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"We can see the future, in tantilizing glimpses that vanish as quickly as they appear. A premanition. Not what the future is, but that it is. Waiting for us. A reasurring thought. This site's a burden for some. A duty. The clear view of something happening in this country, that could never happen in this country. Of forces we belive could not gather here. We sense the chaos. We Worry. We Wait. Who's gonna see a different future?"
(Frank Black, "The Exegesis")

"....I've seen the future....Where the battle between good and evil that has raged for millennia is faught to conclsion. And the stuggle for our hearts and minds is decided for all time.
We survive, maybe, but only by discarding the question that confuses us....
"What do I want?", & asking what the world, what the UNIVERSE wants and needs. Asking what does life itself expect of me."

"Which side wins, daddy?"

"That's what I'm saying. It's up to us."

"We are all shepherds."

"Yes, honey. Yes we are."

(from "Goodbye To All That")

(To hear this moving messege from "Goodbye To All That", thanks to Graham P. Smith of MDUK & TIWWA, please click below.)

"We are all shepherds."