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Hi, my name is Erica! Welcome to my homepage! I'll tell you a little about myself...I'm 22 and attend Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. I'm a physics major, with a minor in math, and I'm currently trying to figure out what grad school I'd like to attend. I love South Park, Sailor Moon, Astrology, Kevin Smith, Star Wars, music of all kinds, and bad horror movies. And of course by bad, I mean totally awesome.
I'm living in a house called Bottoms Up this year with Katy, Deb, and Christine. I love it! I have my own (big) room, and the house is perfect for parties and other gatherings. Everyone is welcome to stop by anytime!
So browse around, enjoy the pictures, and be sure to check out my online journal to keep up with what's happening in my life. Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to sign my guestbook!

My South Park Page
My Picture Page

I Moon You!!!
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Check These Out!

My (New) Online Journal
My (Old) Online Diary
Homestar Runner!
Muffin Films!
