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Disclaimer: I don’t claim any of the Charmed characters. The only characters I claim are those characters that I have created.



 She’s Having My Babies


Paige is now a little over seven and a half months pregnant. Piper and Phoebe had given Paige a baby shower a couple of days ago.



                Paige and Sean were walking out of The Garden Restaurant. Sean reaches out and intertwined his fingers with Paige’s. “Did you enjoy your dinner” Sean asked as they continued to make their way to their SUV?  Paige smiled “yes very much.”


                Paige stop and Sean turned to face her. “Why haven’t you been sleeping” Paige asked Sean?


                “Why do you thing I haven’t been sleeping?”


                Paige let go of Sean’s hand “don’t answer me by asking me a question. Just tell me why you haven’t been sleeping?” Sean started walking towards their SUV. “Sean, Sean! Don’t walk away from me!”


                “I’m not walking away from you. I just don’t feel we need to discuss this out in the open.” Sean stopped and waited for Paige to catch up with him. When she came up along him, Sean grabbed her and faced her and then he took her other hand. “I love you so much.  Do you know that?”


                “I love you, too but I’m worried about you.  I know why I’m not getting any sleep.  I just want to know why you’re not.” Paige took Sean’s face in her hands and kissed him gently on the lips.  Sean smiled.


                “Let’s go home and I’ll talk to you about it there, ok.”


                “All Right” said Paige.


                Sean and Paige started to head for their SUV when they heard a woman scream. Sean took off in a dead run towards the scream.  When he arrived where the scream came from a man was standing over a woman and beating her with a baseball bat. The man raised the bat again and Sean grabbed it. “I think you’ve done enough, mate.”


                The jerked that bat out of Sean’s hand and swung it at Sean.  Sean stuck up his arm to block the bat.  The bat whacked his forearm and grimaced in pain. Sean took his other arm and shoved the man into a car.


                Paige walks up to see the scene.  A woman lay on the ground covered in blood and her husband was fighting with a man with a baseball bat.  It didn’t take much for Paige to figure out what was going on.  She walks over and leaning on a car was able to ease herself down next to the woman.  Paige checks to see if she had a pulse.  The woman had a pulse but it was very faint. Paige pulled out her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. Paige explained to the 911 dispatcher what was going on and that she needs an ambulance and the police ASAP.



                Sean was able to get the bat away from the man. When Sean grabbed him he saw flashes of what the man had done to other woman.  A wave of anger over took Sean.  He grabbed the man’s head and slammed it into the roof of a near by car. Sean pulled the man’s head back and blood was running out of his nose. Sean slammed the man’s head against the car again and Sean heard a crunching noise.  Sean again pulled the man’s head back off the car. He was about to shove his face through the side window but something stops him.  Sean let go of him and he just crumbled to the ground.


                Paige was holding the woman’s hand as she watched her husband brutally smash the man’s head into a car.  She saw such rage in his eyes. It was like he was someone she didn’t know.  Paige thought that Sean might kill him but he just stop and lets him fall to the ground. The rage that was in his eyes was replaced with regret. Paige could hear the police sirens in the distance coming closer she was hoping they would get her before the woman dies or Sean kills the man.  Paige was happy to see Sean stop his attack on the man who now lied unconscious on the ground.


                Sean knelt down on the other side of the woman and checks her pulse. “Did you call 911” he asked?


                “Yea they’re on their way” replied Paige as tears was coming down her cheek. “I though you was going to kill that man.”


                Sean let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “I thought I was going to kill him, too. I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry if I scared you. I scared myself.”


                “Where’s that damn ambulance” said Paige? She averted her eyes away from Sean’s.


                Sean knew that he scared his wife.  He would try to explain but he would have to do it later because a squad car just pulled into the parking lot and He stood up to wave the officer over in their direction.


                The police officer got out of his car and look at the scene.  “What happen” the officer asked Sean?


                “We, my wife and I, were walking back to our SUV and we heard a woman scream. So I ran over here to find that man” Sean pointed to the man lying unconscious on the ground. “Beating this woman with a baseball bat, then he took a swing at me and hit me in the forearm” explained Sean.


                The officer shines his flashlight on Sean’s arm. “Sir your arm looks like it could be broke.”


                “No I’m fine, really.”


                “I think you should get it look at” replied the officer as he walk over to the man that lay on the ground. “I take it that this is your handy work.” Sean just nodded at the officer.


                The officer bent down to check the pulse of the man. “His pulse is strong. I think you just knock him out.”  The ambulance was pulling into the parking lot and the officer used his flashlight to signal their position.  The officer walks over to the woman on the ground and checks her pulse. It was very faint.


                Paige had gotten up and was leaning against the car.  She was having severe back pains.  She was taking short breaths to try to work through the pains.  One of paramedics went to the woman while the other one went to the man.  The first paramedic, whom was kneeling next to the woman, called for another ambulance to come to the scene.


                The second paramedic, who went to the guy, asked the police officer what happen and the officer gave a short run down. The paramedic turns the man to his back when he got a glance of his face. “Do you know who this is” the paramedic asked the officer?


                “No. I didn’t get a good look at his face. I was more concern for the woman” said the officer shining his flashlight at the man.  He let out a quick whistle when he saw who it was. “That’s Cal Greene, the baseball player.”



                The officer shook his head. “The man has everything and he beats a woman with a bat.  Now the only thing he’ll be hitting will be a cup against the bars of his cell.” The second paramedic smiled and nodded in agreement. “I never liked him as a baseball player. I always thought he was a arrogant S.O.B.” informed the second paramedic.


                The officer walks over to Sean who was standing there as the first paramedic works on the woman. “The guy you stopped and knock out is Cal Greene” informed the officer. Sean looked sideways at the officer.  Sean did not reply to the information that the officer just shared with him. He personal didn’t care who he was; all he knew was that the woman was not the first he‘d abused. “You know the baseball player. He plays for the San Francisco Giants” stated the officer.


                “And I’m supposed to be impressed by this. So no wonder he knows how to swing a bat” Sean said sarcastically.


                Sean looks over to Paige but she was grabbing the side of a car and was grabbing her back. “Excuse” Sean said to the officer as he walk to his wife.  “Paige what’s wrong?”


                “I don’t know I’m in a lot of pain” answered Paige.


                “Here Paige come and sit down on the bumper” Sean said helping Paige to sit down on the bumper.


                The officer walks up to Sean and Paige. “Ma’am, are you all right?”


                “No” Paige said clenching her teeth and making quick breath.


                “When are you due” inquired the officer?


                “She’s only seven and half months pregnant with triplets” informed Sean.


                The second ambulance pulled up behind the first ambulance and the paramedics jump out. The officer called for one of the paramedics to come over to look at Paige.


                “No I’m fine they need to help them” said Paige pointing at the man and woman lying on the ground.


                The paramedic ignored her and took her wrist to check her pulse.  “Ma’am I think your in labor.”


                “I can’t be. I still have two months or so.  Dr. Bennett told us he doesn’t think the lungs are developed enough.” Paige panted through the words.


                “I can call for another ambulance or your husband can take you to the hospital” said the third paramedic.


                Sean looked at the officer and the officer nodded. “What hospital, are you taking them to” Sean inquired from the third paramedic?


                “We’re taking them to San Francisco Memorial. It’s the closes to the scene.” said the third paramedic.


                “Sir I didn’t get your name” said the officer.


                “I’m Sean O’Hara and my wife‘s name is Paige Matthews.  We live at 1327 Prescott. Can we please leave now” asked Sean politely?


                “Yes and I will send an inspector over to the hospital to get your statement” said the officer as he wrote the information down.  Sean helps Paige over to their SUV.



                TWENTY MINUTES LATER, Sean and Paige were taken to maternity ward. Sean had made a call to Piper and Phoebe about five minutes after arriving at the hospital.  When they got in the room, the nurse strapped a fetus heart monitor to Paige’s belly and then did an ultrasound. The nurse started an IV.


                “Are you still having any back pain” asked the nurse?


                “Yes” answered Paige.


                “Dr. Bennett is in the hospital and has been notified that you are here and he will be in to see you in a little while” informed the nurse as she left and closed the door behind her.


                Sean pulled a chair up along the side of the bed.  Paige didn’t even look at him. “Is there anything I can get you, honey” inquired Sean?


                “No I’m all right” Paige replied without even looking at him.  Sean leans back in the chair and they sat in complete silence.  Sean knew that Paige was upset with him for what he did to that man and he knew that he came real close in killing a man tonight. The only thing he didn’t know was how to explain it to his wife.  It’s funny only an hour ago he was worried about telling her why he wasn’t sleeping; now it felt irrelevant. His wife saw a side of him that he never wanted her to see, the side that only came out once after his family was murdered by the source. Sean was thinking about when the rage over toke him and he went to the underworld to take out the demons that killed his entire family.


                Piper and Phoebe flying into the room interrupted Sean thoughts and the silence. They looked from Paige to Sean.  Sean was starting to show signs of bruising around his face.


                “Sean what happen to you” asked Piper?


                “I got in a fight” retorted Sean.


                “Sean, my sisters are here. You better go have your arm looked at” Paige said tensely.  Sean held her stare for a few seconds then he nodded and looked away.  “I’ll be back as soon as I can” replied Sean.


                Sean looked at Piper and Phoebe. “Bret should be here in a little while.” A confused look crossed Piper and Phoebe’s faces.  Sean saw the confusion and adds, “Dr Bennett.”  “Oh” Piper and Phoebe said together.  “If anything happens can you come find me please” Sean asked and Piper and Phoebe nodded.  Sean did not lean over to give Paige a kiss before he left, which Piper and Phoebe knew was something he always did and he also told her he love you and he did either these things.  The only thing he did before he left was to glance back at Paige.


                Piper waited for the door to completely close before she turns back to her baby sister.  “What really happen?” Phoebe and Piper joined Paige on her bed.


                Paige had another pain shoot through her back.  She clenches her teeth together. Phoebe grabbed Paige’s hand. “Are you in labor?” Paige just nodded her head.  “Sean didn’t say you were in labor.”


                “You’re only at 30 weeks” replied Piper.


                Paige’s pain was starting to ease up. “I know Piper that’s why I’m in the hospital.”


                “Hey you don’t have to be snippy” retorted Piper. “I know you and Sean are in some kind of argument but don’t take it at on us.”


                “We are not arguing. In fact we’re not say hardly anything at all” exasperated Paige.

                “Sweetie, what’s going on? Maybe we can help” Phoebe said holding her hand.


                “I’m sorry after what happen at the restaurant and now I’m in labor. I’m really scared that I’m going to loose the babies and it will be entirely my fault.” Tears started to stream down Paige’s face. Phoebe wipe them away as Piper reach over and pulled a few tissues out of the box sitting next to the bed. Piper handed the tissues to Paige “Thank You, Piper.” Piper smiled sheepishly at her little sister “Missy Paige you are not going to loose these babies.  We won’t let that happen.” Phoebe nodded her and gave Paige a smile of reinsurance.


                “Paige can you please tell us what happen to Sean and what cause you to go into labor” Phoebe asked lovingly.


                Paige wipes away her tears and Piper lean forward and dip down to get eye contact and Phoebe squeezed her hand for reinsurance. “Well...umm...Sean and I were leaving the restaurant and were heading for our SUV then we heard a woman scream.  Sean took off towards the scream. Well when I got there. A woman lied on the ground covered in blood and Sean was fighting with a man who was swinging a baseball bat at him. I manage to get down and check to see if the woman had a pulse. She did but it was very faint so I call 911.” Paige looked down at her hands as she pulled apart the tissues.


                “What was Sean doing while you were checking out the woman” inquired Piper?


                Paige looked up into Piper’s eyes. “He was fight with the man with the bat.  I never have seen...” Paige’s voice faded away.


                “You’ve never seen what” asked Piper?


                “Such rage in Sean’s eyes. I thought he was going to kill that man.”


                “Oh, sweetie” Phoebe said pulling Paige into a hug. “He probable was angry by what he’d seen. I mean to walk up on something like that; a man beating a woman with a baseball bat.”


