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Age: 32

Title: Senior Rider

Appearance: 5’ 9” with dark blonde hair (basically brunette with highlights) that reaches down to the small of her back. Her eyes are deep blue and when the lighting is right will appear grey. Her skin is slightly tanned.

Personality: The Eternally Cheerful One, she is friendly and will talk to most anyone. If she isn’t talking to you then she’s either sick, or the conversation is really annoying her. Despite her outgoing exterior she does not actually ever reveal her deeper core and keeps her secrets and true feelings to her self. At times she may seem shallow but she truly is deeper and wiser than that. Overly showy people annoy her as well as boring conversations that run on forever

History: Her history is somewhat dull in the fact that nothing really interesting happened to her. She was the daughter of a small holder in Moon Lake Hold. There she studied with the resident Harper and indulged herself in her books. There was rumor of a marriage arrangement but those whispers were slashed once she was searched. She impressed scarlet Aderuth of brown Beth at Moon Lake Weyr. Aderuth rose and was flown by black Diliranth of A'egir. Transfered to Galen Weyr.

Pets: Firelizards gold Kinshou-ichi, silver Tei, and blue Blith.

Dragon name: Aderuth

Dragon color: Scarlet

Dragon age: 14