal from server, 1 warning will be applied, if failure is still at hand, you will be removed with no contestation. Do not try to keep joining server, a SoV member will have dedicated access and can remove you multiple times with ease.