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Buyers Guide: How to Buy A Personal Computer
Links to the pages on this site include the following.
  1. Natalie Badillo's contribution to the site
  2. Euan Morgan's wonderful PowerPoint Webpage
  3. Briggitte Maillot's Fantastic page of special goodness.
  4. Jaime Deweese and the not forgotten but still listed last webpage

    While browsing our site, there are certain goals we would like you to achieve. It's easy to be conned by smooth talking computer salesmen while you are at a computer store with little knowledge of what you want. Our group's mission is to make sure you know the basics of what you want before you go into the computer store to buy one.

Some of the topics of which our group will touch on during our presentation are:

And now for the continuation of my list:
  1. What your software/hardware needs are, including how to look for that hardware/software
  2. How to use your computer once you have it
  3. Differences between the different types of computers on the market today!

**~This page was created by Alyx Stanczak~**