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Welcome to Rose Red. This site is basically just full of my work: rants, art, stories, fan fiction, anything and everything mine. Yes having a site named the same thing as you, is kinda strange, but I picked my name after the site was named. Normally I like to create my own site, but I only know html so far and I saw this on Day Dream Graphics and it was just so beautiful, I had to use it. Anyway I'd like to learn graphics so I won't be borrowing any more but for the time being I'll use this ^_^. Credit to original artist is at the bottom. I don't have a lot on here yet but I'm working on it and hope to have more in the future, if you have any comments or suggestions please e-mail me. - Rose Red -


5/24/03: Home updated, anime page created, links page createdGundam Wing fics page created, and Harry Potter fics page created; all uploaded.

5/23/03: Fushigi Yuugi writings page created and uploaded, and Alone partially rewritten and uploaded.

5/22/03: Information page created and uploaded to server. (been a while ne?)

4/12/03: Dumpbox created and uploaded onto server... boy this is slow...

4/10/03: Made writings and uploaded it onto the server.

4/9/03: Finished art page and uploaded all the pictures onto the server.

4/8/03: Main page and art page uploaded onto server. Fixed all the fickle links that decided not to work for no apparent reason.

Link Of The Week

Ah well soon as I actually have a site worth linking to others I'll get one up...

Site Copyright © Rose Red. Layout designed by Space-Kitten.