(5:35:32 PM) You have just entered room "Chat 36264555010706760474."
D3D Trunks (5:35:34 PM): wtf?
Brandi3968 (5:35:41 PM)
: what the hell is tha probelem
D3D Trunks (5:35:49 PM)
: i got threatened earlier and now ur inviting me to a chat?
Brandi3968 (5:36:01 PM)
: yea so what bitch
gardschick (5:36:03 PM)
: lmao no i invited you because my sisters going2 deal with you
Brandi3968 (5:36:05 PM)
: u need to stop talkin shit
D3D Trunks (5:36:20 PM)
: im not talking shit
Brandi3968 (5:36:22 PM)
: stupid ass faggot
D3D Trunks (5:36:24 PM)
: how am i talking shit?
Brandi3968 (5:36:24 PM)
: u dont kno me
Brandi3968 (5:36:33 PM)
: sayin shit to my sister
D3D Trunks (5:36:41 PM)
: whatd i say?
Brandi3968 (5:36:55 PM)
: dont play dumb u fucker u kno what u said
gardschick (5:37:01 PM)
: what u say..u think all this shit is funnt
gardschick (5:37:03 PM)
: funny*
gardschick (5:37:05 PM)
: its not
gardschick (5:37:13 PM)
: and i dotn suck purple penis your friends and you do
gardschick (5:37:27 PM)
: actually u and your friends have a purple penis if u have one at all
D3D Trunks (5:37:29 PM)
: is that what this is about
Brandi3968 (5:37:29 PM)
: yea faggot ass pussy
gardschick (5:37:31 PM)
: nope
gardschick (5:37:39 PM)
: its about everything in general
D3D Trunks (5:37:46 PM)
: in an away message u can put %b and it shows the name of the person that messages them
gardschick (5:37:51 PM)
: duh
D3D Trunks (5:37:57 PM)
: so like
gardschick (5:37:59 PM)
: no away messege shows 2 everyone anyway
gardschick (5:38:08 PM)
: and he dont need 2 be putin away messeges about me
Brandi3968 (5:38:08 PM)
: ur a fuckin pussy ull say stuff to her but u wont say it to me
D3D Trunks (5:38:09 PM)
: he had that as a away message
gardschick (5:38:15 PM)
: so shut your fuckin mouth
Brandi3968 (5:38:17 PM)
: u cum guzzlin fudge packer
D3D Trunks (5:38:21 PM)
: lmao
D3D Trunks (5:38:23 PM)
: whatever
gardschick (5:38:24 PM)
: yeah and hes a fuckin retarded
gardschick (5:38:28 PM)
: bee yatch
Brandi3968 (5:38:32 PM)
: so dont talk shit to her
D3D Trunks (5:38:34 PM)
: whatever
Brandi3968 (5:38:36 PM)
: if u dont wanna tlak it to me
Brandi3968 (5:38:39 PM)
: do u got that
D3D Trunks (5:38:43 PM)
: yea
D3D Trunks (5:38:44 PM)
: well
Brandi3968 (5:38:44 PM)
: is it goin in ur head
D3D Trunks (5:38:46 PM)
: u wana talk?
gardschick (5:38:46 PM)
: lmao
Brandi3968 (5:38:50 PM)
: and u can tell ur friends that too
D3D Trunks (5:38:54 PM)
: well
gardschick (5:39:07 PM)
: and hunny mitch says you and phonix are jackasses
gardschick (5:39:13 PM)
: he doesnt like u lmao!!
D3D Trunks (5:39:13 PM)
: mitch already thought that heidi and him wouldnt go for a long time anyways he was getting ready to break up
D3D Trunks (5:39:14 PM)
: so
D3D Trunks (5:39:15 PM)
: fuck it
gardschick (5:39:16 PM)
: he blocked ur ass
Brandi3968 (5:39:18 PM)
: and y in the hell would i want to talk to u
gardschick (5:39:22 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:39:23 PM)
: sure!!
