Welcome to
Royal Elysian Battlfields Of Relinquished Nostalgia

    August 1st, 2003

  • Reborn is born

  • December 12, 2003

  • Reborn is now active.

  • December 16, 2003

  • We have a new High Priest! Heog EverWalker!

  • We have a new Slaver Coordinator! Seth Hence!

  • The Royal Knight and BG HC positions have now been merged. Any Royal Knight's are now also BG's, and any BG's are now Royal Knights. The name shall remain at Royal Knights, any anyone who wishes to transfer out because of the merge is free to do so.

  • WARNING! Due to some confusion, I am stating it here and now, any time you see "sign your name here" on an application...that mean's your CHAR'S name..not YOURS. Failure to do so will result in an automatic rejection of the application.

  • All applications minor error's and or mistakes that were brought to my attention are now fixed.

  • January 7, 2004

  • The law charter has been updated and modified, all laws are immediatly put into effect, it's your responsibility to know them- and expect more updates and modifications coming soon.

  • January 14, 2004

  • Some site modifications have been made.

  • Due to lately occuring issues, please note that ANY incomplete applications...will be rejected without a question. Any applications that have been answered without seriousness...will also be rejected. If you have any questions or problems...consult either Reborn FIames or RebornSincerity...and due to other lately concearns, please note while this forum is owned by one man IC...OOC this is a co-lead forum. Her word is as good as mine, and this forum will either be kept alive by the both of us...or it will die by both our hands, there will never just be one running this forum. Thank you.

  • January 26, 2004

  • Sarah Delaney-Decalion(RebornSincerity) has been put on LoA for personal (mun) reasons, a forum wide letter has been sent explaining the situation- if you did not receive one, please consult any other forum members as I'm sure most have gotten it. Our thoughts and our prayers are with her until her return.

  • January 27, 2004

  • ALL applications are now fixed, they are being redirected to me until either we get a permanent coord for that position, we get another temp coord, or the secretary comes off LOA. Feel free to submit for any regs you need now.

  • January 30, 2004

  • We now (more officially) have a new mage coord! Jessica Moonglade(Girwantsbiscuts)

  • We now (more officially) have a new Bounty Hunter coord! Shanama(Lalo7390)

  • February 6, 2004

  • Just a reminder( that was supposed to be put up last month actually...) there is only ONE, count it- ONE valid official Reborn Room...that is the Decalion Manor, anything other then that is NOT recognized by the forum as it's own- and any use of the forum/family name with a room is without our knowledge and/or permission and is again NOT recognized by the forum.

  • December 22, 2004

  • Miss me kids? After a long hybernation, we've had many updates within the past few days geared towards the more official grand opening. We've had a name change, and revolution is in the air!

  • There are no longer traditional Rhydin rules. The dice system, and the XP chart have changed as well as our HP system...but no need to start screaming bloody murder- in all fairness to our dedicated and loyal contributors...any old KoLD and/or Reborn logs you have..may be reused under the new Xp system and counted towards your new dice.

  • This includes any pay checks you HC members may have floating around as well. You guys also have me there, we never did *Officially* close down...so technically, you're right...I do owe paychecks to the HC for the past...century. If any HC member wishes to remain as HC and adapt...I'll also compensate for the past months.

  • Attention those of you who were in with the Mage rave towards our last moments, same applies to you...though it may be tedious to sift through it and work with the new system...I apologize, but it's the best we can do. All mage logs are redeemable towards the new system, though you obviously have to recalculate your Xps. Also to you crafy spell crafters, you now have MP. Yes! MP!!! The life force of all that is magely!!! Seriously, check the mage charter for updates. You'll also be able to use your magic in regular MSes, spars and what not...no more need for "strict mage sparring" magic is applicable against the typical brawn beat 'em up warriors. Singe a few barbarian hairs for me guys.

  • December 29, 2004

  • Merry Christmas to all! So it's a tad late...but holidays tend to mess with scedules and such, right? Kicking off the new year we'll try to finish adapting the system further...but as for now...we have but one change. A Chancellor has been apointed. Martyn Z. Crimson.This means the only word that can override his, is mine.

  • An update from your newly appointed Chancellor: Hello all! I figured it was my good duty to slip in here and say a few words. First, the reconstruction is still under full effect, and we are revising many of our charters. Second, that is no reason not to get out and do something. If you can, recruit. If you have some spare time and want to help out myself or Emperor Decalion, by all means ask. Long live REBoRN!

  • December 30, 2004

  • Alright, for all of you that have been itching to get regs...we now have a working AA charter. Redone, and adapted to the new system with some tweaks. You may now run out and grab your AA reg if you don't have it already. Also, MA's are also set up. Feel free to drop suggestions or comments if you have any concearning the new charters. And expect more updates soon.

  • December 31, 2004

  • More updates. The Bounty Hunter's charter has been turned over to the dark side...I mean, the new system. So if you want your reg for that as well, green light to go. Also going up soon, will be a full listing of all registered spells. Why you ask? I'm glad you asked. One, so you people know your own spells. You lose it, there it is right up there on the page. Two, it's much easier for us to keep track of it this way. Three, sometimes people have trouble thinking of new spells...well there's some examples. Although...I wouldn't...reccomend all of them as examples -.-;;. I swear some of you people are out to mock my charters. Anyway, next conquest after that will be an enhancer listing as well. Same reasoning. Then more charter conversion will ensue. Expect it all soon.

  • January 2, 2005

  • We have a new Theft Coordinator! Zidane Eleaner Cain! (Side note- happy new year.)

  • January 5, 2005

  • Much updates. We now have the registered spell page, and enhancers regged page up. We've also got some new stuff in the works in the laboratory...and we've got our first scheduled classes coming up! First one is this Sunday at 8 PM. Attendance can reap rewards, you'll walk away with knowledge(knowing what you're doing. ) and be wiser(100 XPs for attendance). So feel free to check the Classes page for more information.

  • January 8, 2005

  • Slavers page and poisoners are redone, and in working order. In light of these new events, a page for the slave market has also been added. Another class has been scheduled for next Friday. Also, welcome to the new freelancers.

  • January 16th, 2005

  • From the Chancellor - Hello again. It was about time for me to add something pertinent. We now have a completely new High Council Position, the Civilian Coordinator. Also, a new section, entitled Civilians. I hope this will encourage activity in the long run, as it doesn't require any combat. Speaking of combat, we also have a new Slaver Coordinator, Muzzle. Everyone give him a solid Reborn welcome. Yet another spot of news, the Priest Charter has been completely revised, so now they're more useful than ever! You'll be wanting a healer reg now.

  • November 21st, 2006

  • From the Chancellor - Good evening everyone lucky enough to be visiting REBoRN. This is your Chancellor, Martyn Crimson, officially announcing that REBoRN has once more been reborn! The Emperor and I will be recruiting as often as possible; help us put REBoRN back on the map one last time! Long Live REBoRN!

Emperor Alexander Decalion, Reborn, 2003