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Galway - Bus Trip and People

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Unfortunately I don't have many pics of Galway itself yet. It is quite a nice town. I just don't see much worth taking pictures of, minus the people. I wrote about the city already, that should be enough! Below are pics of people and places I've been to since living here. CURRENTLY UNFINISHED

This is a short list of people I have met in Galway (more pictures soon!). First are two Indian guys I played pool with who live in Dublin. Next are two people I stayed with in the Hostel - Kevin and a Canadian girl named Shannon. And last are two great girls we met on the bus tour - swedish girls Anna and Ingrid.
NOTE: shoot, the second pic seems to be missing..I'll fix it soon

Here are pictures of the Cliffs of Moher. These cliffs are a huge tourist stop, in County Clare, the west coast of Galway. That beautiful water is the Atlantic. The cute guy? That's Kevin, a Tennessee boy I met in Dublin's Guinness Brewery who followed me for a few days to Galway. Notice there are no fences; you can lean right over the edge and take pictures, which I did a few times. But the Cliffs are dangerous! Every now and then someone falls off and dies. And I'm not joking. But they really are beautiful.

And here are images of the Burren, the first part of the Bus tour that I took with that Tennessee guy. The Burren is all along the north part of County Clare, which straddles the south side of Galway Bay (Galway city being on the north side of the bay). It should be called the Barren, in my opinion, because most of it is uninhabited limestone hills. The stone actually rises up from underground and makes the place look quite stark. Underneath are large lakes that never reach the surface, so now some farmers have the rock bulldozed away so they can graze cattle. That last picture is a tomb from the bronze age, from a tribe of people know one knows about. The Burren is full of ancient things, and also is considered a great place to treasure hunt for old Druid artifacts. I need a metal detector!

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