D3D Trunks (5:39:29 PM)
: lol
gardschick (5:39:30 PM)
: i go with thomas dude
D3D Trunks (5:39:31 PM)
: thats why
gardschick (5:39:33 PM)
: i dotn go wit mitch
D3D Trunks (5:39:44 PM)
: ok
Brandi3968 (5:39:51 PM)
: get a goddamn life and leave ppl alone
gardschick (5:39:52 PM)
: brandi havent i been wit thomas
D3D Trunks (5:39:53 PM)
: then wtf are u talking to me for?
gardschick (5:39:56 PM)
: man mitch is nothing 2 me
D3D Trunks (5:40:05 PM)
: if u dont go with mitch
D3D Trunks (5:40:06 PM)
: block me
Brandi3968 (5:40:09 PM)
: yea shes been wit thomas
D3D Trunks (5:40:10 PM)
: and go on with ur life
Brandi3968 (5:40:14 PM)
: b.c u talk alot of shit
gardschick (5:40:20 PM)
: thomas is my life...mith is a megabyte 2 me
Brandi3968 (5:40:31 PM)
: and me or my sis aint gonna deal with it
D3D Trunks (5:40:41 PM)
: do u kno how many bytes are in a megabyte?
gardschick (5:40:42 PM)
: i have a life lmao
Brandi3968 (5:40:48 PM)
: so just shut the hell up
gardschick (5:40:52 PM)
: hun i dont like mitch
gardschick (5:40:53 PM)
: never did
gardschick (5:41:02 PM)
: actually hes been talking 2 my friend
gardschick (5:41:03 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:41:06 PM)
: and
Brandi3968 (5:41:08 PM)
: we dont care how many bites their is
gardschick (5:41:17 PM)
: i never would date that ugly fat man
D3D Trunks (5:41:20 PM)
: bites and bytes are 2 seperate things
Brandi3968 (5:41:27 PM)
: who gives a shit
gardschick (5:41:29 PM)
: lmao
Brandi3968 (5:41:31 PM)
: computer faggot
D3D Trunks (5:41:37 PM)
: someone who knows wtf they talk about
gardschick (5:41:39 PM)
: yeah
gardschick (5:41:41 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:41:47 PM)
: he watches 2 much blues clues
Brandi3968 (5:41:48 PM)
: just shut tha fuck up whole ur ahead
gardschick (5:41:51 PM)
: wheres that blue dick at
gardschick (5:41:53 PM)
: lmao
Brandi3968 (5:41:54 PM)
: while**
Brandi3968 (5:42:07 PM)
: lil dickless bastard
gardschick (5:42:12 PM)
: by god i'll beat him like corn bread batter
D3D Trunks (5:42:13 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:42:18 PM)
: ahahaha
gardschick (5:42:20 PM)
: lmao
Brandi3968 (5:42:23 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:42:26 PM)
: this is so funny right now
gardschick (5:42:29 PM)
: i went one toke over the 1
gardschick (5:42:33 PM)
: lmao
Brandi3968 (5:42:38 PM)
: ur fuckin stupid dude so shut tha fuck up and dont rap it if u cant back it
D3D Trunks (5:42:40 PM)
: hahaha
gardschick (5:42:48 PM)
: yo i should add sexy ass thomas in here
gardschick (5:42:49 PM)
: lmao
D3D Trunks (5:42:49 PM)
: funny when i save this and show it to mitch
D3D Trunks (5:42:51 PM)
: lol
gardschick (5:42:57 PM)
: his comp would blow da fuck up
gardschick (5:43:00 PM)
: so?
