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My London Friends
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As you probably read on the last page, I've met quite a few people. Now you can finally see them, and me! I'll give names and a few places just to give you a better idea of who they are and where they met them, but I have lots of pics here, so I won't fill up the page with too many details. Enjoy!

Okay, to start off these are the Danish cousins! Truly wonderful people! The first pic is Berit, the second is Berit with me, the third shows Henrik and Vibeke on a drunk night we had at a nightclub. Next two show good danish family fun! And the last two are from the first night I met Henrik. I was drunk. See me showing off Budweiser?

These pics are from the birthday dinner for the Canadian, Shane. The first pic shows Lorraine and Sue Ann, wonderful ladies from Trinidad, and Becky, the other wonderful lady from Nigeria. The middle is us at dinner. Cherise, Lorraine, Shane, Sue Ann, Becky, Sanjeev, and Henrik. And if you've been following the names, the last is Shane and Lorraine. It was a very fun night. I wore a dress!

And here is Tristan, the only actual Brit I saw regularly in London, and Vibeke and Sue Ann on a night out we had at a pub. All the folks above are new friends, but really wonderful people, and I miss not being able to hang out with them. I was really lucky to meet them.

These are photos of all the people I first met before finding the group above. From left to right: a married danish couple I had dinner with in Soho; a british guy named Edy I danced with at the club Sound; two shot girls in Sound; the girls I had the courage to ask to hang out with one night; the bartender Podric, Roy, the work and flatmate of my other friends, and a bar regular named Rose; and lastly my brother and his new lady, Miriam.

Another group of people I met while out. These ones invited me to hang out with them. First is the DJ at the bar. Then the Italian guy, Maximo, who put the moves on me, and his crew.

And me, having a hookah with my brother and Miriam. There were other pics of me, but they didn't seem to load to my directory either (oh darn, you miss me in a dress!).

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