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INTRO... A crow, sitting atop an ominous granit structure at the top of a hill in the middle of an open field, watches as a group of a dozen or so cars stream up the dirt road, leading to where he perched, stirring up a cloud of dirt in their wake. Disturbed by the sudden intrusion, he flew off as the group of late 80's model cars parked in a haphazard fashion near the towering, out-of-place looking granit monument. The monument that had drawn this group was composed of 4 tall rectangular granit slabs, which reached toward the sky, supporting a smaller granit slab on top, where the Crow had perched a few minutes earlier. Now, people began to spill out of their cars. Most of the group was made up of men between the ages of 20 & 40, though there were a few women, a teenage couple, and one middle-aged man who drove a red Jeep. One man strode ahead of the others. He was about 30 years old,and easily towered over most of the others at more than 6 feet in height, with an impresive head of medium-brown hair that reached halfway down his back, and was by far the sharpest-dressed member of the bunch, with a long-sleeved black shirt and black slacks, in utter defiance of the blazing summer heat. He carried an air of authority about him that commanded respect. He walked to the center of the monument, standing on the smoothe granit base that the 4 towering granit stones seemed to rise out of, as if God Himself had commanded them to. The flat top of the structure shaded him from the relentles summer heat. He stood there, watching as the rest of the group gathered around, with pearcing ice-blue eyes, shaded by dark sunglasses. He had an air of royalty about him, like he owned everyone and everything around him. His attitude seemed to pay off, since, despite his choice of clothing, he was the only member of the entourage who seemed oblivious to the scorching Georgia heat.
The rest of the group gathered like deciples around the outside of the stone circle, and silence blanketed the top of the hill, as they anticipated what their leader had to say to them.
Finaly, a crisp, cultered voice broke the silence. "The Time Is Near", he said, his voice commnding such authority that one almost expected a crack of thunder. "We have all seen the signs. You need only watch the nightly news to see that the signs are there." There was a flurry of nods across the group, in agreement. "These stones, The Georgia Guidestones, as they are called, were errected by people who saw the signs as well, but they failed to realize that man cannot just sit idly by...Man must take an active hand and shape the future, not just hope for a happy ending." There were rumbles of agreement at this as well. He continued. "Today, we welcome the newest members of our group, Brad Green and Carrie Whitmire", he said while gesturing at the teenage couple, then turned and indicated the tall, middle-aged man near the back of the group, with deep, soulful blue eyes, offset by dark hair, mixed with a little gray, and a chizzeled face lined with the wizdom of years of experiance. "And we offer a warm welcome to Mr. Frank Black."

"Why don't you just go home?" Carrie asked herself for the hundredth time, while riding in the back of a brown, ragged-looking old Ford Tempo. Her boyfriend, Brad, sat with her, excitedly chatting with Carl and Wade. Carl was barely watching the road at all as he drove, and was instead looking at the rear-view mirror, talking to Brads reflection. "He's gonna wrap us around a telephone pole one day," Carrie thought to herself, as she gazed out the grungy, dust-covered window at a heard of black-and-white cattle, grazing in a deep green pasture, surrounded by a white fence. She thought how lucky those cows were. Yes, they were trapped in a place the would never escape from, but they were totaly unaware of this fact. They were happy. "Happy," she thought. "What does that feel like?" It had been so long since she had felt anything other than numbness, interupted sparaticly buy crippling fear, that she started to wonder if there had ever been a time when she had felt anything else.
"Why don't you go home?" she asked herself again, then glanced at Brad, his eyes wide with enthusiam, and remembered why.
Carrie and Brad had been inseperable as kids, and started dating as teenagers. There had never been any question in her mind that they were ment to be together. So, when he had told her about the group, and asked her to come with him to a meeting, she had never questioned it. But NOW, now she questioned a lot of things. The young man next to her, who had been her best friend for most of her life, now seemed like a stranger to her. Her eyes wandered over him. Over the the faded t-shirt and jeans that seemed to hang off his tall, lanky frame. Then to his excited face, and his close-cropped, military-style hair. That was when she should have known something was wrong, she thought. After she and Brad had attended a few meetings, before they had left their homes and families to live at the compound with the rest of the group, suddenly, Brad began sporting his new hair style. That had puzzeled her at the time. She knew how proud he was of his shoulder-length, sandy-blonde hair. "Hippy-hair", her father had always called it. "Hey, Carrie! That boy with the hippy-hair is here!", her father would always shout. Dad was always such a big tease. Carrie closed her eyes tightly, fighting off tears. She missed her parents so badly, and wondered what they were doing. Wondered if they missed her as badly as she missed them. "Why don't you just go home?" The question kept pecking at her mind, as nagging and relentless as the sound of the dripping faucet in the bathroom next to their room at the compound. She had thought about it endlessly during the last few weeks. The first week at the compund had been exciting. All the new people, the inspirational speaches, the feeling of community. That feeling had faded, however, when she had told Brad that she wanted to call her parents and tell them she was all right. His reply was "We don't have parents anymore. This is our family!" When she started to protest, he had slapped her. This was not the same funny guy she had grown up with. It was as if something had taken some hold over him. And, by taking him over, they had seeled her fate as well. WHY diddn't she just go home? Because she loved him.

