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Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Creation Weddings

Reverend Corina


Frequently Asked Questions


What church are you affiliated with?

How did you get started?

Do you write the ceremony?

Where can we get married?

How far will you travel?

What do you wear when you are officiating a ceremony?

Do you charge for extra meetings or rehearsal’s?

Do we have to meet with you before booking you?

Do you include religious content in your ceremony?

Who can be a witness?

How do we get started?

How old are you in anyway??





What church are you affiliated with?

I am a non-denominational minister ordained by the Universal Life Church

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How did you get started?

I originally became ordained to perform weddings for my friends and family. Once I performed my first wedding, I knew that this was my calling in life. Officiating weddings is one of my greatest joys in life. The moment when two people hold hands, look into each other’s eyes and exchange vows is the most touching moment in a couple’s lives, and I feel grateful to be apart of that union.
I have been performing weddings since 2000 and have married hundreds of couples! Please visit my "Comments From Couples" page to see what some couples have said about my services

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Do you write the ceremony?

There are several different ways we can create your ceremony together. When you book your date with me, I will provide you with a Wedding Package. This includes several sample ceremonies, sample readings, and samples of various parts of the ceremony (opening words, ring vows, vows, question of intent, etc etc)

  • You can write the entire wedding ceremony from beginning to end using the Wedding Package, by making it up, using the web or a wedding book – there are an endless supply of resources for you to use.

  • You can write the vows and I can write the rest of the ceremony for you

  • You can choose from a list of vows/ring vows that I have in the Wedding Package

  •  I can write the entire ceremony for you from beginning to end.

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Where can we get married?

I can and will marry you anywhere in Washington State.. And I do mean ANYWHERE! You pick the spot and I will be there!

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How far will you travel?

I will travel anywhere in Washington state to perform your wedding. If your ceremony site is over 30 miles from Redmond then there will be an extra travel charge. The amount depends on the distance, whether there is a ferry fee, overnight hotel stay, etc. Since every situation is different, this is something we can discuss after you have contacted me.

What do you wear when you are officiating a ceremony?

Basically, I will wear whatever you want me to wear. If you want me to dress up in a chicken suit, I will do it! My normal attire a basic black suit.

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Do you charge for extra meetings or rehearsal’s?

I do not charge extra for planning meetings. I will meet with you as many times as you need to help you write your vows and put together your ceremony. I do charge extra for rehearsals, however the fee varies depending on the location of the wedding and the time of the rehearsal. When you e-mail me all of your ceremony information, I will give you a personalized rate quote.

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Do we have to meet with you before booking you?

In these busy times we often find ourselves with little or no moments to spare. If this is the case with you – or if you live too far away to meet with me beforehand, then we can make all of the arrangements over phone or e-mail. I do offer a reduced rate package for the couple who chooses to book me via e-mail without any face to face meetings. You can mail me the deposit to hold your date, or you can pay via paypal on my “Rates” page.

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Do you include religious content in your ceremony?

No. Not unless you specifically request me to!

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Who can be a witness?

The state requires you to have two witnesses for your marriage license. The only requirement is that they be present during the ceremony, and are over 18 years of age. I can NOT be a witness because I am officiating the ceremony. If you are short on witnesses, I can provide them for you. No, your Dog or Cat cannot be a witness.

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How do we get started?

Call or e-mail me first to find out if I am available on your wedding date. Next, we can arrange a time to meet, so you can get to know me, and decide if you would like me to perform you wedding ceremony. If you decide at the meeting that you would like me to officiate, you can fill out my contract and give me a deposit to hold your date. At this time I will give you my “Wedding Ceremony” book. You may also choose to go home and think about it (perfectly acceptable, I want to make sure that you are comfortable with me!) and then mail me a check or pay the deposit through paypal, at which time I can snail mail or e-mail the Wedding Ceremony book.

How old are you anyway??

People wonder this. Some people ask, some people just wonder. I was born in 1972. You do the math!

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Have more questions? Please call me at (425)351-5991 or e-mail me!