                “Phoebe he was slamming the man’s head into a car. I don’t know what made him stop but I’m glad he did. He told me he scared himself.”


                “It sounds like he regrets loosing his temper” added Piper.


                “I know but I never figured that he was capable of such rage.”  Paige looks over at the monitor as it shows the babies heartbeats.


                “Did you happen to get the name of the woman or the man” inquired Phoebe?


                “Umm...I think the officer said that the man’s name was Cal Greene the baseball player” replied Paige. A gasp escaped Phoebe’s lips and a look of shock washed over Piper’s face. Piper and Phoebe shared a knowing look and Paige made notice of it.


                “What? Do you know this guy” question Paige?


                “Not exactly” said Piper.


                Phoebe let go of Paige’s hand and got up. “I’m going to go and check on Sean.”


                “Phoebe, are you ok” asked Paige?


                “ don’t know the woman’s name?”


                “No I don’t think I heard it” answered Paige. “Why?”


                “Piper I’m going to go and find Sean, okay” said Phoebe as glance at Piper then heads for the door.


                “Pheebs are you sure you’re okay?” Phoebe nodded and left the room without another word to either of her sisters.


                Paige looked at Piper with questions in her eyes. “Are you going tell me what that was all about?” Piper nodded as an answer to her request.



                Phoebe walks out of the room. She puts her hand up to her chest in shock of what Paige just told her. She looks up the hallway and sees Sean standing looking into the nursery. Phoebe heads for him and comes up besides him. “I though you was going to get your arm check out.” Sean still looks at the babies through the glass. “She hates me.”


                “Who hates you” asked Phoebe?


                “Paige” Sean simply said.


                “She does not. She was just a little surprised at your action that’s all. She’ll be okay, just give her sometime.” Phoebe said cupping his arm, his good arm.  Sean looks down at where Phoebe cupped her arm through his. “Why are you here and not with Paige?”


                “Because there’s something I need to talk to you about” Phoebe said turning around and seeing some chairs. “But let’s sit down first.”


                “What’s it about” inquired Sean? “If it’s about how angry I got.  I really don’t what to talk about it.”


                “It’s about Cal Greene and it has more to do with me then you but I think it may help you. Can we please sit down?” Phoebe walks over to the seats in the small empty lounge. Sean let her lead him to the small lounge.


                There was silence as they both sit there. Sean sits with his elbows on his knees and intertwined his fingers together.  Phoebe sits there staring at her brother-in-law.  She wasn’t sure how to start to explain her connection with Cal Greene or her lack of.  She also wishes that she knew the woman’s name that Cal Greene attacked. Phoebe took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she tries to get her mind around what she was going to tell Sean. Phoebe decides to start from the beginning and tells him the truth or what the truth would have been if her sisters and she didn’t learn a very available lesson.


                “Well...You see it was about five years ago. It had been a little over a year after we receive our powers.  There was a man who was letting his dog use our yard as a toilet.  So I suggested that we teach this guy a lesson and I convinced Prue and Piper to use their powers to do it. Umm...I decided to watch some TV and I ran across a sports report while I was channel surfing. It was about how Cal Greene tied or broke a record. I really don’t remember but that’s not what’s important.  What’s important was that during the report I had a premonition that showed me being executed!”


                “For what and what does it have to do with Cal Greene” asked Sean? He kept his eye focus on his hands.


                “I’m getting to that” said Phoebe.


                “I’m sorry” said Sean. “By all means continue your pointless story.”



                Phoebe frowned at Sean but ignored his comment. “My sisters and I went up into the attic and we cast a spell that sent us into the future.  We ended up ten years into the future and with no knowledge of what had happen in those ten years.”  Phoebe releases her breath that she didn’t realize she was holding. Her sister nor herself every discuss this part of going into the future, Piper’s daughter, Prue’s quitting her job because of her having no life, but not this and not since that day.  “We were a little confused needless to say.  I was in a jail cell and was told by Nathaniel Pratt that I kill someone. The coincidence with him was that he was the man that was letting his dog use our yard as a toilet.   He figured out that I was a witch because he seen me in the window when Prue and Piper was teaching Pratt a lesson but that‘s not important.  So I obvious didn’t believe him and not because of the whole dog thing but because we didn’t know it was Pratt until we got back from the future. It was because I didn’t believe I could kill someone then Leo came to me the future Leo the one from that reality. He told me that what Pratt said was true that Cal Greene killed someone I cared about very much. He brutalized her and Leo told me that I was pretty angry when Cal Greene got off on a technicality.   Leo then handed me a newspaper clipping and when I held it I saw myself killing Cal Greene and to make a long story short.  My sisters came to rescue me but I wouldn’t let them. I felt the flames and the next thing we all knew; we were back to the very moment that we used our powers to punish the guilty instead of protecting the innocent.”


                “So this concerns me how” said Sean?  He was staring at the floor tiles like they were more interesting then the story that Phoebe just shared with him.  Phoebe smacks him in the arm and Sean finally makes eye contact with her. Which he had avoided doing since she walked up to him a half-hour ago. “If you shut up and listen to me! I’ll enlighten you.”


                “All Right, I’m all ears” said Sean mockingly!


                Phoebe signed and narrowed her eyes at him. “The future for me changed at that moment and the future really changed when Prue died and Wyatt was born but obviously Cal Greene’s future change too” explained Phoebe. “You where there to stop him from killing that woman and doing so more; then likely saved my friend, too. Cal Greene will not get off because of a technicality. Charges will probable be added for the attack on you tonight as well.” Phoebe grabbed his good hand. “Sean you did a great thing tonight.”



                “I’m glad someone things so” Sean said wryly.


                “Oh! I see this is a Sean O’Hara pity party. All we need now is some violins” retorted Phoebe.  “So forgive me I thought it was your wife in premature labor.”  He raises one of his eyebrows and Phoebe holds his stare. “You’re right I’m sorry.”  Phoebe knew Sean was feeling guilty for showing a side of him that he never waited Paige to see and she also knew that he didn’t like slamming a man’s head against a car, even though he’s a woman beater but there was something else.


                “Sean what else is bothering you” asked Phoebe?


                “That woman was not the first woman he’s attacked. When I touch him I had seen every woman he has assaulted since he was seventeen and raped his date” stated Sean as tears starts to collect in his eyes.


                “Oh my, so you’re telling me that he’s a predator” asked Phoebe? Sean nodded. There was short time of silence and it was broke by Sean. “Does Paige know any of this? I mean about you and Cal Greene. What you did to him in the alternate future?”


                “Piper is going to tell her. I think we should go get your arm looked at” Phoebe said changing the subject. She no longer wanted to discuss anymore. Phoebe jumps up and takes Sean’s good hand and pulls him to his feet.



                Paige was taking quick breaths. Piper was rubbing Paige’s back with one hand as she held Paige’s hand with the other. “That’s it Paige, just breathe! Where’s that damn doctor of yours.”


                Paige let out a slow breath. “I’m all right. Let’s get back to Phoebe, so your telling me that Phoebe killed this Cal Greene in this other reality and was burn at the stake.”


                “Yes, so you see everyone can lose his or her temper around this guy. Don’t hold it against him okay Paige.”


                “I’m not holding it against him. I was surprised. That’s all.  Do you think you can go check on him” asked Paige?


                “No I’m not leaving you alone” replied Piper.


                The door open and Dr. Bret Bennett walks inside. “Hey you, I thought I told you to take it easy.”


                “I had every attention but something caused me a little bit of stress” retorted Paige.


                “So you have to stress everyone else out by going into labor” Dr. Bennett said smiling.


                “Yea why should I be the only one under high amounts of stress” retorted Paige.


                Dr. Bennett squeezes Paige‘s hand and grinned. “I’m going to give you some medicine called Magnesium Sulfate. I’m hoping that it stops your contractions.  I thought maybe getting you off your feet and putting an IV in would stop them.” Dr. Bennett said as he looks at the print out from the monitor.


                “Will it hurt the babies” inquired Piper?


                “And you are” asked Dr. Bennett?


                “Oh this is my sister, Piper. Piper this is Dr. Bennett” said Paige.


                “It’s nice to meet you” said Dr. Bennett shaking Piper’s hand. “And no it shouldn’t hurt the babies but there might be some side effects for Paige and the babies.”


                “Such as” queried Piper?


                “Well some side effects you may have: feel extreme warmth, perspiration, flushing, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, lightheadedness” Dr. Bennett was interrupted as the door opens and Phoebe comes in; followed closely by Sean wearing a cast on his left arm.


                “What happen to you” Dr. Bennett asked Sean?


                “Let’s just say that baseball bats are tougher then human bones” answered Sean. “So how’s my wife and the babies?”


                “Well I was telling your wife and her sister the side effects of the medication.  I’m going to give her to stop the contractions.”


                “Then by all means don’t let me stop you” said Sean smiling.  Sean looks at Paige and she smiles back at him. The tightness that was crushing his heart releases at that very moment. Sean smiles back and gives her a little wink.


                “Paige you may also feel lethargic. You may have nasal stuffiness and you may have some constipation.  Some women had also complained of having slower reflexes, slow breathing and some even complained of chest pains” informed Dr. Bennett.


                “And to the babies” asked Paige?


                “The babies could have an increase in heart rate and that is why we are going to keep you twenty-four to thirty-six hours for observation” said Dr. Bennett.


                “If this doesn’t stop the contractions” asked Sean with concern.


                “There’s other medication but lets worry about one thing at a time. I also going to give you two shots of a steroid called Betamethasone.”


                “What’s that for” inquired Phoebe? Dr. Bennett looks over at her.


                “Dr. Bennett this is my other sister Phoebe” informed Paige. Dr. Bennett nods and smiles at Phoebe.


                “The steroid is to help the babies’ lungs to develop faster” explained Dr. Bennett.


                “Why do we need the babies’ lungs to develop faster? I thought the medicine you‘re giving her will stop the contractions” Sean asked with a hint of worry in his voice?


                Dr. Bennett looks around the room at all the concern faces. He didn’t want to upset Paige anymore then what she already is. Dr. Bennett grabs a stool hidden behind the monitor. He rolls it up next to the bed and sits down and a serious look replaces the smile. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “Paige the medication I’m giving you should stop your contractions but I’m afraid it’s just temporary.  I would like the lungs to be developed, just in case you go into labor again and we have to deliver the babies earlier then I would like.  It would help the babies to have a higher survival rate.  I’m not saying this to make you worry in fact, I think the medication will help and we will be able to deliver three health little girls but I want it to be a few weeks from now and I have no reason why it won’t. I’m just taken an offensive stance.   So right now I’ll have the nurse give you Magnesium Sulfate in your IV and the Betamethasone will have to be giving in two shots” clarified Dr. Bennett as he patted Paige on the arm and he gets up.


                “Thanks Bret” said Sean shaking his hand.


                “If you have any of the side effects please tell the nurse and if you need me just call me okay.” Paige nodded, “Thanks.”


                “I’ll see you tomorrow and you get some rest. No Magic” said Dr. Bennett as he walks out of the room and closed the door.


                Sean walks over and sits on the stool and takes Paige’s hand and brings it to his lips. Sean places a gently kiss on the back of her hand and Paige’s smiles at him.


                “Phoebe and I are going to go and fine us something to drink” Piper said looking a Phoebe.


                “We are” asked Phoebe surprised?


                “Yes we are” retorted Piper as she grabs Phoebe’s hand and pulls her out of the room.



                Sean continues to hold Paige’s hand as Piper pulls Phoebe out of the room. Paige smiles at him “No one every said Piper was subtle.” Sean laughs for the first time since the parking lot. “Paige I’m sorry if I upset you.  It’s my fault that you’re here.”


                Paige grabs his hand and puts it on her belly. “It’s not your fault. If it were anyone’s fault for this, I would have to blame Cal Greene and seeing that woman lying on the ground and him attacking you ...”


                “And me attacking him” Sean said interrupting her.


                “No...Well yes but I was worried about loosing you because if you would have killed him. I could have lost you forever.  I never had seen you so enraged before.”


