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              Enchanted 7 Ranch









Services at Triple 7 Ranch

Lessons | Boarding | Guest Ranch | Photography | Traveling? | Arena Rentals

Our stone garden.


Sparrow, popular lesson horse.

We give English and Western riding lessons. We have our own arena for riding lessons. We give group and private lessons. We have no more than seven people in a group lesson, and no more than one person in a private lesson. We give lessons by the hour. And if you want one on one lessons, then private lessons might be for you, you even go at your own pace in private lessons. In group lessons your with other people and go at a slow pace. If you have a friend you want to be in the same class as you, that's fine, and then group lessons would be for you. If you board a horse here at our ranch, you do have the option to use your horse in your lessons. English and Western lessons, both cost the same. Each lesson student must be seven years or older. Everyone rides at their own risk, its important to follow directions. And if you are sick you must call ahead. No refunds the minute you sit on the horse.

Western Lessons: Easier than English riding, best for youngsters. Western you can wear cowboy boots and boot-cut jeans. People 10 and younger need a riding helmet. You will learn the basic of Western and bareback riding. Bareback comes when you are advanced in Western. You will have chances to go on some trails, and go around barrels.

English Lessons: You will learn how to ride in an English Saddle. When you get the "advanced" basics down, we will teach you to go over poles, and perhaps jumps when your ready. All students are required to wear a helmet. When you first start English riding you can use cowboy boots and jeans. As you start becoming more advanced, we will require than you have English pants and boots, before you move on.

Group Lessons: $30 an hour per person

Private Lessons: $35 an hour per person


 We don't have a stable, this is an ranch. All horses that get board here are kept in the pastures. If you board you can use our big arena, and use your horse in riding lessons (if you take lessons) about once a week we will all go out on an trail ride. We have a horse manager. This person is in charge of which horses go in which pasture, and when they need to be shod. The owner can do this, but our horse manager checks on the horses and monitors their habits. Each pasture has a tree or run in shed to protect the horses from the hot sun or when it rains. We provide barrels and poles, for boarders to use if the lesson riders aren't using them. We also have big ranch rodeos and play days too! Stallions cannot be boarded here.*

An boarded horse. Spirit

We have a building that has a large tack room. Boarders can have a tack box along with their own spot to keep tack and supplies. The building has an office, restrooms, feed room, wash areas, and places to relax. Our feed room is where we keep the horses feed, like hay and grain. The doors of the feed room are always locked except when we feed the horses. Boarders can keep their horse's feed in there or just pay a small fee to use the ranch's feed. We have an spot in our building with air conditioning. There you can clean your tack (we have a sink in there too) and just relax if your hot. Maybe eat a snack or have lunch in there. Outside of the building, we have tie rings that you can tie your horses lead rope to, and use a water hose to cool or wash your horse off with. We do not provide sweat scrappers.

*In the office we need papers on your horses needs and rotation of feed schedule. We also take pictures of all horses & tack that are kept here in case of emergency cases or theft situations. Hope you enjoy keeping your horse here!

 $6.00 nightly, per horse

$180 monthly per horse

Triple 7 Guest Ranch

 We have a guest ranch. We teach Western horsemanship and give trail rides, your own horse for a week, arena riding, obstacle courses, aWhisker, a guest ranch horse.nd horse care! It is a good one! We have up to sixteen people on group vacation, and family vacations. We give discounts to people who have been taking lessons or board from us. Click here for more info about the guest ranch.


 Owner of ranch does horse and people photography. I (am owner) and will not drive anywhere to take pictures, except shows. If you want me to photograph your horse and yourself you need to bring your horse to Triple 7 Ranch. That way you can get wildlife background shots, or you riding in a big arena, we got barrels, poles, and jumps too. I can even print out your pictures afterwards so that it is easier.


I work for $90 an hour. But then you can have all the pictures you want. And then you will need to buy the pictures from me, counting size. If there is a show you will be at, then you can call me and make arrangements. I am not to be bragging, but I work cheap. I will photograph how many horses you want within the how many hours you pay me. An example of my work, that's my paint lesson horse. I have around 25 horses. If you have an child that loves horses then you can get his/her picture done with some of my horses!


  Are you traveling or planning too? Do you need a place to overnight board or just an arena to stop and exercise? If so we accept one night boards of just $20 per horse. If you board you have free access to our big riding arena to exercise too. If you plan to just stop and exercise, then you may want to have an arena rent. Click here for arena rent info.

Arena Rentals

We have a big arena. We allow the public to rent it for $15 per horse. The rent lasts until the sun goes down. Other people will be riding in there also, like boarders, and other renters. This is the perfect arena for travelers to rent and exercise their precious horse. The arena is 150'x 80'

Call ahead please.

Spencer riding horse, Oakley in arena

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