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        Hello everyone! This website was a project for a 204 class, but it was kinda fun so I really got into it. For this project I didn't want to do another one of those cheesy websites that we all see. You know what I'm talking about. This time I wanted to put in a little more creative input. I wanted something that reflected my style. If you haven't noticed by now I like things to be simple. I didn't want to do another website with a tacky background matched with some oversized font. I like clean lines, but I don't like lines. Confused yet????? Kinda hard to explain. The website is really primitive, I wish I knew how to use some of those cool tools. I really enjoy going to websites that use all the cool features like flash and etc. Bored yet? Well get ready 'cause you're about to get a dose of some Richard Nam.................enjoy (^-^)

        Born and raised in Northern Virginia (Northern is capitalized for a reason) I've really come to one conclusion. Traffic sucks! Really Really sucks. Like the kind where you have to go to the bathroom but there's a line to go use it. Got it? Exactly. This one factor has led me to want to move far far away. I was thinking Fiji? Raised by my brave parents I am currently a student a James Madison University. To be exact I am a transfer student from West Virginia University. 

        During my breaks I am a traveler. I love to travel. Personally I think a individual can really appreciate how lucky we Americans have it. It's good. I hear a lot of people saying "man it'd be nice to go there..... or it'd be really cool to see that....". Take action people! You're only on this planet once. And it's not that big.

        Another one of my hobbies is snowboarding. What most people don't understand is that it's not just a sport, it's also a life-style. It's about being with friends. It's about expressing yourself. It's about having no worries. Personally when I get out of school, I definitely don't want to work for the "man". Maybe a little later in life. But I figure I'm young. I am allowed to be spontaneous. I'm gonna enjoy it for what it's worth.

        Life is great. Some people think college is the best time of your life. I don't know, maybe I'm being a little naive, but the challenge of life is very exciting. Happiness comes from within. No matter where you're at in life you should be happy. That may sound a little ignorant but it's true.

        I'm gonna leave you with a quote. Not one of those "live for the moment" over played ones. Though they may be true I personally think they're not the route to being satisfied. This one I believe is. My loving mother pounds this one into my hallow head, constantly. It works because it's the most honest thing I've ever heard...

        "where ever you are in life you have to work-hard and play-hard" - Sunsoon Nam

        The equation to satisfaction





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