                “And I promise you that you never will again” Sean said reassuringly.  Sean gets up and kisses Paige gently on the lips. The door opens and Sean slowly breaks their kiss and another contraction hits Paige.  “Oh another contraction” Paige said squeezing Sean’s hand.


                Sean looks back to see the nurse walking up. The nurse stops and looks at the paper coming out of the monitor. She pulls a syringe out of her smock pocket. She closes the IV and sticks the syringe into the line then she slowly injects the medicine into it and slowly opens the line. “There that should stop the contractions. Are you feeling alright?”


                “Yes” answered Paige.


                “You’re not feeling extreme warmth or any of the other side effects Dr. Bennett discuss with you?”


                “No I’m feeling better the contraction is letting up faster this time” informed Paige.


                “Good! Okay I need you to turn on your side so I can give you a shot” informed the nurse.  Paige turns on her side with the help of the nurse and Sean. The nurse disinfects the area with an alcohol cotton ball. “You’ll feel a little stick and a slit burn” said the nurse as she sticks the syringe in. “There all done” she added as she places the band-aid on.  “If you need anything or you start feeling sick just hit the nurse button on your remote.” The nurse leaves the room and closes the door.


                Sean looks at her like she might break if he touches her too hard. “Sean I’m okay. So you can stop staring at me like I might break.”


                “I’m sorry. I’m worried about you and the babies” stated Sean.  Sean lays his hand on her belly when the door reopens and Piper, Phoebe and Darryl come into the room.


                “Look who we found walking the halls of the hospital” said Phoebe laughing.


                “Hi Darryl” Paige and Sean said together.


                “Hi, how are you feeling? The officer on the scene told me that Sean brought you to the hospital and that you were in labor” said Darryl.


                “I’m feeling much better. Thank you.” replied Paige.


                “So what brings you down here besides checking on Paige” queried Sean?


                “I came to inform you that Cal Greene was treated and released into police custody. The DA is filing attempted first-degree murder charges.  I also want to know if you want to add assault charges” Darryl asked Sean?


                “Umm...what about charges against me for what I did to him” asked Sean?


                “The DA isn’t going to file charges against you.  He said under the circumstance you seemed to have just cause, besides there was paparazzi that videoed the whole thing.”


                “So you have the whole attack on tape” asked Phoebe surprised.


                “Yes, the wonders of the new technical age where every move you makes is on tape” said Darryl. Phoebe starts to laugh.


                Sean walks across the room to the window. Sean starts to nervously spin his wedding band. Everyone was looking at him. Sean could feel their eyes on the back of his neck. He slowly turns around. “Do you know if the DA or his attorney has asked for a plea bargain” inquired Sean?


                Darryl looks at him a little confused. “No I don’t. Why do you ask?”


                “Because if he plea bargains it’s a guarantee that he will go to prison right” asked Sean? Darryl nods not sure where Sean was taking this conversation.  Sean looks over at Phoebe and Phoebe nods at him and bits her bottom lips. Sean closes his eyes “Yes I’ll press charges if it helps adds more time to his prison sentences.  At least one of the women he’d abused should get justice and maybe it will give the others justice as well.”


                “Sean what are you talking about? What other women” Darryl asked confused?


                “Darryl when I grabbed him I entered his mind and seen the other women he’d abused since he was seventeen.  Since I seen it with my powers, I pretty sure it would not be admissible in court of law” Sean said wryly.


                “No I doubt it. I’ll have to get a statement and have you sign it” informed Darryl. Darryl was shaking his head. “Does everything you guys do have to end up with magic getting involved?”


                “Yea, Darryl, Where’ve you been all these years” asked Piper?


                “Trying to forget” mumbled Darryl.


                Over the next half an hour, Sean gave his statement to Darryl and Sean read it over and signed it while Darryl got a statement from Paige and she signed her statement of the night’s events. After an hour Darryl was done.  “I’m going to leave now and let you get some rest.  I’m sure that Sheila will stop by tomorrow.”


                “Darryl before you go can you give us the name of the woman whom was attacked” inquired Phoebe?


                “Her name is Jennifer Hicks. Phoebe you might know her she works...”


                “At The Bay Mirror in the sports department” Phoebe said interrupting Darryl.


                “Yes then you do know her” replied Darryl.


                “Yea barely she just started about a month ago.  A bunch of us went out for lunch yesterday and she came with us” said Phoebe sadly.  “Do you know if she’s going to be alright?”


                Darryl frowns “Her doctors are afraid she may be paralyzed from the waist down. She also has severe head trauma.  Right now she’s in a coma and we can’t question her about what occurred this evening. Her doctors are not even sure that she’ll remember anything when or if she walks up.  It was blind luck that the paparazzi had been following him and video taped the whole thing.”


                “It wasn’t luck, Darryl. Everything that happen tonight was meant to” replied Phoebe. Darryl looks at Phoebe and one side of his mouth curves into an almost smile.


                “Darryl, tell Sheila I can’t wait for her visit” said Paige smiling. Darryl turns and looks at Paige.  He gives her a smile and nods then leaves the room.




                TWO HOURS LATER, Phoebe was now sitting crossed legged at the foot of Paige’s bed and Piper toke up residence in the chair next to the bed.  Sean was sitting on the windowsill watching the three sisters.  They were talking about everything from the nursery that Paige painted to baby names. The conversation had now changed to the new DJ at P3.


                Sean sit there watching them but wasn’t really listening his mind had wondered back in time to when his sisters would cluster into one of their rooms and talk about what happen that day.  Sean remembers laughter always coming from the locked door.  His brothers and along with himself would try to spy on them to find out what they were talking about. Sean starts to think about his daughters and how they will congregate in each other’s room and he still will be spying to find out what was going on.


                Paige looks over to her husband, whom was looking at them and smiling. “Hey what are you smiling about?”


                Sean blinks his eyes and focuses them on his wife “What, Darling?”


                “Sean what was you smiling about” asked Paige again?


                “Oh I was just thinking about the future and how our daughters will sit in there room talking about what happen during the day and boys and that they will always have each other.”


                Piper, Phoebe and Paige start to laugh.  “You think they are going to sit on each other’s bed and talk about boys” asked Phoebe?

                “Yea why” questioned Sean?


                “More then likely they will be in a huge argument that one of them stole the other’s boyfriend” clarified Piper.


                “Oh come on Piper I never took any of your boyfriends” said Phoebe.


                “I have two words for you Billy Wilson” said Piper.


                “Oh come on Piper. Are you still on that? I never kissed eighth grade Billy” retorted Phoebe.


                “Didn’t you try to take Leo, too” added Paige?


                “Yea she did” said Piper. “And I believe you said that you only wanted him because I did.


                “Paige you’re not helping.” Paige put her hands up in defensive pose. “Piper you know that was a long time ago and I’ve changed” explained Phoebe.

                Sean whistles and the sisters look over to him. “Okay, sisters fight. I get it. I have years of catfights to look forward to.” The sisters start to laugh at him again.  Paige starts to yawn and Piper, Phoebe and Sean notices. “I think we’ll go seems your husband thinks we should go home and let him stay with you tonight.  So I guess we’ll do it.” said Piper as she rises from her seat. “Missy Paige we’ll see you in the morning.” Piper hugs her baby sister. “Goodnight babies” Piper said patting Paige’s belly.


                Phoebe gets on her knees and kisses Paige’s belly “Goodnight babies.” Phoebe then goes up and hugs Paige “Goodnight, sweetie, and get some rest.”  Paige was giggling at her sisters’ actions “Go home you too.”


                Sean gets off the windowsill and heads over to Paige’s bed. Piper stops him by getting in front of him. “You will call us immediately if something happens” ordered Piper. Sean nods “immediately.”  Phoebe pats him on his shoulder has she walks by.


                “My sisters must really get under your skin” stated Paige after the door closed behind her sisters.


                “No not at all, I’m glad that there are people in your life that love you so much that they will get in my face to make sure I’m taking care of you.”


                “Leo hates it and he points it out ever once and awhile.” Sean walks over to the light switch and turns it off. The only light was by a small lamp over by the monitor. “I’m not Leo and remember I grew up in a large family. I know all about how sibling interferes in each other’s lives. I’m alright with it. So I think it’s time to get some rest.”


                “Are you giving me an order, Mr. O’Hara” joked Paige.


                “Never order, just suggest” answered Sean.  Sean leans down and gently brushes his lips over Paige’s. “I love you more then my own life.”


                “I love you too Sean and we’re going to be alright” Paige said smiling. Sean smiles back and sit down in the chair that Piper had occupied earlier. Paige reaches her hand towards him and Sean takes it and lays both their hands down on the bed.


                It was only a few minutes and Sean notices that Paige’s breathing slows and deepens.  Sean knew she had fallen off to sleep. He lets go of her hand and checks the time. The nurse will be back in about two hours to check her vitals. Sean starts to recline in the chair when the door opens slightly and four short figures enter the room.



                Sean slowly eases out of the chair not to alert the intruders. He kneels along the side of the bed. “One, two, three” Sean mouthed to himself. He was preparing himself for a fight. Sean forms an emerald fireball and stands up quickly. “Freezes” said Sean hoping not to wake Paige. The four little men stop in their steps and looks up at Sean. The one in the lead and wearing a beard holds up his hands “Wait we’re not here to hurt her.”


                Paige stirs and wakes up and sees Sean standing above her with an emerald fireball formed in his hand. “Sean what the hell is going on” asked Paige looking around and seeing the four little men.  “Sean put that out they’re the seven dwarfs or I mean the seven little people or at least four of them.”


                Sean looks at Paige and then at them. “Sean put it out” ordered Paige.  Sean slowly closes his hand and the emerald fireball goes out.


                “So I see you got a prince but he’s not very charming” said the bearded dwarf.  Sean raises one of his eyebrows and glares at the little man.


                Paige smiles and takes Sean’s hand in hers “He has his moments, believe me.”


                “If you say so” retorted the breaded dwarf.


                “Why are you sneaking into my wife’s room in the middle of the night” Sean asked irritated?


                “If you must know we weren’t sneaking” the breaded dwarf said angrily.


                “What do you call it then” interrogated Sean?


                “I call it delivering a baby gift when it’s the only time we can” countered the breaded dwarf.


                “Honey” Paige said simply. This simple request stops Sean; from asking any more questions. Sean gently squeezes Paige’s hand. Paige looks up and gives him a reinsuring smile.


                “We’re sorry. We had a very long night” explained Paige.


                The bearded dwarf turns to the bald dwarf holding a gift. The bald dwarf hands the bearded dwarf the gift. Paige hits a button on a remote and the bed starts to sit up.  Sean helps her adjusts her pillows.  The bearded dwarf walks forward and hands the gift to Paige and gives a little bow.


                “Thank You” Paige said taking the gift. Paige begins to un-wrap the gift by pulling the ribbon off first. She removes the tissue paper and lying in the box was three silver hand mirror and hairbrush sets.  Paige pulls one of the mirrors out of the box and on the back of the mirror was the triquetra and the triskele connected together. “Sean looks at this.”


                Sean takes the mirror from Paige and flips around to the back and sees the symbol. Sean looks up at the bearded dwarf “how did you know?”


                “That your two families became one” asked the bearded dwarf? Sean just nods. “The whole magical community knows well not all. We’ve all work very hard to keep the information out of evil’s hand.  We have been waiting for the prophecy to come true for many years.” he said with a smile.


                “So you know who I am” asked Sean?


                “Yes Sean O’Hara we know who you are just as we know who Paige is.” he stated happily. 


                “Wait did you know whom I was going to marry when you were at the Manor” questioned Paige?


                “No we did not know if or when one of  the Charmed Ones would marry him.  You still have free will.” the bearded dwarf said pointing to Sean.


                Sean raises one of his eyebrows again and a  big smile cross Sean’s face “Let me guess there will be a lot more gifts form the magical community coming.” All the dwarfs nod in agreement with the statement.


                “Thank You for bringing our daughters such beautiful gifts” replies Sean. “Yes thank you” added Paige.


                “You’re welcome” the four dwarfs said together. 


