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Welcomes you, oh internet-y one.



>About Me
>My Icons
>Songs I Like
Hey there kiddos. I'm Allie and this do be my site. I'm still working on it and I'm just starting to get the hang of html coding and java scripts, but hang in there and hopefully this thing'll get better soon. :) Mad props to Graham for helping me set this up. Helping isn't quite the word considering that he formatted the entire first page for me and I just messed with it from there. Thanks Graham! I love you!

Sign the guestbook and I'll love you. If you have any pictures that you want me to put up here, just lemme know. More rantys are appreciated as well 0:).

FYI- The picture to the right is a picture of Chihiro/Sen from a scene in the movie Spirited Away (which is a great movie and you should all go rent it now!). The picture to the bottom-ish is from the manga Megatokyo which is supremely cool. The 1337 on it states (for you non-geeks): Fear my mad leet skills. Just thought you might like to know.

9/8/03- Contrary to popular belief, I have updated this little site, just always forgot to make note of it on here. So, since June I've added more pages to the South pictures site, added more pictures, gotten another angelfire account to support all the pictures, and made a shrine site. So far the only shrine I have is to Deryl but expect more soon. Some soon to be featured people: Samples, Parkster, and of course, the great Giggles! Check back for more updates and sign the guestbook!

6/14/03- Sorry that I've been neglecting the site for a while. There are some new pictures up and I fixed some old ones that needed to be cropped down. I also added a lyrics page of songs I like. Go me! Next working on putting the entire thing into raw html form. *fun*

6/4/03- Updated the "About Me" section so its a little more coherant and not near as long as the old one. :) Also made new title and some picture thingies for the main page. Still working on getting everything positioned right, though.

6/3/03- Today I made this little updates box just cause I'm cool like that. I messed with some more html codes and figured out how to get my guestbook back and also my links link. So go me! I'm trying to find some more ways to make my site all cool and stuff so look back for more updates soon! I also added some more pictures in yesterday and today of me, Becca, JP, Timmy, the Jasons, Alex, Brent, and Deryl. Hope you like em!

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