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rhyud 2: heehee 24 tonight =)
sWtLiLdAz: huH?
rhyud 2: whaaa?/
rhyud 2: never heard of 24??
sWtLiLdAz: nuh uh
rhyud 2: bah
rhyud 2: i wonder why i talk to you at all!! :O
rhyud 2: hahahaha
sWtLiLdAz: hahahha
sWtLiLdAz: i dont knoe so much things like u
rhyud 2: it's a tv show
rhyud 2: a gooooood one
rhyud 2: only one i'd bother remembering to watch
sWtLiLdAz: hahah
sWtLiLdAz: icic
sWtLiLdAz: iono
sWtLiLdAz: i dont watch it
rhyud 2: =O
rhyud 2: =O
sWtLiLdAz: its.....
sWtLiLdAz: =P
sWtLiLdAz: =P
rhyud 2: no!
rhyud 2: it's a gape
rhyud 2: :O
rhyud 2: jaw dropped
rhyud 2: as far as it can go
sWtLiLdAz: no.........wait
sWtLiLdAz: its :-D
sWtLiLdAz: thats the koolest face
sWtLiLdAz: hehehe
sWtLiLdAz: soooo chessy
rhyud 2: hmph
sWtLiLdAz: but soooo kool
rhyud 2: :-!
rhyud 2: that's right daisy
rhyud 2: eat FOOT
sWtLiLdAz: hahaha
sWtLiLdAz: hey i never notice thats a foot
sWtLiLdAz: i thought he's high
rhyud 2: he is high
rhyud 2: off of foot
rhyud 2: we should play rock paper scissors
sWtLiLdAz: hahah
rhyud 2: except with aim smileys
rhyud 2: foot beats...
rhyud 2: :-X
rhyud 2: cuz tape beats a kiss:-*
rhyud 2: but the kiss so totally beats a foot in the mouth
rhyud 2: okay
rhyud 2: ready?
sWtLiLdAz: yea
rhyud 2: ok
rhyud 2: on the count of three
rhyud 2: 1
rhyud 2: 2
rhyud 2: 3
sWtLiLdAz: rock
rhyud 2: :-X
rhyud 2: hey!!
sWtLiLdAz: heyyyy
rhyud 2: cheater!!
sWtLiLdAz: hahah
sWtLiLdAz: huh?
rhyud 2: hahaha
sWtLiLdAz: count of 3
sWtLiLdAz: rite
rhyud 2: we're supposed to use aim smileys!!
rhyud 2: ok
rhyud 2: daisy's goin down
rhyud 2: 1...
rhyud 2: 2....
rhyud 2: 3!!!

sWtLiLdAz: rock
rhyud 2: :-[
sWtLiLdAz: huh?
rhyud 2: shit!
sWtLiLdAz: wait wut?
rhyud 2: youu cheat!!
sWtLiLdAz: wuts wif the faces
sWtLiLdAz: wut r u doin???
rhyud 2: haha
rhyud 2: we're supposed to play with aim smileys
rhyud 2: !!
sWtLiLdAz: i knoe
rhyud 2: i just showed you how
sWtLiLdAz: but how u play
rhyud 2: foot beats tape beats kiss beats foot
rhyud 2: :-!-> :-X-> :-*
sWtLiLdAz: ok
sWtLiLdAz: i get it
sWtLiLdAz: ok
rhyud 2: k
rhyud 2: you count
rhyud 2: cheater
sWtLiLdAz: 1
sWtLiLdAz: 2
sWtLiLdAz: 3
rhyud 2: :-!\
sWtLiLdAz: :-!
rhyud 2: ohh
sWtLiLdAz: hey
sWtLiLdAz: haha
rhyud 2: lol
rhyud 2: ok
rhyud 2: i count
rhyud 2: 1
rhyud 2: 2
rhyud 2: 3
sWtLiLdAz: :-!
rhyud 2: :-*
rhyud 2: shit!
rhyud 2: foot in mouth not fair!!
sWtLiLdAz: hehehe
sWtLiLdAz: hahaha
rhyud 2: gah
rhyud 2: i'll go do my hw in shame now
sWtLiLdAz: heheh
sWtLiLdAz: =P