"The Compound", as it was called, was actualy an old granite quarry, which had gone out of business about 20 years earlier. The place had a mysterious quality about it. There was a row of run-down buildings that the group made their home in, overlooking an expanse of granite which towered rather omenously, like the walls of a fortress. The caravan of vehicles roard up, shattering the silence.
Frank got out of his Jeep and started taking in the layout of the ariea, studying the buildings and the sheer granite wall. His gaze wandered over to the group of four people, getting out of an old Ford Tempo, and fixed on Carrie, who met his eyes for a moment, then looked quickly away, as she follwed Brad towards the row of buildings. Nicholas, the groups leader, called out "Frank! Can I give you a hand with your luggage?" "Thanks. I think I've got it", Frank replied, matter-of-factly. He had traveled lite, only carrying a black leather back pack, which he pulled out of the back of the jeep and swung over his shoulder.
"Ah! A man after my own heart!" He remarked. "Never have more luggage than you can carry on your back."
"Yeah...I try to travel lite. Better for a quick getaway," Frank replyed, drawing a smile from the other man, who gave him a good-natured slap on the back, laughing.
"Let me show you to your room. You got lucky. There's a room that you can have all to yourself if you like, but it's in a remote part of the building."
"That's fine," Frank replyed. "I'd just keep everyone awake with my snoring anyway."
He followed the tall young man down a series of halls, to a room off to the left, containing a cot, a desk, and not much else.
"Welcome home!" Nicholas said. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you. I will," Frank replyed, and walked into the room, looking around and placing his back pack on the cott, then closing the door. He looked around the room carefully then examined the bed, and then began opening the desk drawers one by one, running his hands back into each drawer. In the bottom left hand drawer, his fingers touched something. He picked it up and brushed the dust off. It was a wedding ring. From the size, it appeard to be a womans. An image flashed through his mind. He saw a woman putting the ring in a safe, hidden place. He blinked and another image came to him, this time of the woman screaming, hands raised in a defensive posture. He put the ring in an inside pocket of his back pack, and walked to the window, looking out towards the tall expanse of granite. In his minds eye, he saw another high expanse of granite. The Guidestones. Then flashing images of the woman, surrounded by men, being injected with something, then crumpling to the ground, her hands on her stomach.
Several hours later, Frank walked into the room now used as a kind of mess hall. There was a stack of paper plates and several buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken and a cooler of Cokes. As he approached the line at the table of food, a young man with a shaved head and a beard greeted him. "We may live on the edge, but we still live pretty well." Frank forced a smile and nodded. He took his serving of fried chicken and a Coke and turned to find a table. His eyes landed on Carrie, the young teenage girl, with her boyfriend. Their eyes met and Frank saw...hopelessness, emptieness and pain. The image of the other woman screaming and crumpling to the ground, hands on her stomach, came once more into his mind. Carrie turned and walked away.