                “We better get going. Please take care of your babies. They are more special then you will ever imagine” said the bearded dwarf smiling.  He looks at both Paige and Sean smiling at each other. “Maybe you do know how special they are.”


                “All we know is that no triplets had ever been born to a witch or druid” answered Paige. The bearded dwarf just smiles at her. “We better go.” He turns around and starts to shove the others out of the room but before he walks out he turns back around. “I guess he has a little charm” said the bearded dwarf and he disappears through the door.  Paige smiles to the responds the dwarf made.


                Sean takes the box from Paige and sits it on the table next to her bed. “At least they didn’t bring geese that lay golden eggs” said Paige.


                “What” asked Sean?


                Paige lies the bed back down. “When Piper was pregnant with Wyatt the magical community kept sending her geese that lied golden eggs” Paige said yawning. “Piper’s going to be so mad when she finds out.”


                Sean smiles and pulls the covers up to her chin. He bends down and kisses her on her forehead “Goodnight my sweet angel.”


                “I’m only half angel” she said chuckling.  Sean smiles and shakes his head.



                The morning sun was shining into the windows of the Manor.  Piper comes down the stairs carrying Wyatt.  She heads for the kitchen. “Daddy is going to have to feed you this morning because Mommy has to go back to the hospital to be with Aunt Paige. Speaking of your father where is he?  Leo! Leo” called Piper!


                “I’m a little busy right now” Leo replies back.


                “Leo? Where are you” asked Piper a little confused?


                “I’m over at Paige and Sean’s” Leo answers her.


                Piper calls for the magical doorway to open in Paige and Sean’s living room. Piper carrying Wyatt walks through the magical doorway and enters the living room. Whack! Piper and Wyatt were hit by a net.  “What the...Ian! Leo! What is going on here” Piper asked trying to pull the net off her and Wyatt?


                “Oh Piper” said Leo trying to help get the net off her and Wyatt.


                “Leo what are you guys doing over here” asked Piper as a gaggle of geese walks by honking.  “Let me guess, baby gifts” Ian and Leo nod their heads. “They can’t be here when Paige comes home.”


                “We know; that’s why we’re trying to catch them” informed Leo. “Ian came by this morning and asked for my help.”


                Piper blows out a breath. She puts up her hand and the geese freezes. “Does that help?”


                Ian smiles “I’ll go gather the geese.”


                “Good idea” Piper said with a grimace. “Leo I don’t have time for this so fix it.  I have to get back to the hospital. So here’s Wyatt.” Leo takes Wyatt form Piper.  “Mommy has to go.” Piper kisses Wyatt on his cheek then kisses her husband. “If you need anything just call.” Piper calls for the magical doorway and leaves Paige’s house.  Leo, Ian, and Wyatt just watch her go.


                “Sir how are we going to keep the geese out if they keep sending them” asked Ian?


                “Good question Ian, it seems that the magical community is refusing to listen to the Elders about this particular gift and no matter what we do they will keep sending them” replies Leo.


                “Paige doesn’t need this stress and if the Ancients are right and they usually are. If she goes in to premature labor again I won’t be able to stop it” stated Ian.


                “I know that and that’s why we’re going to keep that little information to ourselves. It would do no good for the sisters or Sean to know” order Leo. Ian frowns and nods his head.



                Paige was sitting up in bed and Sean was sitting on the edge of the bed facing her. Sean was leaning over her belly. He had placed his hands on top of her belly. Paige was laughing.


                “This is your Da and I’m ordering you to stay in there a little while longer and while we’re on orders. You will be going to an all girls school” said Sean to Paige’s belly.


                “Sean” laughed Paige. Paige and Sean both felt a kick. “I think they disagree with you.”


                The door to Paige’s room was open.  Piper walks up and stops in the open doorway not wanting to interrupt her sister and her brother-in-law. She smiles at the strange conversation that was coming form the room and decides to stand there and listen.


                “Well ok, we’ll listen to your mother because she is very wise in such matters but you, three, are not allowed to have sixteen-year-old boys in your rooms. And you are not to be in their rooms either. I have to say that park cars are defiantly out of the question.  I’m an expert on that.”


                “You’re an expert on park car” asked Paige smiling?


                Sean looks at his wife and a mischievous grin cross his lips. Nooo! I’m an expert on sixteen year old boys seems I was one.”


                “I see. So you were in sixteen-year old girls’ rooms and what exactly was you doing in these rooms” Paige interrogated trying to be serious?


                “Paige! Wee little ears, besides this is not the time to discuss what sixteen-year-old boys and sixteen-year old girls do in each other’s room.


                “I’ll let you off the hook for now” Paige said laughing.


                Sean was looking at Paige and had a smile that went right to his eyes.  “I’m so amazed.”


                “About what” Paige asked putting her hand on his cheek. Sean took his hand and covered hers.  Sean then turns his head and places a gently kiss on the inside of her wrist. “About how much I can love them and I haven’t even met them yet.  I’m so worried that I’m not going to be a good father.” explained Sean.


                “If you’re asking the question then I would say that you’re one step ahead” said Piper from the doorway.


                Sean turns around and Paige leans sideways to get a better look. “How long have you been standing there” asked Paige?


                “Long enough to hear Sean’s rules about boys” said Piper walking into the room.


                “Good morning to you too, Piper” said Sean getting up.


                “Good morning” replies Piper. “How was your night?”


                “It was fine” answered Paige. “Aye except for the little visitors” added Sean.


                “What little visitors” asked Piper taking a seat in the chair next to the bed?


                “Four of the seven dwarfs decided to stop by in the middle of the night and almost get vanquished” said Sean.


                “To bring the babies a gift” added Paige.


                “They brought gifts for the babies” Piper asked surprised?


                Paige picks up the box sitting on the table next to her bed and hands it to her sister.  Piper takes the box and opens it. Piper’s eyes widen with surprise. “Paige these are beautiful.” Piper pulls one of the mirror and hairbrush sets out of the box. “It has the triquetra and triskele on them and they’re connected” said Piper turning the mirror around.


                “Where’s Phoebe” Paige asked Piper?


                “Elisa called this morning. Something about her column, she said that she’d be by as soon as she can” responded Piper.


                “Well now that you’re here. I’m going to go home and shower. I need to stop by university and get my teacher’s aid organized to take over my classes for today and tomorrow” explained Sean.


                “Sean” said Paige.


                “No Paige and I aren’t going to discuss this. My mind is made up.” said Sean cutting her off.  Sean bends down and kisses his wife. “I’ll be back later. I love you.” Sean turns to face Piper. “And you’ll call me if anything changes.”


                “Immediately” answered Piper smiling.


                “Cute” said Sean. Sean walks out of the room.



                Piper waited until Sean was completely gone before speaking again. “So you’re really feeling better?”


                Paige rolls her eyes “Yes I’m really feeling better.”


                Piper reclines her feet up. Paige gives a questioning look. “Piper what are you doing?”


                “I’m getting comfortable” answered Piper.


                “Any why?” inquired Paige still giving her sister an uncertain look.


                “Because it’s going to be a long day and I want to be comfortable.”


                “Piper you don’t have to stay here. I fine really. I’m sure you have things to do at the club.”


                “Nope, I’ve got my manager taken care of it. I’m off all day and all night” answered Piper. “It’s not a problem is it?”


                “No I just don’t want anyone to change their day because of me” responded Paige. Paige didn’t want to be a burden on her family. She thought she would orb to ICU to check on the woman who was attacked but if she’s going to have babysitters all day she knew that plan was out of the questions.


                “What was Sean talking about when he said he almost vanquished the four dwarfs” Piper asked breaking into Paige’s thoughts.


                “Oh he formed an emerald fireball and almost used it. He’s been a little jumpy lately” explained Paige.


                “Anyone would be jumpy after last night and they shouldn’t come sneaking into your room in the middle of the night.”


                Paige looks down at her fingers intertwine together. Paige was debating on whether or not to share her doubts with her sister.  She knew if she did, she probable would go right to him.


                Piper had notices that her sister went quiet. She knew she had a lot on her mind but she knew better then to ask.  Who is she kidding, this is her baby sister and she upset. She never stays out of her sisters’ lives and she not about to start now. She also knew it irritated Paige for her or Phoebe to butt-into her life.  “Oh well fools rush in” she thought.  “Paige what’s wrong and don’t tell me anything” informed Piper.


                Paige let out a slow breath “I think Sean’s jumpy for other reasons. Reason he was going to tell me until the events last night.”


                “So have you asked him about it” inquired Piper. Piper had now put the footrest down on the chair she was sitting in.


                “No not since last night, when we were leaving the restaurant.”


                “Why not, if something is bothering him; that’s beginning to bother you then you should ask him. Did that make any sense” inquired Piper?


                “Yes, but after everything that had occurred last night, then for me to go into premature labor. I feel he’s not going to tell me now.” Paige frowns and bites her bottom lips.


                “Paige I think you should just ask him because if you don’t you could end up making more out of this then there is” suggested Piper.


                “I’m tired of talking about me lets talk about you and Leo, so how’s the whole giving Wyatt a sister going” asked Paige.


                “It’s going fine and I’m not going to say anymore then that” stated Piper firmly.


                “Do you think you’re pregnant” Paige asked pryingly?


                Piper looks up to see Phoebe walking into the room. She was never so glad to she her little sister in her life. “Phoebe! Come! Sit! Tells us how the wedding plans are coming!” Paige sighs and rolls her eyes.



                Sean arrives at home to chairs turned over. Books knocked off the bookcase. Sean quietly shuts the door. He slowly and cautiously makes his way through the downstairs of his house.  He finds nothing missing so he makes his way up the stairs. Sean first checks the nursery and it is fine. He then check his and Paige’s room and it was all in order.  He moves room from room upstairs and nothing was out of place. The downstairs on the other hand looked like a tornado touch down and destroyed the place then left again.


                Sean was standing in the upstairs’ hallway when he heard a honking noise coming from downstairs. He narrows his eyes and heads down the stairs. He moves cautiously down the staircase and when he reaches the bottom of the stairs his mouth drops open in shock. Standing on his coffee table was two white geese flapping their wings and honking.  Sean starts to laugh and walks over to the geese. “My wife will not appreciate you standing on her table” said Sean. The goose closes to him honks at him and then clicks his bill together. “I really don’t care your a baby gift get off the table” order Sean. The two geese jump off the table then waddles away. Sean shakes his head.


                “Ian! Ian! Ian get your whitelighter butt down here” yelled Sean! In a few seconds white orbs appear in front of Sean and when the orbs fade, Ian is standing there. “What? What’s wrong” asked Ian?

Sean simply points to the waddling geese. “Oh I see” replied Ian grimacing.


                “And let me guess they aren’t the first to be here are they” questioned Sean? Ian shrugs.


                “Let me make it easy for you. This mess needs to be gone. Golden egg laying geese needs to be gone and tell the magical community that Paige and I appreciate the gifts but in San Francisco geese aren’t allowed” explained Sean irritated. “This house needs to be spotless and those geese or any other geese have to be gone by tomorrow when I bring her home. Understand.” Ian nods in agreement.


                “Good” responded Sean. Sean closes his eyes realizing that he was a big jerk to his best friend and he stood there and took it. “Ian, I’m sorry.” Sean sits down in a chair and covers his face.


                “It’s okay. I know you’re a little stressed” Ian said compassionately. Ian knew his friend and charge was under more stress then he’s ever been in, in all his life.


                Sean slid his hands up through his hair. “It’s not alright. I ordered you like you were a servant. Your my friend and you have always been there when I needed you just like now. I’m worried about Paige and the babies and then the dreams about me losing them.  I’m sorry.”


                Ian didn’t dare to make eye contact with Sean. He was afraid that Sean might see something that he was hiding.  Ian knew that the dreams might be a warning but he wasn’t for sure and he was ordered not to tell Sean. It has to play out without magical help. “Please stop apologizing believe me I do understand and I will get this clean up but the geese that’s another matter.  Leo has been trying all morning to get them to stop sending the geese but they keep coming.” Ian said sadly. “I’m having trouble catching the geese.”


                Sean starts to laugh. “Do you want me to get rid of them” asked Sean?


