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Poems about an old friend


April 4, 1990

Friendship is like a flower

So weak and yet so strong

But so few have the power

To admit that they were wrong

Even though a friendship so great

Shall have a twist of fate

If both are willing to make amends

They may start over again


Like the leaves of a tree

So green, yet so brown

I ponder if it to be a smile or a frown


But if the friendship must end

There is no need to pretend

But we should still remember

All the good times we had together




Together you and I

We have travelled down roads

Lost and forgotten

We have shared joy as only friends would know

We have passed through time

Into a land beyond

But now all we share is an empty space

A space where hatred grows

A space so huge and yet so small

I have written a song

Hoping for you to sing along

Possibly letting me sing with you

So we can laugh again

Laughing at the silly things we once laughed at

I have learnt to forgive

But in forgiving the fun things will not be forgotten

I’m hoping you still remember

If only for an instant

The way we once stuck together

But if the time has come to say goodbye

Then goodbye I must say

And leave the joyous road behind me

Pausing now and then for a glance

Remembering how it used to be.