Meanwhile, in an appartment in Washington, D.C., Franks daughter Jorden sat reading. Frank had entrusted Monica Reyas with looking after Jorden while he was away. He had contacted the X Files office, in hopes of contacting agent Scully, since she was the only person he felt he could trust, after he and Jorden had been in seclusion for several years in Canada. He was suprised to find that The X Files devision had been closed and Scully and Mulder gone, with Monica and John Doggett left behind, attempting to get the X Files re-opened. Eventualy, Monica convenced Frank to let her watch Jorden while he was in Georgia. At this time, Monica was at the computer while Jorden sat reading. Suddenly, Jorden put the book down in her lap and began starring off into space. After a minute or two, Monica glanced in her direction and noticed the strange expression on the girls face.
"What's wrong, Jorden?" she asked gently. The girl did not respond.
"Jorden, what's the matter?" she asked again, more insistantly.
This got her attention and seemed to "break the spell."
"When is dad coming back?" she asked.
"I don't know," Monca replyed. "I'm sure it won't be too long."
She noticed that the vacant stare had returned to Jorden's face, and got up from the computer, crossing the room to where she sat on the couch.
"Jorden?" she said softly, as she knelt down at the girls feet. "Jorden, what do you see?" The girls vacant stare turned to Monica, and she simply replyed, "He's in danger." "Your father?" Monica asked. "How do you know?" "He just is," Jorden said insistantly. "And you have to help him."
Something in the girls tone made Monica's blood run cold, and she got up and went to the phone.

Frank's red Jeep stood out in sharp contrast to the gray, drizzeling summer morning and the gray circle of stones as he drove up to them.
"If you don't like the weather in Georgia, stick around a while. It'll change," one of the men from the compound had said the day before, seeing Frank's discomfort in the relentless heat.
"Not a truer word's been spoken," Frank said to himself as he turned off the windshield wipers, and watched the raindropps bead up on the glass. He got out of the Jeep and walked to the stones. He stood at the center, eyes closed, and again, the horrific images of the restrained woman, crying out and clutching her stomach, returned to his mind. But, now, he saw something more. A slight buldge at her waist. "She was pregnant," he thought and opened his eyes. He turned to the stones and began hearing....
"Be not a caner upon the Earth.
Leave room for Nature.
Leave room for Nature."