                “All the power to you” Ian said giving a go-ahead-gesture.


                Sean walks over to the geese that was flapping their wings and wiggling the tails. “I’m sorry but you are going to have to leave.” The geese honks and clicks their bills. Sean starts to laugh and kneels down and pets one of the geese.


                “What did they say” asked Ian coming up behind him?


                “They said that if you would have just explained to them the problem. They would leave with no problem” Sean informed Ian.


                “Well not all of us are Dr. Dolittle and can speak to animals” Ian said sarcastically.


                Sean chuckles and then makes eye contact with the geese “So can you please leave and explain why we can’t have any golden egg laying geese here.” The geese nod their heads and flap their wings and in a flash they were gone.  Poof, No more geese to worry about and if any more shows up let me know.  I will come and fix it.”


                Ian smacks Sean on the shoulder “so be honest with me my friend. How’s Paige?”


                “She fine for right now. I need to shower stop by university and get back to hospital” replied Sean.


                “Umm don’t Paige have a spell that can fix all this in a blink of an eye” inquired Ian?


                “Aye,” said Sean as he climbs the stairs. Ian smiles and turns. He bends down and picks up a book and puts it back on the bookshelf. “Thee won’t share with me” Ian said laughing. “I hope your up for what’s coming your way my friend because I’m afraid it’s just the beginning” mumbled Ian.



                Phoebe was sitting at the end of Paige’s bed shoving a piece of cookie in her mouth. Piper reclined in the chair.


                “So you and Jason have decided on a small wedding” asked Paige taking a bite of her cookie?


                “Yes because with this family, who knows if we’ll even get down the isle without a demon popping in to kill us” explains Phoebe.


                “A normal day in our lives” retorted Piper.


                “The sad thing is when you say that it’s true” added Paige. They all start to laugh.


                “So Piper any news on the baby front” inquired Phoebe?


                “Huh. Oh not yet” replies Piper.


                Paige looks at Piper suspiciously. Something is telling her that her sister is not quite telling the truth but then it was gone. Paige decides not to say anything it could just be that she’s really tired. Paige starts to yawn.


                “Paige if you’re tired you should have said something. We’ll leave and let you get some rest” said Piper getting up. Phoebe follows suit and gets up too.


                “You guys don’t have to go IIIIIII’mmm not that tired” Paige said the last of her statement with a yawn.


                “Sweetie get some rest we’ll be back later besides I have some things to run by Jason” Phoebe said giving Paige a quick hug.


                “I have to go check and see if Leo is taken care of something I asked him to take care of” Piper said squeezing Paige’s hand.


                Phoebe and Paige both look at Piper curiously. “What do you have him taken care of” Phoebe and Paige asks together.


                “Oh nothing that’s important” answered Piper picking up her purse to leave. “Come on Pheebs lets leave and let Paige get some rest. Piper grabs Phoebe’s hand and pulls her out of the room.


                When Piper and Phoebe get down the hall far enough that Paige could hear, Phoebe grabs Piper and stops her. “Ok Piper what’s going on and why don’t you want Paige to know” asked Phoebe.


                “This morning before coming to the hospital, I stopped over at Paige and Sean’s to find Ian and Leo trying to catch geese” answered Piper.


                “Can the magical community be any more original then that” whispered Phoebe? “So what is Leo doing about it?”


                “I don’t know that’s why I what to get home and see if it’s taken care of” Piper said pulling Phoebe back down the hall.


                Piper walks into the Manor. She proceeds to the kitchen where she finds her husband looking at the Bay Mirror. Piper walks up and kisses Leo.  “Did you get the geese taken care of?”  Leo smiles “All taken care of did you doubt me?”


                Piper sits down and takes a selection of the newspaper. “No! I never doubted you. I just thought it would take you little more time that’s all.” Piper said with a smirk.


                “Funny. Did you take?”


                “I did” interrupted Piper.


                “And was it” asked Leo?


                “It was” answered Piper.


                “Really” said Leo jumpy up and pulling Piper into his arms. Leo the kissed her passionately.  Piper breaks the kiss. “I take it that you’re happy.”


                “Very” responded Leo. “So when are we going to tell your sisters?”


                “Let’s kept this between us for a little while okay” stated Piper.


                “What ever you want; I love you” said Leo.


                “I love you too” replies Piper. Piper leans in and brushes her lips over his. “Phoebe’s going to be gone for awhile.”


                “Really” responds Leo grabbing Piper up in her arms and he and Piper orbs out.



                Paige was fast asleep and there was a man standing next to the monitor looking at the tape. Sean walks in with an arm full of roses. Sean froze at the foot of Paige’s bed and waited for the man to turn around.  The man turns around and smiles. “Are those for me” asked Dr. Bret Bennett?


                “No but if I knew you was going to be here, I would have brought you some. Posey isn‘t that your flower” said Sean smiling? Bret walks over and shakes Sean’s hand.  When Sean took a hold of Bret’s hand he knew that he was keeping something from him. “So tell me how is she really and don’t candy coat it” insisted Sean?


                Bret gestured towards the windowsill. Sean heads for the sill and Bret follows. They both sit down on the sill. “I’m going to be honest with you my friend. I’m worried. Paige’s blood pressure is higher then I like it to be. The Magnesium Sulfate not only helps with her contractions but it also help with her blood pressure” explains Bret. The blood pressure has gone down a little; to be honest with you, if the blood pressure hadn’t gone down. I would have delivered the babies today.


                Paige had waked when Bret and Sean first begin to talk but she keep her eyes closed and with her back to them now that they were sitting on the windowsill. Paige chose to fake that she’s asleep to find out what’s really going on.


                “So what are you saying that Paige and the babies are in trouble” asked Sean? A hint a fear escapes him in his voice.


                “There is always a risk in multiple births. The more babies the mother carries the more dangerous the pregnancy” answered Bret.


                “Bret you’re candy coating it, just tell me, what needs to be done to protect my wife and our babies?”


                “Sean we’re doing it. In few hours the nurse will give her the second shot of Betamethasone and if nothing changes she’ll be able to go home with strict instructions to stay in bed. You and her sisters will have to keep as much stress out of her life and that includes magic.  She must stay relaxed, any amount of stress could cause her to go into labor and you’ll have to come back in here; more then likely, we will have to do a Amniocentesis to see if the babies lungs are fully developed.  We will have to deliver whether the babies’ lungs are developed or not. Do you understand what I’m saying” Bret asked dryly?


                “Aye that if you have to deliver the babies even if their lungs aren’t fully develop and they might not survive” Sean answered with tears appearing in his eyes.


                Paige’s eyes were also filling with tears and one tear escapes her eye. Paige slowly wipes the tear away and puts her hand on her belly. In a way to reinsure her and the babies that everything will be all right.


                “Sean I have other patients to look in on. I’ll come back later and talk to both you and Paige” informed Bret. “Sean, don’t worry right now everything looks better. I see ya later mate.” Bret got up and grabs Sean’s shoulder and then he walks away.


                Sean sits there for a little while. He realizes he was still holding the flowers. He gets up and goes to set them on a table next to the chair. He sees Paige moving her arms. “How much did you hear” he asked her?  Paige was startled when Sean spoke.  Sean sees her jump and goes over to her and sits down on the bed beside her.


                “I heard all of it” answered Paige as another tear escapes and falls down her cheek. 


                Sean wipes the tear away with his thumb as he cups her face with his hand. “Paige, look at me.” Paige turns her head to look in Sean’s eyes, which were also filled with tears. “I will move heaven and earth to keep you and our babies safe.  You heard Bret he said things are looking better and I have to believe that the fates did not bring us together and then you getting pregnant for us to loose them before we ever meet them.  You heard the dwarf they said they are more special then we ever imagine so I’ll take that as everything will be all right.” Sean brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and kisses her gently. When he breaks the kiss he smiles and Paige smiles back.


                “I have something to tell you.  I think Piper’s pregnant.   I don’t know how it’s just a feeling” Paige said excitedly.


                “What do you mean a feeling?”


                “I mean I saw it in away.  I mean it was like, I was there and I saw her pregnant. I was looking at her then I was standing next to her and she was frozen and so were Leo, Phoebe and myself.  I think she was about six months pregnant.  I walked around her then I was back in the bed. I don’t think I left the room. Strange, huh” asked Paige.


                “Ok let me get this straight your frozen self moved around her” asked Sean a little confused.


                “No I moved around her and the rest of them including my frozen self” exasperated Paige.


                “You were there along with another one of you” Sean asked slowly.


                “I think it was some form of a premonition” said Paige. “I think it came from the babies.”


                “I think do to the information and because Piper hasn’t told us yet maybe we should not say anything about the premonition until she tells us about the baby.  Piper and Leo are keeping it quiet for a reason and maybe we should respect that” justified Sean. Paige nods her head.


                “I have something to tell you” said Sean.


                “What” inquired Paige?


                “When I got home, we had visitors of the feathery kind.” Paige looks at him a little confused “huh.”


                “You know how you said that the magic community sent...”


                “We had geese that lay golden eggs” Paige interrupted Sean.  She started to laugh. “And I suppose you got rid of them?”


                “Of course we couldn’t have geese running around the house with the babies” said Sean smiling. “It doesn’t bother you.”


                “No I was wonder if geese would show up” stated Paige. Sean bends over and kisses Paige.




                Piper and Leo walk up hand in hand. Leo was carrying Wyatt in his arms. They stop at the open doorway and seen that Paige and Sean was in a serious conversation.  “I wonder what’s wrong” whispered Piper. Leo tugs on Piper’s arm. “Maybe we should leave them alone. We’ll return later” suggested Leo.


                “No if there’s something wrong I want to know” said Piper pulling Leo into the room.  Piper clears her voice to let Paige and Sean know they entered the room.


                “Oh hi Piper,” Paige and Sean said together. “Hi Leo! Hi Wyatt!” Wyatt waves and leans for Paige or Sean to take him. Leo sets Wyatt down on Paige’s bed. Wyatt goes up and gives Paige a hug. “You all better. Come home now” asked Wyatt.


                “No not yet, I maybe can come home tomorrow” answered Paige.


                “Daddy make Aunt Paige better, please” ordered Wyatt.


                “I think we should let the doctors and nurses help your aunt” explain Leo. Leo didn’t know how to explain to his son why he couldn’t heal her.


                Wyatt lays his head on Paige’s belly. “It’s not time for you come out. You stay, ok” Wyatt yelled at Paige’s belly.


                They all begin to laugh except Wyatt.  Piper leans over brushes a stranded of hair out of Wyatt’s confused eyes. “Honey, you don’t have to yell they can hear you if you just speak to them in your indoor voice” explain Piper.


                “They going to stay now” asked Wyatt. Paige grabs her nephew’s hand and pulls him up to her. “Wyatt I thing they listened to you and they’re going to stay in there until it’s time for them to come out.” Wyatt gives his aunt a big hug and a kiss on her cheek. “When they come out?”  Paige smiles “Soon sweetie soon.”


                “I’m going to get something to drink. Can I get you mates anything” asked Sean? Sean raises up and leans down and kisses Paige on the cheek. “What would you like” Sean asked Paige?


                “Sparkling Flavored Water” answered Paige.


                “A certain flavor” inquired Sean? Paige shook her head.


                Sean starts to head for the door when Piper shouted at him. Sean turns and looks at her.


                “I’ll go with you” stated Piper coming up long the side of him. “Okay” replies Sean a little confused at the sudden decision of Piper’s.



                Piper and Sean walks down the hall in complete silence.  Sean knew there was a reason why she decided to come but he wasn’t for sure when she would lay it on him.  Sean had raised his defensive as soon as she invited herself to come along.


                They arrived at the pop machine and Sean pulls his wallet out of his back pocket. Sean was shoving a dollar in the machine when Piper finally spoke.


                “Sean what are you keeping from my sister” asked Piper?


                Sean frozen and glance over at Piper. “What do you want” inquired Sean?


                “DP’s fine” responded Piper. “And don’t change the subject.”


