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And So It Goes


This website has only just begun. Im hoping to put alot of time and energy into this, now that I have started it. View with respect for this website is invite those who chose to explore my life into a summary of just that, my life. This site was designed to incorporate everything in my life so that everyone who wants, can learn more about me. If anyone has a problem with this, they should leave now. I suggest anyone who has a problem with me to leave. Im not about to be discriminated against because of who I am and have that reflect on my site. Feel free to look around, but dont judge me unless you know me. I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world To live up to your expectations And you are not in this world To live up to mine. You are you and I am I. And if by chance we find each other, It's beautiful. If not, it cant be helped.

Updates: Hopeful and Actual


My livejournal