gardschick (5:43:06 PM)
: i never liked mitch
Brandi3968 (5:43:11 PM)
: show it to his stupid ass
gardschick (5:43:12 PM)
: hes never talked 2 me
Brandi3968 (5:43:13 PM)
: do i give a shit
Brandi3968 (5:43:16 PM)
: fuck no i dont
gardschick (5:43:19 PM)
: for reak
gardschick (5:43:20 PM)
: real*
D3D Trunks (5:43:22 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:43:25 PM)
: for one
D3D Trunks (5:43:28 PM)
: this is funny
D3D Trunks (5:43:29 PM)
: for 2
Brandi3968 (5:43:30 PM)
: like im so fuckin scared
Brandi3968 (5:43:32 PM)
: not
D3D Trunks (5:43:38 PM)
: i dont give a shit about either one of u
gardschick (5:43:42 PM)
: mitch says he can kick my friends bro ass
gardschick (5:43:44 PM)
: he can
Brandi3968 (5:43:46 PM)
: good
gardschick (5:43:46 PM)
: cant*
gardschick (5:43:50 PM)
: hes never spoke 2 me
Brandi3968 (5:43:51 PM)
: then stop crackin ur fuckin jokes to her
gardschick (5:43:56 PM)
: hes been talking 2 amber
Brandi3968 (5:43:57 PM)
: they aint fuckin funny
gardschick (5:44:01 PM)
: lmao she never liked him
gardschick (5:44:03 PM)
: lmao
D3D Trunks (5:44:13 PM)
: thats nice
gardschick (5:44:16 PM)
: i dont give a shit about u
gardschick (5:44:20 PM)
: you porn freak
Brandi3968 (5:44:47 PM)
: lol
gardschick (5:44:50 PM)
: o and tell your mom 2 stop changeing lip stick color..mitch says your strap on is rainbow
Brandi3968 (5:45:01 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:45:11 PM)
: ok so in yoru ass
gardschick (5:45:14 PM)
: now what buddy
gardschick (5:45:15 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:45:20 PM)
: in yo face
D3D Trunks (5:45:27 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:45:29 PM)
: go run ppl over u madd omish freak
D3D Trunks (5:45:34 PM)
: <---doesnt care what u say
Brandi3968 (5:45:41 PM)
: its all up in yo grill bitch
gardschick (5:45:47 PM)
: i'd swirve on the road jus 2 run his ass over
Brandi3968 (5:45:47 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:45:48 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:45:49 PM)
: u kno
gardschick (5:45:52 PM)
: if he could get his ass of the chair
D3D Trunks (5:45:53 PM)
: u 2 talk alot of shit
gardschick (5:45:56 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:46:02 PM)
: we r talking what comes out your ass
gardschick (5:46:02 PM)
: lmao
D3D Trunks (5:46:10 PM)
: really funny
D3D Trunks (5:46:14 PM)
: lemme tell yea
Brandi3968 (5:46:16 PM)
: i can back my shit bitch
Brandi3968 (5:46:20 PM)
: ill kill ur fuckin ass
gardschick (5:46:26 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:46:28 PM)
: spit in his face
gardschick (5:46:29 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:46:30 PM)
: im laughing my ass off over here
D3D Trunks (5:46:34 PM)
: haha
D3D Trunks (5:46:40 PM)
: how in the fuck are u gonna kill me?
Brandi3968 (5:46:46 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:46:48 PM)
: u dont even kno where the fuck i live
Brandi3968 (5:47:13 PM)
: go get soem fuckin tweizers and a microscope and play wit ur lil millimeter peter
D3D Trunks (5:47:25 PM)
: no
D3D Trunks (5:47:26 PM)
: for one
D3D Trunks (5:47:36 PM)
: i wouldnt need a microscope to see a millimeter
D3D Trunks (5:47:41 PM)
: maybe a decameter
D3D Trunks (5:47:45 PM)
: but not a millimeter
Brandi3968 (5:47:47 PM)
: um yea
D3D Trunks (5:47:53 PM)
: and
D3D Trunks (5:48:02 PM)
: ah fuck it
gardschick (5:48:04 PM)
: he lives in georgia
gardschick (5:48:06 PM)
: lmao
D3D Trunks (5:48:07 PM)
: its not worth the time
D3D Trunks (5:48:19 PM)
: both of u fight over ur lame ass jokes
gardschick (5:48:19 PM)
: go cry 2 mommy
D3D Trunks (5:48:23 PM)
: and yes i live in georgia
Brandi3968 (5:48:32 PM)
: lol
gardschick (5:48:36 PM)
: yeah and we r coming over 2 spit in yo fuckin face
gardschick (5:48:43 PM)
: then stomp your tiny ass balls
gardschick (5:48:51 PM)
: and then watch u go in flames
gardschick (5:48:55 PM)
: gasoline!!
gardschick (5:48:57 PM)
: savage!
D3D Trunks (5:49:03 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:49:08 PM)
: tell me my address
D3D Trunks (5:49:09 PM)
: then
Brandi3968 (5:49:09 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:49:11 PM)
: comeon
D3D Trunks (5:49:14 PM)
: can u find it?
D3D Trunks (5:49:21 PM)
: or are u just a beginner hacker
D3D Trunks (5:49:25 PM)
: or do u just have trojans?