                Sean pushes the button next to the Dr. Pepper and bent down to pull it out of the chute. He hands it to Piper. “I’m not changing the subject.  I’m choosing not to answer” countered Sean.  Sean was slipping the next dollar into the machine and made a selection.  “What do you think Leo would like” Sean asked Piper? Piper fists her hand and places them on her hip, “Sean!”  Sean glances back at her and pushes a button on the machine. “He looks to be a root beer man.” Sean pulls the bottle of root beer out and places on the floor.  Sean places another dollar into the machine.


                Piper sighs with frustration.  Piper rolls her eyes as her anger increases. She could not believe that he was just ignoring her. “Sean I asked you a question. Are you going to answer it” demanded Piper? Sean puts another dollar in the machine and makes his last selection. He didn’t look at Piper nor did he answer her. Sean could feel the heat of her glare but still chose not to answer.


                Sean picks up the bottles and gestured towards some chairs.  Piper went over and sits down.  Sean joins her in the seats. “What did Paige tell you?”  Sean seats the bottles of refreshments down in between his feet.


                “Not much just that you were going to tell her something last night before the events of the night” explained Piper.


                Sean closes his eyes “it’s really nothing just having some odd dreams.”


                “What kind of dreams? About what” Piper asked curiously?


                Sean didn’t answer but chose to stare at the wall. “I didn’t what anyone in the family to know about the dreams.  We all keep secrets let’s just leave it at that” replies Sean picking up the bottles and getting up.


                “Sean this is upsetting Paige and I know she needs to stay stress free” retorted Piper.


                “And maybe if I tell her this it would cause more stress” Sean counter back.


                “I’m not Paige,” Piper shot back.


                Sean glances over to his sister-in-law walking beside him and grins. “I definitely know that.” Piper smacks him in the arm, “Not funny.  Now just tell me about your dreams. I might be able to help.”


                “As much as I like you Piper, I really don’t want you analyzing my dreams” said Sean.


                Sean turns into Paige’s room and Piper follows giving him a look that could kill.  Sean hands Paige her water and he hands Leo his drink.  Leo looks at Piper and sees the look. “Is there anything wrong” Leo asked Piper? She looks over to Sean and Sean raises an eyebrow. Paige watches the silent conversation going on between her sister and husband.


                “You know Leo that is a very good question, Sean” stated Paige?


                “Is there anything wrong, let’s see no? I don’t think so” Sean said smiling.  Piper narrows her glare at Sean. “I think you should tell Paige about the dreams.”


                “What dreams” asked Leo?


                Paige looks up at Sean. “Is that why you haven’t been sleeping?” Sean just simply nodded.


                “So what are you dreaming about” inquired Paige?


                “It’s nothing for you to worry about” said Sean kissing her hand.


                “Sean doesn’t be condescending” Paige said angrily.


                “It’s really not that important” Sean said irritated. Sean glared over at Piper and at that very moment he understood why Leo gets upset with the sisters getting involved in each others personal life.




                Sean stood there staring at Piper. He thought about saying something about them keeping the fact she’s pregnant but when Sean looks at Leo, Paige and Wyatt he changed his mind. He would not let his anger get the best of him.  Sean also realizes that he stuck behind a rock and hard place. He could lash out at Piper or he could tell Paige about the dream. He was not ready to let her know about it not until he knew more. Sean ran his fingers through his hair.


                Sean bends down and kisses Paige on the cheek “I have to go. I’ll be back later.” Sean looks at Piper and walks out of the room.


                Paige just sits there, shock at what just happen. She couldn’t believe her husband just walked away.


                “Piper wants the dreams about” asked Paige?


                Phoebe walks into Paige room “Whoa what’s going on?”


                “That’s what I’m trying to figure out” exasperated Paige looking at Piper.


                “I just know he’s been having dreams but he didn’t tell me what they’re about” explained Piper. “He said he wasn’t going to tell you and I thought he should.”


                “Did he explain why he didn’t want to tell me” asked Paige as her anger rises.


                “Well kinda.  He said it might add more stress.”


                “So you just decided that your way was right and forget that maybe he had a legitimate reason” shouted Paige. Wyatt tries to cover Paige voice “Shhh Aunt Paige. Don‘t yell at Mommy.”


                The nurse was across the hall and heard the yelling and came over. “Ladies this is a hospital and besides Ms. Matthews needs to stay calm. If you can’t be quiet then you will have to leave.”


                “We’ll be quiet” said Phoebe.


                The nurse nods her head and leaves the room. Phoebe looks at both her sisters “I don’t know what’s going on and personally right now I don’t care. Paige you have to think about the babies you’re carry and Piper I can’t believe you would start a fight with Paige in her condition.”


                “Paige, I’m sorry. I just thought that you should know what was wrong” justified Piper.


                “I would have got it out of him once we got home.  He never keeps anything from me for very long.  Whatever it is must have him worried or he would have told me.  He must feel it would upset me and he trying to figure out how to tell me” Paige said dryly.


                Leo sticks out his hands and Wyatt jumps into them. “Paige I think we’re going to go.”  Leo grabs Piper by the elbow and leads her out of the room. They proceed to walk down the hall and when they got out in the parking lot Piper pulls her arm out of Leo’s grip.


                “Okay you got me out of there, now tell me why” asked Piper? Leo continues to go to the Jeep.  Leo I’m speaking to you and don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you.”   Leo stops and turns.  He faces his wife “when Sean had a reason not to tell Paige then why did you” asked Leo irritated?


                “You know what he’s dreaming about don’t you” questioned Piper?


                “How would I know what he dreamed about” Leo said angrily?


                “I’ll give you two reasons, your an Elder and Ian and that’s how you know” retorted Piper. Leo spun around and head for the car. “I’m right aren’t I” said Piper following him?


                “This is neither the time nor the place to be discussing this” responded Leo.


                “Leo what’s going on if it has to do with Paige. I have the right to know” demanded Piper angrily.


                “There’s nothing you can do so just drop it” said Leo firmly.


                Piper grabs his arm and turns him around “Leo what’s going on and what does it have to do with Sean and Paige?”


                “It’s a long story and the other Elders don’t think you should know because it has to play out without interference.”


                “Leo what do you think” Piper said as her voice broke? Piper was now afraid that something terrible was going to happen. “Paige is your sister-in-law and she’s carrying our nieces.  If there is something wrong you have to warn them.”


                “And how do you know they haven’t already been warned” asked Leo.


                “Because Paige would have told me, that’s why” Piper said firmly.


                “No, Mommy and Daddy don’t fight” said Wyatt.


                “You’re right Wyatt, Mommy and Daddy shouldn’t be fighting over something that I can’t change” said Leo grabbing Piper’s hand and pulling her to the Jeep. Piper glares at Leo “If you think we’re done talking about this then you’re wrong.” Leo sighs and opens the door for Piper.



                Sean was sitting on an edge of a cliff over looking the ocean. There was a gentle rain fallen over him as he watched the wave crash into the shore.  Sean knew he shouldn’t have walk away but he was getting angry and he was afraid he might have said something that he couldn’t take back.


                “I should just tell her. It’s just a dream” thought Sean.  Sean sits there trying to figure out how he was going to apologized to Piper and Paige.


                The sky was starting to get darker when the lightning streaks across the sky. Sean sighs and flashes out.  He appears in the corner of Paige’s room. It was now dark and Phoebe was sitting in a chair next to Paige. Paige and Phoebe had both fallen off to sleep.


                Sean’s intention fell on his wife sleeping soundly. The moonlight fell upon her face and he admired her beauty. He was amazed that she came into he’s life.  How could he have been so lucky that he ran into her at that coffee shop?  Great literary minds would call it fate, destiny, kismet but to him it was just blind luck. Sean knew if his mother was still here; she would say they’re no coincidences everything happens for a reason. What was the reason that brought Paige into his life was it to help him open his heart to love again.  He was not prepared to lose her now, not ever. It was just a dream he told himself.


                Phoebe’s eyes flutters open and see Sean standing in the shadows.  “Sean” whispered Phoebe so she didn’t wake up Paige.  Sean came closer and Phoebe notices that he’s all wet. “Hi Phoebe,” Sean sighs. How’s she doing?” Sean spoke just above a whisper, so he would not wake Paige.


                “She’s doing better now.  She’s been upset all night. Where the hell have you been” Phoebe said in a firm whisper?  Sean nods his head to the door. Phoebe gets up and follows him into the hall. They went to the small lounge that they occupied the night before.  Sean sits down and Phoebe follows suit.


                “I check on some things and then ended up in Ireland” Sean replies sadly.


                “Ireland! Why” inquired Phoebe?


                Sean runs a hand through his wet hair. “I needed to go some place to think and figure some stuff out.”


                “Paige needed you here and you just left” exasperated Phoebe.


                “You were here and besides if I’d stay any longer I would have said something that I couldn’t take back and probable won’t be forgiven for saying.  So the best thing I did was to leave for a little while” explained Sean.


                “Five hours Sean is not a little while it’s a lifetime. Especially when the doctor comes in to talk to you and you weren’t here” retorted Phoebe irritated.


                “Bloody...What did he say” inquired Sean? “I forgot all about him coming back to talk to Paige and I.”


                “Paige blood pressure was back up. So now he going to wait until tomorrow to decide if she can go home” explicated Phoebe.


                Sean closed his eyes and places his face into his hand.  Phoebe lays her hand on his back and rubs it to comfort him. “Sean, I know you two are under a lot of stress but if you don’t mind I’m going to give you a little advice.  You two need to stand together and you can’t go off and leave her a lone like this. Because if you do this again I’m going to personally kick your booty” Phoebe said with a grin.


                Sean looks at her with a smile “Thanks for the advice.” Sean pulls her into a hug. “I’m so glad that Paige has you and Piper.” Sean breaks the hug and kisses her on the cheek. Phoebe smiles back at him.


                “Have you been drinking” jokes Phoebe.  Sean shakes his head “No I haven’t been drinking.”


                So, what are those dreams about,” asked Phoebe? “You don’t have to tell me I’m just curious.”


                Sean sighs “It been more a nightmare and I don’t really know how to tell Paige and not scare her.”


                “Sean Paige is pretty strong but if you need a somewhat unbiased ear. I’ll listen” clarified Phoebe.


                Sean nods and starts to tell Phoebe all about the nightmare and how he would get a little of the nightmare each night.  He told the whole nightmare to the point the he wakes up, terrified for his wife and his unborn daughters. When he was done with the explanation, Phoebe eyebrows were arched in shock. Phoebe stands and paces the small lounge; a few minutes of silence past between them until she comes up and stops in front of him. “Are you going to tell Paige about your nightmare?”


                “Well I was planning to. Paige isn’t going to let this go until I tell her the dream” answered Sean.


                “Sean, I don’t think its...”


                “A dream” Sean interrupts.


                Phoebe sits back down beside him. She covers her hand over his. “Sean it’s a warning. I’m sure of it and I don’t think we should tell Paige until we know for sure. The babies and Paige don’t need anymore stress. So we need to find out if it is a warning.”


                Sean lets out a breath “I already have or at least I tried to get information from some of my old informants.” Phoebe’s mouth drops open “Sean they know who you are now. You promised not to play spy anymore.” Sean gets up and walks over to the window and watches the security guard patrol the parking lot before turning and face Phoebe again. “If you thought that I was going to sit by and not do anything to protect my wife and our babies then you are very much delusional.  They didn’t know anything about what happen at Christmas so I had nothing to worry about” justified Sean.


                Phoebe stands and walks over to stand in front of him. “You were just lucky” Phoebe said irritated. “I will bring Piper up to speed and you are going to take care of your wife, just let Piper and I handle this” ordered Phoebe. Phoebe pulls Sean into a sisterly hug. “Go take care of your wife.  Leave this to us buster because if anything happens to you. I will personally bring you back and kick your butt” informed Phoebe. Sean smiles, turns around and takes four or five steps then stops. Sean turns and faces Phoebe. “Thanks Phoebe and tell Piper I’m sorry I should have told her” said Sean turning back around.


                “Don’t tell her everything about the dream” said Phoebe as Sean walks away.



