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“Nuclear Diffusion”

Irradiated comment sooths the sky, blistering moon cries. Acid rain burns the eyes, but the blizzards are terrified. Raising sun in the east, falling beast, given God of our feast. Wind blows from the west, given to our test to survive all our homicides. Crystal stars blink in the night, we sleep and everything will be all right. Weighted by our own feet, drowning in the deep. The world in defeat. Attacked by mistreats. Blessed by creed, given eyes to see. I gave up trying, my angels has been crying. My Lord has sent for me. I will never bow to bleed. I will rest until the day has past, and when the irradiate comment sooths the sky at last. I will let the world know with my own eyes; soon everything will be terrified from the blast.