Suddenly, the images became crystal clear in his mind. The struggeling young mother-to-be, held by two men, while a third injected something into her arm, as Nicholas looked on, reciting "Be not a cancer upon the Earth. Leave room for Nature. Leave room for Nature." over and over and over. The men dragged the limp woman away from the stones.
Frank stood and walked to the edge of the concrete slab, to where he'd seen the woman dragged in his vision. He ran his fingers along the edge, between the concrete and the grass. Finaly, he felt something metal, and picked up a part of a broken needle. At that moment, a shadow starteled him and he looked up. It was Nicholas, standing over him.
"How considerate of you, Mr. Black," he said with his usual autoritative tone. "To come out here and clean up the trash left by others. Left to be a "cancer on the Earth"."
Frank stood, composing a lie in his head. "Yeah. Must have been left here by a bunch of kids, shootin' up drugs or something like that," he said.
"Or something like that," Nicholas echoed, his tone untrusting. He held out his hand to Frank. "Let me dispose of that. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Realizing that the rain would have washed off any residue of the drug that was used, or any trace of the womans blood, and not wanting to arouse suspisisions, he relenquished the broken needle
"Thank you, Mr. Black. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. At the compund. 3 p.m. sharp." Frank took the hint and nodded, then walked back to his Jeep and left.
"Yes sir, may I help you?" a man asked pleasantly over the phone.
"Yeah, I've been on hold for about.....forever!" John Doggetts graty, Northern accent was quite a contrast to the laid-back welcome he'd just received. "Are YOU the person I can talk to about the Guidestones? I can't seem to get a straight answer outta anybody!"
"Well, sir, what would you like to know?" returned the infuriatingly pleasant Southern accent.
"For starters, I'd like to get some accurate directions. I've got a state map, and a county map, which say two entirely different things, and some directions from a woman in your office that don't make a BIT of sense!"
John began writing down the directions dictated to him over the phone, nodding and interjecting the occasionaly "Uh-huh." When he was done, the man from the Elbert county musium added,
"That place has sure gotton popular here lately."
"How so?" Doggett asked.
"Well, just last week, a gentleman who'd traveled all the way from Washington state came in, asking for directions, and just this morning, there was a couple."
"A couple?" John asked.
"Yes. A tall man, with dark hair. And a woman, I guess it was his wife, with short red hair. I think the came origionaly from Washington DC, he said." The man paused, relizing the phone had suddely gotton quiet. "Sir?" he said, confused. "Sir? Are you still there? Sir?"
Frank sat in his room, holding the woman's ring, turning it around and around in between his fingers. Why was this yong mother here? Where was her husband? He clutched the ring tightly in his hand, and looked around the room. Then, an image of the woman came into his mind...In another bed room. With another man. Arguing, fighting. The man took her head in his hands and cracked his head against her forhead, nearly knocking her uncontious. Suddenly, it became clear to him why she had come here. She was afraid. Afraid for her life, and for the life of her unborn child. She had saught refuge here, with these supposedly "Christian" people. Here, where her baby was viewed as a "cancer" upon the Earth.
Now, he understood why he had seen this young woman's fate when he met Carrie's sad eyes.
He decided to go for a walk and do some snooping. He tucked the ring in his pocket, turned the light off in his room and left, closing the door behind him. Fortunatly, it seemed most everyone had left the campground to drive into Elberton for supplies. There was an eerie silence around the crumbling old buildings, which mirrored the crumbling old buildings, which mirrored the crumbeling appearance of the jagged stone bank. He walked toward the first building, which served as Nicholas office. Glancing around the barron, dirt yard, he determined it was safe to enter.
Once inside, he quickly closed the door and moved over to the desk. The top drawer contained a bible, and stacks of papers. He gave them a cursery glance, and saw that they contained lines from the guidestones, and some lines from the bible, with his OWN interpretation written under each line. Frank shook his head, thinking of how much blood had been spilled over the last 2000 years, because of peoples INTERPRETATION of sacred texts, which, in an of themselves, held only the best and most peacefull intentions. He put everything back and opened the bottom drawer, which appeared to contain receipts. Upon closer observation, he realized this was a record of the purchase of the so-called "abortion pill" from overseas, as well as a scientific analisis of what was contained in the drug, and receipts from on-line pharmaceutical companies, where they had been purchasing the raw matierials to make their own version of the abortion drug, in a form that could be injected, or easily used to contaminate food or other medicines. Then, he read the name on the receipets. Dr. Nicholas Stone.
"So THIS is how he plans to reduce the population!" Frank muttered with disgust.
He looked up when he realized he heard footsteps approaching the office, then, quickly closed the drawer and backed away, as the door knob began to turn.

Frank stood, calmly, trying desperatly to compose a story that would explain his presence in Nicholas' office. Retaining his composure with the confidence of a card player trying to bluff his way into making everyone believe he has a full house, he resigned himself and fixed his gaze upon the now opening door. His poker face was replaced with a look of mystified releaf as John Doggett leaned in the door and said urgently....
"Grab whatever you came for and come with me now. They're comming."
Putting aside the thousands of questions as to how John had found him, Frank quickly followed him out the door and across the compund to where John had hidden his car, behind a group of trees.
"My daughter," were the first words Frank spoke to John as he opened the car door.
"Jorden's fine," John replyed. "Just get in and I'll explain everything."
Frank got into the passengers side of the red GMC Jimmy, and closed the door behind him, turning expectantly to Doggett.
"What happened? How did you find me? Why are you here?"
"Monica called me. Said your little girl was insisting you were in some kind of danger." At that moment, they heard the roar of a car crunching over gravel, and peaked out to see Nicholas' car drive up to the very building Frank was just in.
"He was supposed to be gone for hours." Frank turned t John. "How did you know?"
"I diddn't know," John replyed. "I just guessed. And, knowing what I now know, that's one guy you don't wanna be caught spying on."
"What do you mean? What did you find out?"
"For one thing.....That that guy makes Saddam Hussein look like a prom queen." John reached into the back seat and grabbed a folder, opening it and pulling out a stack of papers. "He calls himself Nicholas Stone, right?" Frank nodded. "Dr. Nicholas Stone is an identity he created. There is no evidence he ever practiced medicine, or even went to medical school. He's a computer whiz who created this whole identity to be able to buy drugs. His real name is Nicholas Grey."
Frank nodded. "Yes. I found the receipts in his desk. I believe he is planning to wipe out as much of the next generation as he can, by tainting other medications with a hybrodized version of what is commonly reffered to as the "abortion pill". He's already tested its effectiveness on a woman here. A mother-to-be." Frank took a breath. "There's a young lady here now. I believe she's pregnant."
"If she is," John's tone was suddenly softened, "she's as good as dead, unless we do something right now."