                The morning sun was shiny through a crystal and leaving rainbow of colors on the attic floor of the Manor. Where Phoebe as taken up residences since early this morning after bringing Piper and Leo up to speed on Sean and his warning, dream, nightmare or whatever it is.   She was sitting on the couch and flipping through the Book of Shadows. 


                Piper enters the attic and flops down next to Phoebe on the couch.  “That was Sean on the phone, he said that they are going to release Paige this afternoon.”


                “Yeah, who was at the door” inquired Phoebe?


                “It was deliveryman. He was delivering flowers” answered Piper.


                “For who and from who” asked Phoebe? Piper pulls up a card and hands it to Phoebe. Phoebe pulls the card out of the envelope and begins to read. Piper I’m sorry for being such a jerk. It’s a gene that’s attached to the Y-chromosomes. I hope you can forgive me, Loved Sean (your stupid brother-in-law)


                Phoebe let out a small chuckle and hands the card back to Piper “cute.” Piper sighs and looks at her sister. “You know he makes it hard to stay mad at him.”


                “Piper I think that’s the point” explained Phoebe.  Phoebe flips a few more pages. “Have you found anything like what Sean described” asked Piper?


                “No and she’ll be coming home and I’m no closer in find it either” exasperated Phoebe.


                “Pheebs it might just be a dream” added Piper.


                “Do you really believe that” questioned Phoebe as she hands the book to Piper?


                “Honestly, no and the strange thing about this is; I think Leo knows something” said Piper.


                “Like what” asked Phoebe? Piper shakes her head “I don’t really know. All I do know is that the other Elders said it has to play itself out with no interference. Leo is very evasive about it and when we got back home his orbed up there and only came back when you called for him, then he left again.”


                The two sisters sits there, flipping through the Book of Shadows so they can hopefully find a way to protect their baby sister. Piper slams the book closed. “This is useless. We’re not going to find anything if we haven’t found something by now” Piper said frustrated. 


                “Piper we can’t give up. Paige and Sean will be home very soon” explained Phoebe.


                “Phoebe we would have a better chance finding a needle in a haystack” exasperated Piper.


                Phoebe sighs and gets up. She turns and faces Piper “when are you going to tell us?”


                “Tell you what” asked Piper?


                Phoebe shakes her head in disbelief. “I heard you this morning in the bathroom getting sick. I believe you would call it morning sickness.”


                “I don’t know what you’re talking about” lied Piper.


                “Ok I’ll make it simple. You’re pregnant” informed Phoebe. Piper looks at Phoebe for a second the nods her head.  Phoebe flops down on the couch and pulls Piper into a big hug. “Ok, Ok you’re crushing me” Piper said loudly.


                Phoebe bends over and even with Piper’s belly. “Hello baby. This is your Aunt Phoebe.” Piper grabs her sister and pulls her up “Ok, Ok that’s enough.”


                “Why didn’t you say anything” asked Phoebe?


                “We decide with everything that was going on with Paige that we would wait a little while before springing the news” explains Piper.


                “Piper, Paige would be thrilled for you and Leo.  We would be Aunts again. You need to tell her it would make her happy” said Phoebe.


                “I’ll think about” replies Piper.  Phoebe points and wiggles her index finger at Piper “don’t think. Do.”


                Piper looks at her watch and then at Phoebe, “if we want to get her house ready we better, get going.”


                “What about the dream” asked Phoebe? Piper shakes her head “I’m beginning to think we’re going to have to wait till it happens.”


                “Piper we can’t, something bad might happen to Paige and the babies” retorted Phoebe.


                “Pheebs I know but what else can we do” inquired Piper.


                Phoebe sighs and calls for the magical doorway.   Piper grabs Phoebe’s hand and they walk through it.




                The sun was hanging low in the evening sky.  Sean was pulling a couple bags of groceries out of the back seat and Paige had already opened her door and was half way to the front door. Sean frowns and follows her.


                Piper and Phoebe hear the front door of Paige and Sean’s house open and close. They come flying into the foyer and greet their sister. “Hey where’s Sean” asked Phoebe? Her question was answered when the door open and Sean steps inside. Paige glances back “I think I better get into bed.”


                Paige heads towards the stairs.  Phoebe looks at Sean a little confused and Sean shrugs his shoulders.  “Paige wait I’ll go with you” said Phoebe as she follows Paige up the stairs.  When Paige and Phoebe disappeared up the stairs, Piper turns towards Sean.


                “Are you in the doghouse” asked Piper smiling?


                Sean glares “you know you don’t have to enjoy it and aye I am in the doghouse.  A doghouse with no roof and it’s pouring down rain.”


                Piper starts to laugh “Have you tried to talk to her?”


                “Yes I tried but you know when she’s mad. You have to let her cool off” explained Sean.


                “It’ll be okay,” Piper said grabbing his arm for reinsurance.  Sean sighs “I better go put this away and he heads to the kitchen.


                Paige had settled in bed and Phoebe was sitting at the foot of the bed. Phoebe is staring at Paige. “What” asked Paige?


                “How long are you going to punish him” inquired Phoebe?


                “I don’t know.  I know he left for a good reason and I know this dream has made him uneasy but to leave and not get back in time for the doctor. Phoebe I needed him there I was scared and he wasn’t there.”


                Phoebe grabs her hand “I know sweetie but he had a lot on his mind and he lost track of time.”


                They hear the doorknob start to turn and the door opens to show Piper standing there.  Piper enters the room and comes over and sits on the edge of the bed.


                “How you are feeling” asked Piper?


                “I feel like a beached whale” said Paige smiling. Phoebe and Piper start to laugh. “You know you’ve made your husband into a wimp puppy” said Piper.


                “How long are you going to make him pay” inquired Phoebe again? Phoebe raise and eyebrow at her baby sister.


                Silence entered the room as Paige contemplated the question.  She was still upset with him for embarrassing her in front of Dr. Bennett.  Dr. Bennett assumed that he was out chasing demons and she allowed him to think it as well.  In a way that’s exactly what he was doing chasing inter demons.  Paige also knew that her sisters were on his side; otherwise, they would be raking him over the coals but here they were being his advocates.


                “Not much longer but why are you two in his corner” she questioned her sisters.  Piper and Phoebe glance at each other and a quick and secret conversation passed among them.


                “Okay you two what’s going on and don’t tell me anything.  I had seen it in your eyes when you two just looked at each other.  I might be pregnant but I’m not going to break so just tell me.” Paige ordered firmly.


                Piper and Phoebe look at each other again. Paige raised her eyebrows at both of them. Piper knew she should know because if it were her. She would be fuming about now. Paige would understand and they should just tell her.


                Phoebe looks at her baby sister unable to tell her the one thing, she should know. She also knew the person who should tell her is Sean. “Paige sweetie there is something you should know but I feel...mean...we feel Sean should explain it to you. It’s only fair that he should do it.”


                Paige observed her sister and nods.  Piper and Phoebe got off the bed and heads out of the room. Paige was very confused at everything that just happened between herself and her sisters.  She knew everything is pointing to her husband and his dream. Paige frowns and scoots herself down so she could get some rest.



                Sean was putting the groceries a way that he bought on the way home from the hospital. He was pulling a pan out of the cupboards as thoughts about the car ride home, were filled with cold silence.  He had no idea how to say he was sorry.  Paige didn’t feel like hearing the words come out of his mouth and she pretty much told him that. 


                The small kitchen television was on a channel showing the news.  The anchorwoman was talking about the astronomers at Caltech have found a new comet just outside our solar system.  The anchorwoman set up the weather and the meteorologist took over.


                Sean was lost in dreary thoughts when Piper and Phoebe entered the kitchen. Sean glances up and sees them standing next to him. Sean grabs the remote and turns the television’s volume down.


                “What are you doing” Piper asked smiling?


                “Getting ready to make dinner” he answered looking at them with suspicion.


                “I’m going to get dinner” Piper said happily. “And you’re going to go talk to your wife” added Phoebe.


                “And exactly why am I going to do that” Sean questioned?


                Sean opens the refrigerator and pulls out some green peppers. He heads to put them on the counter when Piper took them from him. “You are going to talk to her because she’s your wife” replies Piper.


                “Well my wife has made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want to talk to me” retorted Sean taking the green peppers away from Piper and putting them on the counter. “She is pissed off. She told me if she could figure out how to use one of the babies’ offensive powers that she would use them on me.”


                Piper gave a don’t-take-it-that-way wave “She’s pregnant she doesn’t know what she’s saying.”


                Sean stares at Piper with raised eyebrow. He shakes his head and heads for the cupboard and pulls out a box of brown rice. “Okay, tell me what demons you are so I can vanquish you and get my real sister-in-laws back.”


                “Your a real comedian aren’t you” said Phoebe. Phoebe takes a sit at the kitchen island.


                “I know you’re trying to help and I appreciate it but Paige and I will work it out in our own time. She is very angry and I don’t blame her, in the last two days she seen me slam a man’s head into a car and when she was most vulnerable, where was I, I’ll tell you no where to be found.”  Sean opens the refrigerator and pulls out an onion.


                “Sean, hiding in the kitchen isn’t going to solve your guy’s problems” informed Phoebe. Sean shakes his head and slams the door.


                “Oh great so is this Ask Phoebe advice” countered Sean irritated. Phoebe glares at him. Sean closes his eyes “I’m sorry I know you’re trying to help. I’m just so damn frustrated.”


                “You need to still talk to her” said Phoebe a little angry. 


                “I will but how when she not talking to me” answered Sean?


                Phoebe sighs and looks at her brother-in-law like he was the dumbest man on the planet earth. “You talk and she listen whether she wants to or not” clarified Phoebe.


                “And what exactly am I supposed to talk to her about because saying I’m sorry for the billionth time isn’t going to work” he said with a mocking tone.


                “You can tell everything that’s in your dream” Piper retorted.


                Sean turns on Phoebe “Okay you told me not to and now you what me too.”


                “Exactly” smiled Phoebe. Phoebe starts to shove him out of the room. “Now go tell her.”


                Sean stops and turns and faces them before leaving the room.  “You’re not trying to get me vanquished for being a jerk” Sean gave a mischievous smile then leaves the kitchen. Piper and Phoebe look at each other. “Do you think that we should go up there, to play interference” asked Phoebe? Piper shakes her head “I wouldn’t want to be caught in the middle of that argument because when he tells her the whole dream she’s going to kill him.”



                Sean was standing in front of his bedroom door with his hand gripped tightly on the doorknob.  He seems to be frozen in place not sure how to explain to his wife his dream but he knew it was time. It was way beyond time. Sean took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  He was trying to muster his courage to face his very angry wife.  “Come on Sean you’re a druid and an O’Hara” he muttered to himself as he opens the door. 


                Paige was lying on her side facing the bedroom door.  She heard the door open and she opens her eyes when she sees Sean she closed them.  She could not believe that her sisters talk him into coming up here when he knew how mad she was at him.  She just needs a little more time to calm down. Who was she kidding she was not going to calm down anytime soon.  Sean wasn’t there when she needed him and it was going to be a long time before she forgive and forget.   Paige feels Sean sit down on his side of the bed.


                Sean reaches out to take her hand but things better of it.  He clenches his hand into a fist and brought it back to his lap. “Paige I know you’re a wake I saw your eyes open then close when I came in.  If you don’t want to talk to me I understand but I do need you to listen.” Sean sits silently for a few minutes and when Paige didn’t answer he took it as a silent agreement.


                “I need to tell you about my dream.  I have been having it about two weeks.”


                “I know that” said Paige turning over and trying to sit up.  Sean takes her hand and helps her sit up and then with his other hand he adjusted the pillows behind so she could sit up.


                Paige could see the pain and concern in his eyes. “Good” she thought.  Paige wanted him to feel as much pain as she was feeling.


                “Are you going to let me tell you this” asked Sean? Paige stares at him for a second then nods.  Sean lets out a breath slowly.  He really didn’t even know he was holding it. “This dream was short at first. I would get a little more every night until the night right before the whole Cal Greene thing.”  A shiver went up Sean’s spine when he thought about the end of the dream the part he left out.  


                Paige frowned when Sean drew silent again. “And” she demanded.


