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Anyway, this is the home of Rikasa. Yes, my house sucks. But really, I'm sure you're just curious. Okay, here we go.

Rena Lanford - Now, I think that this is pretty good for a formerly uninked pencil sketch on notebook paper. ^_^ I like her shirt for some reason... but there are obvious weak points (eyebrow, dress... ¬_¬)

My Mind - I like to consider this somewhat of a masterpiece. Except for the fact that it isn't good. But I like the meaning behind it. Let me explain- it's supposed to be a look into Cloud's (FF7) mind. He sees Tifa there, the woman that loves him. But at the same time we see Aeris in his mind. So Tifa is sad because she knows that Cloud can never love her because Aeris is always in his thoughts. ...Yes, I am a Clerith, why do you ask?? But really, please look at this one.

Yuna - My most recent. It's... you know, just Yuna. She's sad. You know why she's sad. And the whole "You'll come running?" quote- you know, the promise that her and Tidus made... it's kinda like sarcasm, you know? She's a little angry about it, but she knows she still loves her man Tidus... <3333

That's it. For now. So go back to your gameFAQs life and talk to me, Rikasa!

And while you're at at... Forgotten Fayth wants to say hello! I have no clue who this person is! Surely not Rikasa, right? RIGHT, I say?? But uh... don't go there if you're anti-slash/yaoi/lemon, all right? Or if you don't know what any of those things are, I guess. Mainly just check out my favorite stories because I just uh, haven't hit my writing prime yet! That's all, seriously!

So let's see, what else. I can tell you that the page maker on angelfire is terrible. It's harder than just regular HTML, I say. You know, I'm going to make a new website one of these days. A real one, not just this little... er, you know what. Hey, you wouldn't have ever heard of a site called SODASUGAR.NET would you!? Well, that was my old domain. It just let it expire. Sad times. And if you have a domain... and you feel like you need a hostee... hint hint... but really, I have pretty good HTML knowledge, you know. Yes, I am bragging. What was I talking about? Oh well. Just know that I spend a lot of time at the FF7, KH, FFX-2, FF7:AC, and Centipede PSX boards at You should join me there. Really, you should. Even if you know nothing about games. Well, that's it I guess.

Four years later and this site is STILL GOING STRONG. Right? Right. I was going to delete this page, I was. But it's just too funny. Instead I've ruined all the links, so sorry if you wanted to read my fanfiction! Hopefully no one's going to use this shit against me. Unless they just wanted proof of what a pathetic jackass I am. Less than three.

Peace out,