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My Favorite Web Sites

This is my site. It's a cool RP site. Check it out.
Ya, another RP site. I know, it's I care?
This is really cool! This site helps you with ALL your troubles when it comes to HTML and stuff like that! Check it out!
This is the most hilarious site IN THE WORLD!!! It has tons of stuff like little movies that very funny!!
This is a link to another page off this has pictures...don't ask...

Hi ya'll and welcome to my angelfire home page! I know, it's boring and pretty damn dull but what can I say? I'm new at HTML and this is my first angelfire page so I'm just working on things and trying to get the hang of it all! Oh, and that first little linky thing, please go to that site and join if you are an active internet user! It's a great site(at least I think it is) and we don't have many members so we would appriciate it if you would join! Thats all folks!
