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Cassie's World Travel
Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Oct. 7th KRAKOW
So easy to get behind... I took another long bus ride from Vilnius to Warsaw. This one was quieter, with less people, but I still think busses are tough to sleep on! Plus, near the polish border, after all of us with green bags had to show their innards, the bus had tire trouble. It was a bumpy ride when the spare started to fail! But it was nice seeing Warsaw slowly to the train station.

Krakow is a city most beautiful at night. The central square houses a covered market selling all sorts of trinkets, and a large cathedral with two completely different towers. The castle is a short wide avenue walk away, but...hate to say it, but I only saw it from afar. Instead of seeing Krakow the city, I saw Krakow from busses as I took two day trips. I went to the Salt Mines which are no longer in use. Amazing. There are so many rooms and tunnels, and the people have carved out huge statues and even a massive cathedral. Everything is salt, even the chandelier pieces. The next day I went to Auschwitz-Birkenau. What do I need to say about this place? It was the premiere extermination camp in all of Europe. It was very sad. We saw heaps and heaps of leftover glasses, artificial limbs, combs and brushes, suitcases. It was also very busy, our tour group was massive. After both day trips I spent the evenings with australians I'd met on the busses. Good people, who knew good places to eat and drink.

Posted by moon/siedre at 10:14 AM MEST
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