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Support through the love of Jesus

Welcome. This site is dedicated to helping people who are confused about their belief in the LDS (mormon) church. My name is Molly. I am a twenty year old woman who grew up in the Church of Latterday Saints.
I left the church when I was seventeen. I am in the process of having my name removed from the church records.
I have developed this site to give support and information to people who are questioning the church and its teachings. I offer all the information I can, and I am trying to set up a chat link to this site for a daily study group for those who would like to join in conversation. Leaving the LDS church is difficult for many. The stress that is put on us mentally and emotionally is some times unbearable. Our families are ashamed of us, the church leaders tell us we are lost, and we have a strong fear that we are doing the wrong thing. We feel guilt and pain even though we can not make ourselves believe their teachings.
I love the LDS people. I do not love the church. I am here to listen, and to help. If you choose to remain in the church I will always be here to listen. I would not leave if your believes differed from mine.
There is light in the world outside of the LDS church. Do not be afraid to visit other churchs that you may be interested in. Do not be afraid to question. The bible says to test everything. Hold onto what is good. God will show you what is good. You will find your truth. But you must decide that you want God as a friend.
I am in the process of building a resource of study guides. For people questioning the church, wanting information on how to leave the church, and people who need support in their decision to leave the church. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is accepted. We will not turn anyone away.
Until I have my links to these things, please feel free to email me at
Love to you all and God bless.

How to have your name removed from the church

Telling your family

New!!! Chat
This is the chat room I have created for us to use. I am usually only on between 11am-4pm and 10pm-1am pacific time. But feel free to use it at any time. Hope you enjoy :) See you there!

Support from real people

Why I left the church

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