Several hours later, John Doggett had slipped away, after telling Frank what motel he was staying in. The other members had trickled back from town, with fresh supplies of food and other essentials. After dinner, Carrie slipped away and went back to the room she shared with another woman. A 40ish year old woman named Susan. She sat on the end of the bed for a minute, staring at the floor. Her skin had gone gray and her eyes blank. Suddenly, she got up and ran to the bathroom. A moment later, Susan knocked on the bathroom door.
"Carrie? Are you o.k., hun?"
There was no reply. Susan opened the door and found Carrie, hunched over the toilet, vomiting.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed as she went to the young womans side. "Hon, it's o.k. I'll get you cleaned up and in bed." She got a washcloth and soaked it in cold water, wiping the shaking girls face. She then helped her to her feet and over to her cot, kneeling down beside her as she lay on her side, still trembling, her face as white as a ghost.
"Got 'em bad this month, have ya'?" Susan asked.
Finaly, Carrie spoke. "No. It's not the cramps."
"Somethin' ya' had for dinner then?" she guessed.
"No, I don't think so," Carrie replyed softly. "In fact, speaking of periods, I haven't had one in almost two months."
She turned and met her roomates eyes. "I'm not quite sure how to say this...."
"Just spit it out, hun," Susan urged.
"I think....." Carrie looked away, her eyes tearing up, then she looked back at Susan. "I'm pregnant."
The concerned woman, who'd been leaning on the girls bed, rocked back and sat on the floor. "Hon, whe've gotta get you outta here," she said firmly.
Carrie wiped away her tears and replyed, "Why, Susan? What's wrong?"
"There was a woman here before you and your boyfriend. She was my room-mate, too. Her name was Helen."
"Why do you keep saying "was"? What happened to her?" Carries tone was becomming increasingly tense.
"She was pregnant, too, and she managed to keep it a secret for a while, but then Nicholas found out."
Carrie sat half-way up and turned toward her friend. "Susan, you're scaring me. Tell me what happened."
"One of the rules Nicholas has gotton from the Guidestones is that we must balance the population in accordance with nature. Helens baby was not part of the equation." She paused and swallowed hard. "One night, she just dissapeared. All her things vanashed from our room and no one would tell me where she went. I'm convinced that he did something to her."
Carrie's pallor grew as she whispered, "Oh, God." Her eyes were wide with horror and disbelief.
"We've gotta get you outta here," Susan repeated as she stood and went around the room, gathering Carrie's cloths and the few belongings she was permitted to have. Carrie started to get up as the door to the room began to open. The two woman froze as they saw Nicholas enter the room.

