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Age: 29

Title: Senior Rider

Appearance: 5’ 5”. Her hair is so blonde it appears almost silver and it reaches down to her upper thigh. Sometimes it is braided but mostly it flows freely about her figure. Her eyes are a combination of sky and icy blue crystal. She has fair skin to match her hair and voice like silver too.

Personality: She is very quiet and does not talk too much. There is an air of elegance and wisdom about her not usually present in one so relatively young. It would be a great accomplishment indeed to reach her core and find the thoughts that lie there. Loud, sudden noises tend to upset her and annoy her greatly. She has an amazing mental capacity and has an extremely strong mind.

History: Gweneth impressed gold-silver Arviath of Kavinath at MoonLake Weyr ten turns ago. She spent a fair amount of time serving as Queen's Advisor there. When Arviath came of age, she rose and was caught by brown Tevorth of T'vicz. Arviath clutched four eggs. *noticeable gap where I was not active at MoonLake* Due to conflict with Srinia, Gweneth took Arviath and followed Jenni to Galen where she decided to make herself useful as a healer.

Pets: Firelizards bronze Brannon and scarlet Brennil.

Dragon name: Arviath

Dragon color: Gold (Queen)/Silver mutant

Dragon age: 12