D3D Trunks (5:49:31 PM)
: comeon
D3D Trunks (5:49:35 PM)
: find out where i am
D3D Trunks (5:49:41 PM)
: i bet u fucking cant
D3D Trunks (5:49:48 PM)
: i bet u dont even kno my ip
Brandi3968 (5:49:52 PM)
: shut tha hell up
D3D Trunks (5:50:21 PM)
: whatever
gardschick (5:50:24 PM)
: i have his ip
gardschick (5:50:28 PM)
: thomas sent u virus
D3D Trunks (5:50:28 PM)
: what is it?
D3D Trunks (5:50:32 PM)
gardschick (5:50:32 PM)
: time for hacking
D3D Trunks (5:50:35 PM)
: for one
D3D Trunks (5:50:39 PM)
: to send me a virus
D3D Trunks (5:50:47 PM)
: he didnt send nothing
D3D Trunks (5:50:49 PM)
: and for one
gardschick (5:50:51 PM)
: and yes we can send u files
D3D Trunks (5:50:51 PM)
: if he did
gardschick (5:50:56 PM)
: its invisible fucker
D3D Trunks (5:51:00 PM)
: viruses would let u access my pc
Brandi3968 (5:51:01 PM)
: u lame ass fucker
gardschick (5:51:01 PM)
: its an attachment
gardschick (5:51:04 PM)
: wow your smart
D3D Trunks (5:51:05 PM)
: wouldnt
Brandi3968 (5:51:08 PM)
: no1 gives a flyin fuck
Brandi3968 (5:51:09 PM)
: so just shut the hell up
gardschick (5:51:15 PM)
: yeah for real
D3D Trunks (5:51:15 PM)
: whatever
D3D Trunks (5:51:18 PM)
: u kno my ip
D3D Trunks (5:51:20 PM)
: tell me it
gardschick (5:51:21 PM)
: hope yourcomp blows up
D3D Trunks (5:51:26 PM)
: ill tell u if ur right
gardschick (5:51:39 PM)
: no b/c if i told u it then u could hide it from others on the CA columne
gardschick (5:51:46 PM)
: stupid ass im not retarded
D3D Trunks (5:51:49 PM)
: LoL
D3D Trunks (5:51:52 PM)
: cause u dont have it
D3D Trunks (5:52:00 PM)
: and for one
Brandi3968 (5:52:05 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:52:08 PM)
: he would have to have access to my pc
D3D Trunks (5:52:11 PM)
: which he doesnt
D3D Trunks (5:52:12 PM)
: called
D3D Trunks (5:52:15 PM)
: Wireless router
D3D Trunks (5:52:25 PM)
: u kno
gardschick (5:52:26 PM)
: suuuure
D3D Trunks (5:52:29 PM)
: A Lan Network
gardschick (5:52:36 PM)
: you need 2 like get a life and learn 2 live off it
D3D Trunks (5:52:45 PM)
: Network Interfaces[#1 (D-LINK DWL-120 WIRELESS USB ADAPTER #3 - Packet Scheduler Miniport (11Mb/s) 45.35MB In, 17.02MB Out)]
D3D Trunks (5:52:49 PM)
: what now?
gardschick (5:52:52 PM)
: lmao
gardschick (5:52:56 PM)
: that dont mean shit
D3D Trunks (5:52:59 PM)
: lol
D3D Trunks (5:53:04 PM)
: means
gardschick (5:53:07 PM)
: theirs no thing that cant keep virus's from your comp
gardschick (5:53:15 PM)
: i know more about comps then u ever will
D3D Trunks (5:53:18 PM)
: he sent the virus to the other comp downstairs
gardschick (5:53:22 PM)
: u wish u had talent behind that computer
gardschick (5:53:27 PM)
: you stupid ugly fucker
Brandi3968 (5:53:30 PM)
: wells yall im outta here im talkin to too many ppl
D3D Trunks (5:53:33 PM)
: lol
(5:53:34 PM) Brandi3968
has left the room.
D3D Trunks (5:53:46 PM): haha
gardschick (5:53:48 PM)
: no he couldnt have
gardschick (5:53:50 PM)
: u wish he did
D3D Trunks (5:53:58 PM)
: no
D3D Trunks (5:54:03 PM)
: i kno better than that
D3D Trunks (5:54:05 PM)
: and for one
D3D Trunks (5:54:09 PM)
: if u did have a virus
gardschick (5:54:09 PM)
: lmao wake the fuck up and jump mitchs cock
(5:54:10 PM) gardschick
has left the room.
D3D Trunks (5:54:11 PM): and u sent to me