"Good evening, ladies," Nicholas' cool. smothe, authoritative voice made their blood run cold. He strode into the room and picked up the small suitcase into which Susan had thrust a few of Carrie's belongings.
"What's this? Is someone taking a trip?" He studied the expressions on the two women. "Is there something one of you wants to tell me?"
The two women looked at each other, Carrie trying to wipe away her tears and to regain her composure.
"Are you not feeling well tonight, Carrie?"
"I'm fine, sir," she replyed.
Nicholas put the suitcasedown and walked over to the small chest of drawers where Susan had been pulling clothes out of the drawers and said, "I saw you leave dinner abruptly. And your friend follow you. There must be something that's troubling you.....enough to start planning to leave us!"
While he was talking, he was casualy going through the now open, partialy emptied drawers. Then, he glanced over to the women's trash can, and removed a small box, that had contained a home pregnancey test. "Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?" He turned to Carrie and fixed his gaze upon her.
"Just leave her alone!" Susan finaly mustered up the courage to stand up for the teenager. "She's just a kid!"
"I wasn't aware you were her mother." Nicholas' tone began to turn venomous. "Speaking of motherhood," he said as he approaced Carrie, then took her face in his hands. "It is a great responsibility. To hold a life in your hands." He tilted her face up, so that her terrifed eyes met his. "And not only one life, but the life of the entire planet. This is not a decision to be treated lightly. After all, you hold the fate of the entire world in your hands."
"Get your hands off her!" Susan grabbed Nicholas' arm and tried to pull him away from her. Nicholas backhanded her, knocking her to the floor, without taking his eyes off Carrie, as if swatting away a fly. He then grasped Carrie's arm firmly, and lead the sobbing girl out into the hall. As they rounded the corner, they were confronted by Frank, who, upon seeing the girl's expression, asked, "Can I speak with you a moment, sir?" Carrie used the distraction to her advantage, pulling away from Nicholas and running away. He pushed past Frank as if he wasn't even there, and ran in pursuit. Frank followed them, as they ran out into the night.
Blind with fear, Carrie ran as fast as she could, the cool night air rusing into her lungs. She ran past the cars, realizing she diddn't have the keys to Brad's car. She ran on towards the small group of trees at the base of the jagged granit hill. Emerging from the other side of the group of trees, she looked up at the imposing granit wall, and began to climb. Desperatly clutching the stone, as she pulled her way up, her fingers beginning to bleed and her eyes begging to sting as the swet flowed down her face into them. Suddenly, she felt a hand grab her ankle and begin to pull her down. She screamed and tried desperatly to hold on, as the blood from her hands stained the pale gray stone.

"No, please!" Carrie screamed.
"Hey! Hold it right there!" Frank's strong voice broke the dark night and Nicholas turned to face him. Frank stood, aiming his gun at Nicholas, knowing his cover was blown, but also realizing that he could not sacrifice this young mother-to-be in order to gather any more evidence.
Nicholas, with nothing left to loose, pulled out a long, dagger-like knife, and held it to Carrie's throat. " did you plan to betray me? Sabatage my plans? Or just a bullet in the back? Or, like a true traitor and coward, were you responsible for the F.B.I. agents that have been lurking around? The Yankie, and that couple...."
"A couple?" Frank thought to himself, then turned his attention back to Nicholas. "It's over Doctor. I know all about your plans. The F.B.I. is already on the way. So, just don't make things any worse for yourself than they already are. Let her go."
"She and her baby must be sacrificed, so that the New World Order can begin!"
"Murdering babies isn't going to bring peace on Earth! That's not what R.C. Christian had in mind when he had those stones erected! You can't fix the overpopulation problem buy wiping out and entire generation! Change....true change, starts inside each one of us! Choosing to make better choices." Frank took a breath. "You can make the right choice---right now. Just let her go."
"Or...." Nicholas' cold voice rang out in the night. "I can choose to walk out of here, right now. If you value this little polluter so much, then back off!!!" He pressed the knife against Carrie's throat, and a tiny stream of blood trickled down her neck.
Reluctantly, Frank lowerd his gun and took two steps back. Nicholas edged around Frank, still holding the knife to Carrie's throat, and dissapeared into the night.
A minute later, a car cranked and the headlights blinded Frank as Nicholas drove away...Carrie in the car beside him. Frank ran to his Jeep and took off after them, knowing that there was only one place Nicholas would take her. The Guidestones.

