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This Is Who We Are



enterline MEDIA

MillenniuM on DVD... The Time Is NOW!
To pre-order MillenniuM on DVD at Please CLICK HERE!

The X Files Season 9 on DVD..... The Truth Is HERE!





"Agent Fox Mulder lost contiousness at approximatly 4:30 this morning the 12th of March. There is nothing more I can do for him. Or for myself. Supplies are exausted. No food or liquid consumed for over 24 hours. The outer hull most probably flooded, though, for now, the inner hull is supporting the ship's mass. Among Halverson's belongings I found a children's book of Norse legends. From what I can tell, the pictures show the end of the world. Not in a sudden firestorm of damnation as the bible teaches us, but in a slow, covering blanket of snow. First, the moon and the stars will be lost in a dense, white fog...Then, the rivers and the lakes and the sea will freeze over. And, finaly, a Wolf named Scall will open his jaws and eat the sun, sending the world into an everlasting night. I think I hear the Wolf at the door."


"We work in the dark. We do what we can to battle the evil that would otherwise destroy us. But if a man's caracter is his fate, this fight is not a choice but a calling. Yet, sometimes the weight of this burden causes us to falter, breaching the fragile fortress of our mind, & we are left alone, staring into the abyss. Into the laughing face of maddness."


"You'll wanna know why it happened, & I can't say. But, I do know when. It was that moment when I turned my back on everything......and felt peace~"


"We work in the dark...

We do what we can...

We give what we have.

Our doubt is our passion...

Our passion is our task.

And the rest is the maddness of art....."

"In November, 1992, I was in a car wreck that all but ended my life. I had little to look forward to, other than months of physical theropy and the realization that my life was forever changed. But, then there came "The X Files". At first, I had seen the previews, and thought..."Another cheezy attempt at a Sci-Fi show." Don't get me wrong, I love Sci-Fi, but I'm very descriminating about what I watch. ("picky" is a more accurate term) But, when the show came out, I was entranced! Finaly! A Sci-Fi show with some back bone! For 9 wonderful years, I went on Scully & Mulders quest with them. I learned, I grew spiritualy, & I had my creative juces re-awakened. At last, I felt validated in the beliefs I had held for so long. I can now proudly tell others of the UFO I saw as a child, or the "spirits" that I've encountered in my life. The X Files opened a whole new world to me, at a time when I needed something to get excited about again, & I will be forever gratefull."
(Raven Wolf)

No-one owns God...OR "The Truth" (Frank Black)

"MillenniuM came to me at a very critical time in my life. My best friend had just died. I was feeling very lost and alone. But then, one night, as I was watching The X Files on FX, I saw that it was coming on after it. Laury, my friend, had been a huge fan of Millennium, and told me how it had changed her life. She had made me promise to watch it, and I promised I would. I wasn't realy in a good frame of mind, but I wanted to keep my promise. I tuned in. It was an episode called "A Single Blade Of Grass." I was quickly hooked, and, as she had promised it would, it has changed my life as well. I, too have a "gift", that I hadn't recognized before. It felt more like a curse. I can see into the "heart of darkness" as well, only to a lesser degree. My gift is very underdeveloped, since I've spent so many years denying who I am. But now, with Laury's help, and the help and support of my new friends at THIS IS WHO WE ARE (see link-above..."TIWWA") I hope to make use of my abilities be a force for good in this world."