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Age: 19

Title: Wherhandler

Appearance: She is short and extremely thin with a skin tone akin to that of "death warmed over". Her hair is light brown, long, thin, and straight. Her eyes are hazel colored.

Personality: Aloof and elegant in manner, Tiria gives every appearance of a proper lady. Strangely, though, her humor can be rather cynical and oft times crude. She was never fond of the outdoors and spent most of her time hold bound and reading. She has an almost annoying sense of self-importance.

History: She is the daughter of a minor holder and has grown up with little sense of the outside world. She was introduced a liberal sort of thought very young and has been raised in a fairly lenient environment, doing mostly whatever she liked as long as she obeyed a few standard hold rules.

At 18, she was chosen to go to the Southern Wherhold to represent Cape Hold and become a wherhandler. Upon bonding to a gold wher (Tirsk), she was "asked" to relocate to Galen Weyr to start breeding whers there. She first spent seven months raising and training Tirsk at the Wherhold. After basic training, she and Tirsk were "educated" separately from the other whers. Tiria was constantly miffed that Tirsk was treated as useless except for breeding by the Whermaster. One of the green wherhandlers helped Tiria to teach Tirsk all the skills that she was missing out on.

Tiria is currently stationed at Galen Weyr and is attempting to finish and expand the Wher dens.

Pets: Firelizards blue Rath and white Dei.

Wher name: Tirsk

Wher color: Gold (Queen)

Wher age: 7 months