"Why are you doing this?" Carrie cried as Nicholas grabbed her bound-together wrists and dragged her out of the car and up the hill to the imposing Guidestones, which seemed to glow like a beacon in the dark, as the light from the full mood illuminated them on this warm summer night.
"You will be doing a service to the future of this planet by the sacrifice of your child."
"You diddn't just kill that other woman's baby....You killed HER! I don't wanna die!" She begged as she tried to pull away from him.
"The other woman was an unfortunate event. She was farther along in her pregnancy, and the drug caused massive internal hemmeraging. This is not the case with you. You will survive to serve the New World Order."
They walked to the center of the stones and Nicholas lit a group of candles, then forced Carrie to her knees. He pulled out a serenge and streched out Carrie's right arm, as she screamed and tried to pull away. Then, he turned as headlights spotlighted them. Frank then jumed out of his Jeep, gun drawn and yelled at him.
"Hey!" Frank's voice struck like the rumble of thunder in the night. "I'm only gonna say this once. I don't wanna shoot you, and I won't if you let her go now. This doesn't have to end badly."
"Do you think killing me will stop what must happen? You can't stop it!"
Carrie used Nicholas' distraction to her advantage and pulled away from him, running toward Frank. Nicholas ran after her and Frank acted quickly, swinging the barrel of his gun around sidewaze and striking him in the side of the head. "RUN!" he yelled at Carrie. Nicholas regained his senses and, turned his attention to Frank. He grabbed Franks right arm and pushed it skyward. A shot rang out in the night. Carrie, who had still been running, glanced back in the direction of the sound and then screamed when two strong hands grabbed her. But, then, she heard a soothing voice, trying to calm her.
"No-one's going to hurt you. We're here to help." There was a woman with the man who'd grabbed her who was speaking, and she now took the sobbing, traumatized young girl into her arms as the man moved off into the darkness.
Frank and Nicholas continued to struggle in the shadows cast by the Guidestones in the moonlight. The two men fell, knocking the gun from Frank's hand. "The righteous will always prevail over evil! Do you think, by saving one little rat, you've changed anything? Even now, my most trusted followers are leaving the compound to begin the purification process. And, this is only the beginning! There are more of us than you will ever know. Together, we will reshape this planet!" Nicholas took the serenge, ment for Carrie, and held it at Frank's temple. "I'm only sorry that you won't be around to witness our glorious victory!"

At that moment, a crack like a lightning strike shattered the darkness. Nicholas' limp body fell to the ground, beside Frank, who scambled to his feet, trying to see who had fired the shot that saved his life.
"Agent Mulder?" Frank's voice betrayed his utter astonishment at this turn of events.
"Long time, no-see, eh Frank?" Mulder's caracteristic light-hearted black humor greeted Frank. "You know what they say.... What comes around goes around, and so on.... and so forth..."
"How did you know?" Frank asked, walking toward Mulder and seeing Scully walking towards them, a still sobbing Carrie in tow. She moved over to Nicholas' body.
"We had heard about a doomsday cult in North Georgia... There were rumors about it floating around on the internet," Scully answered.
"Yeah, and you know us. We can't resist a hopeless scenario," Mulder added.
Frank had to smile at Mulder's dark sense of humor. However, the moment passed as he remembered Nicholas' warning. "We have to get back. Nicholas' followers....."
Mulder interupted. "It's over, Frank. Doggett's already called in the state troupers and the F.B.I."
"He's who told us you were here," Scully added. "He saw you drive off after Dr. Stone."
"Yeah, he was as suprised to see us as you were," Mulder said as he went to where Nicholas' body lay and squatted beside him. "After all these years.... I'm still amazed when I look at a man like this. We're supposed to be so advanced.... So above all this. And, yet, there are still otherwise intelligent people that are capable of such evil.... All to fit there own warped perspective."
"I know," Frank said softly, putting his hands in his pockets and turning to look at the circle of stones. "Makes me wonder where we're headed."
Scully stood up from where she'd been examining Nicholas' body. "Yes, but at the same time, there's a growing number of enlightened, evolved people. People like you, Frank. Nature has a way of balancing things out.... Or, if you want to look at it another way, perhaps there's some greater plan..."
Scully trailed off, and Frank continued where she'd left off. "Some Divine balance of power"? He glanced at her, then back at the stones. "Maybe," he said softly. In the distance there was the whine of sirens, approaching the grizzly scene. Several police cars and and ambulence, called in by Scully, wound there way up the winding, uphill road towards them. Blue lights flashed against the gray stones, as a glow at the horizon from the rising sun signaled the end of this miserable night.


(I made this!)

Copyright ~Erin McRaven (Raven Wolf) 2003
