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Deep in the Northern Forests a band of Panther Girls gather around the fire, the moons overhead glow bright. The Panthers sit around the fire, their ears attune to their surroundings. A Panther is seen here and there, around the camp, watching out into the Forest. One comes, walks boldly into the camp, her green eyes look straight ahead, her stance proud as they fall in behind her, She is Sheera. She drags her kill for the night behind her and the slaves come and take them preparing them for skinning. She smiles as she moves to sit amongst her Sisters around the fire, her eyes still shinning bright with the thrill of the hunt and the kill.

She came to the forest not long ago. Her heart and not fit for the civilization of the larger, Man controled, Cities of Gor. She came to the Forest, not sure of her place on this World, but knowing in her heart, there was something out here for her. She learned to hunt, though the hunt was not refined. She learned to survive, barely.

One morning, she awoke to find a woman standing over her. The woman asked Sheera what she, a mere Free Woman, was doing in the Forest, that it was no place for one such as her. Sheera stood defiantly and claimed, she did not care to be a Free Woman, she wanted something more. She wanted to be in control of herself, not to have others in control of her. Sheera offered Malice food and fresh water and they sat and talked. Malice told her that she traveled about the Forest, that she was a Panther. Sheera was mesmerized. She knew the stories about Panthers, she had just never thought they existed until laid eyes on one. She asked Malice if she could join with her, watch and learn, so she could one day be found worthy for Malice to Call her Sister. They traveled the Forests, meeting many different bands of Panthers.

Malice was bonded to a Mate and Sheera will meet with her often and speak, hunt and Kill together just as in the beginning. Sheera and Malice are still Sisters to the death if necessary. Malice travels with her Killer, Sheera travels alone.

Today, Sheera can be found, traveling about, welcomed in many camps until the day comes when she will decide to lead her own band through the Nothern Forests of Gor.

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