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Age: 17

Appearance: She is a very tall girl, awkwardly so, even, at almost six feet in height. She has her father's green eyes and her mother's strawberry blonde hair. Her facial features a small and soft. While she is not any sort of epic work of beauty, there is something indirectly pretty and endearing about her looks.

Personality: Alondra is, for the majority of the time, shy and reserved. Leave her in the right company, however, and she will become an extremely silly and boisterous character. She's a toughie, too, if you get on her bad side, and she is not at all adverse to dealing out a little pain to those who rub her fur the wrong way.

History: Alondra is an only child in the fact that her mother died giving birth to her. After the death of his wife, Alondra's father went into a depression and eventually killed himself before his baby daughter turned four months old. All of this happened before Alondra was cognizant, however, so she was not emotionally affected by the loss of her parents. She was raised as a member of her uncle's family and experienced a fairly normal childhood.

Pets: Firelizards blue Awk and green Ter.

Dragon name: Patrith

Dragon color: green

Dragon age: 6 months