                It pulled Sean out of his thoughts. “At the end of this dream” Sean swallowed hard. “You were attack by a demon and I couldn’t get to you then I woke up” answered Sean sadly.


                Paige sits there staring at her husband as she was getting her mind around what he just said.  He wasn’t at the hospital when she needed him because of this stupid dream that she was attack by a demon and he couldn’t get to her.  This little information did not calm her anger but fueled it. How stupid was he? “Sean where was you at when I needed you with me at the hospital?”


                Sean swallowed hard. He could see the anger in her eyes and he knew he better answer this questions very carefully. “I was checking with my informants to see if this demon was real.”


                “You went to the underworld” she asked coldly? “After you promised me you won’t?”


                “Uh huh” replies Sean because that was all he could rally at this particular moment.


                “You left me so you could check to see if the dream was real. When you’ve been having it for two weeks” yelled Paige?


                “Honey you need to calm down the babies” Sean said cautiously.


                “Don’t tell me to calm down. Sean just answer the damn question” demanded Paige hotly.


                “Yes but it’s not like that...”


                “Then enlighten me” Paige said interrupting Sean.


                “If you would shut up for a bloody minute, I’ll tell you” Sean yelled angrily.


                Paige’s eyes narrowed and tears of anger gloss her eyes.  “Then go ahead” she said through clenched teeth.


                Sean ignored the tone of her voice because now he was just as mad as she was. Did she really believe he did it on purpose?  Sean drew in a slow breath and let it out even slower. “The more I though about the dream; the more it didn’t feel like a dream. I had to make sure and when I told Phoebe about it.  She thought it might have been a warning.”


                When Paige heard that he told Phoebe, her mind froze right there.  Paige didn’t hear anything about the fact that she thought it was a warning. “You told Phoebe before you told me” Paige said angrily?


                “Yes” he said slowly. “I needed her advice.”


                “Last time I check I was your wife” said Paige coldly.


                “You were also in the hospital after having premature labor” explains Sean irritated.


                “You should have told me immediately” Paige said swing her legs off the bed and getting up as fast as her pregnant body allowed her. She marched over to the walk-in closet and opens the door.  Paige disappears for a minute or two. Sean starts to get up when she reemerged she was carrying a blanket. 


                Sean gives her a very confuse look “What’s that for?”  Paige throws the blanket at him “because it gets very cold on the couch.”


                “You kicking me out” asked Sean in disbelieve.


                “Wow you’re smarter then you look” Paige said sarcastically.


                “Paige I’m not leaving we need to talk about this” justified Sean.


                “Sean I think you need to leave before we both say something we might regret” Paige said walking back to the bed and putting the pillows flat then she lays down with her back to him. 


                Sean stood there staring at her trying to figure out where exactly their conversation went wrong. “Paige, Paige” he said calmly. She stiffens and ignores him.  Sean sighs and grabs his pillow and walks out the door slamming it behind him.


                The tears she was holding back starts to stream down her face.



                Sean marches down the stairs and throws the blanket and his pillow on the couch.  Sean proceeds to the kitchen where his two sister-in-laws were sitting.  He walks in and stops at the kitchen island.  Piper and Phoebe look at him and see the anger that engulfs his face. “The next time you two have the inclination to interfering in Paige’s and my marriage. Do us all a favor and stay bloody out of it” Sean said angrily. He turns and heads for the back door, which he also slams as he leaves.


                Piper and Phoebe just sit there in shock as they watch Sean leave. “I don’t think it went very well” said Phoebe.  Piper looks at Phoebe and lets out a nervous chuckle. “I would say that was an understatement” Piper replies back. They sit there in complete silence for a few minutes.


                “Do you want to go check on Paige or should I” inquired Phoebe breaking the silence. Piper gives her sister a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding look.  “Phoebe you heard as well as I did that she didn’t like the fact you knew before she did.  I think I better go and talk to her.” Piper gets up and leaves the kitchen to go smooth things over with Paige.


                There was a light knock on the door and it opens to reveal Piper standing there.  Paige wipes the tears from her faces and blinks quickly to gain control of the tears still falling.


                “Can I come in” asked Piper? Piper didn’t wait for Paige to respond and came in and sit down on the edge of the bed on Paige’s side.


                “Piper I really don’t feel like talking right now” Paige said with a sniff. Piper smiles sheepishly. “That’s all right because I want you to just listen.”


                Paige goes to say something and Piper holds up her hand to stop. “Please Paige, I need you to just listen. Okay?” Paige nods her head.


                “Sean loves you very much but I really don’t need to tell you this because you already know.  You have been hard on him since he wasn’t their last night” Paige went to response to Piper comment but Piper stops her. “No Paige you just listen.  He had a reason but you’re so upset with him; you refuse to listen. Phoebe and I have both been trying to help him find out about this dream.”


                Paige sighs “I’m sick of hearing about that damn dream. He wasn’t there when I needed him.”


                “Oh come on Paige you weren’t alone Phoebe was there. You and I both know it has nothing to do with the fact he wasn’t there, so why don’t you just say the real reason” exasperated Piper?


                Paige narrowed her eyes and glared at her big sister. She could not believe that she thought there was any other reason. Okay she was scared that something happen to him but that was way in the back of her mind. Paige realized that her angry really was coming from fear of losing him again like at Christmas. “I...was scared that I might have lost him. How did you know” questioned Paige?


                “I’m your big sister and Phoebe said that you kept asking her if she thought Sean was okay.  So I put two and two together and figure that’s your real problem.  The fact he wasn’t there was easier to blame it on then the fact you’re still scared of losing him.” Paige’s tears that was burning the corner of her eyes slowly escapes and runs down her cheek.  Piper wipes her tears away and pulls her baby sister into a hug and rubs her back to comfort her.


                Piper pulls away “so are you ready to hear how this dream may be a warning and not just a dream?”


                A confused look creeps across Paige’s face “What?” Piper raises her eyebrows in disbelieve. “Did you even listen to Sean when he was up here?” Paige was embarrassed to admit that she didn’t, “No, not really.”


                Piper sighs and shakes her head at her “Paige a demon or something could be trying to kill you and you didn’t even take the time to listen to Sean?”


                “Piper, I already told you, I didn’t listen. I was mad at him or I should say I was fiercest with him and I thought it was just a dream. So just tell me about this demon in this dream and why I should be worried.”


                “Phoebe, Sean and I think that it is a warning of some kind and before you ask; we don’t know by whom.  Leo keeps avoiding me so to us we think it is a warning” explained Piper.  Paige sits there for a minute and just stares at her sister in shock. “What are you doing to find out if it is a warning or it’s just a dream?”


                “Everything we can but you are not to worry Missy Paige. We’ve got it covered. Your job is to just stay in bed and to take care of yourself and my nieces. I also order you to relax and not to worry about it because we will not let anything happen to you besides it could just be a dream” Piper reinsured.


                “I want to talk to Sean can you go get him.” Piper stiffens up and bit her bottom lip.  “Piper what’s wrong?” 


                “Sean left he was pretty tick off. I think we should just let him cool off” clarified Piper. Paige shook her head. “Ian! Ian, get down here!  I know you can her me!”  Orbs start to appear at the foot of her bed and when the orbs fade away Ian is standing there. “What...What’s wrong Paige” asked Ian?


                “I need you to find Sean right now” demanded Paige. Ian starts to laugh “Paige tell me exactly how I’m going to find him with his power of stealth?”


                Paige lets out a slow irritated breath. “You know him. Please just see if you can find him and if you do ask him to come home.” Ian nods in response and orbs out. Piper takes Paige’s hand in hers and squeezes it to show her support.




                Sean drives around until he recognizes where he is. He pulls the SUV into a parking lot, besides an old building.  He gets out of the SUV and heads for the door. On the door was written Fitzpatrick’s Irish Pub.  Sean smiles and yanks the door open a walks-in side. An air of familiarity waves over him as he walks towards the bar.


                There was one old man at the bar and another old man behind the bar. “Hi, boyo. What are you doing in here? Aren’t your sweet lass about to have some babies?” The old man behind the bar with a heavy Irish brogue inquired from Sean. Sean smiles and takes a stool at the bar next to the other old man before he responded. “Aye, Fitz but we had a bit of a fight tonight.”


                Fitz shakes his head. “Do you want a pint of the black?” Sean answers him by nodding his head. Sean turns his attention on the old man sitting next to him “how are you Seamus?”


                “I have a bit of a pain in my knee” answered Seamus in the same heavy Irish brogue.  Sean laugh at the old mans response. Fritz puts the pint of Guinness in front of Sean. Sean picks up the mug and takes a long drink and setting it down he wipes his mouth with his other hand.  The two old men laugh. “You can take the lad out of Ireland but you can’t take Ireland out of the lad” said Fitz “So laddie, tell us what your carry-on was all about.”


                Sean sighs “I wasn’t at hospital when the doctor steps into the room to talk to Paige. I was doing something that was important.”


                “More important then your wife and your babies” asked Seamus?


                “Well no there was just something I had to take care of” answered Sean. He didn’t want to reveal too much.


                “I’ve been married forty-five years and I would have been at hospital” Fitz said wiping down the bar.


                “I don‘t know why she got so mad” Sean said irritated.


                Fitz raises an eyebrow at Sean “because you shame her, boyo.” 


                “Shamed her” exasperated Sean. “How?”


                “She thought she could trust ya and ya let her down” added Seamus to the conversation. Seamus takes another drink.


                Sean sits there in silence staring at his drink like it held the answers to every question every asked. “Could these two old men be right? Paige did pretty much say that before I stop listen” thought Sean. Sean looks at them “do you really think that’s what’s wrong” inquired Sean?


                “It very will could be” said Fitz. “Or it could be something else but either way lad you messed up. So I suggest you swallow your Irish pride and go and tell that lass you’re sorry.”


                “I already tried. She threw it back in my face” explains Sean sadly.


                “Then you show her and I don’t mean with flowers” clarified Seamus.


                “How do I do that” questioned Sean?  Sean picks up his mug and takes a small drink.


                “You throw yourself on the sword figuratively speaking” suggested Fitz.


                “You mean I tell her, she’s right and take any punishment she throws at me” said Sean hesitantly.


                “You’ve got it boyo” said Seamus smiling.


                “You tell her you love her and now you understand why she was so mad and she right” added Fitz.


                “Even when she overreacting” Sean said raising his voice. He still has some pride after all.


                “Aye especially when she’s carrying your babies.  You know why I’ve been married so long” asked Fitz? Sean shakes his head. “I know when to pick my battles and we never went to bed angry.  My wife and I saw many of morning sunrises but I have to say that we never saw the moon rise that night.”


                Eww that’s more information then I was asking for” said Sean. He did not want to image these two men with their wives. “I understand. I think I have some place more important to be.” Sean gets up reaches into his front pocket and throws a few bills on the bar. “I’ll see ya later” said Sean heading for the door.


                “Bye” said the old men together. “Give a kiss, to that lass of yours from me” said Fitz puts his hand over the money and it fades away. Seamus smiles as the door closes behind Sean “you think he every wonders where the extra money comes from?”


                “I wonder that myself” said Ian coming out of the shadows.


                “Bloody...Ian, are you trying to get yourself blown up” asked Fitz? Ian walks up the two old men. Fitz gestures a big wave and the Irish pub fades away and is replaced by a dusty old building that looks like no ones been there in years. Broken tables and chairs littered the floor and the brass on the old bar was tarnish.


                “No but I’m grateful for you sending Sean home” answered Ian.


                “We didn’t do it for you. Sean’s Grandfather asked us to watch out for lad and that’s what we’ve been doing all these years” replies Seamus.


                “Besides he stronger with his wife’s love then without it” added Fitz. “What are you doing here whitelighter aren’t you supposed to be watching over the mother?”


                “She asked me to find him” Ian answered irritated. “I know how to do my job.”


                “Really then why don’t you tell the lad what’s really going to happen” demanded Fitz?


                “I can’t.”


                “You can or you won’t” exasperated Seamus. “The Ancients and the Elders can interfere when they want too.”


                “It’s not like that” said Ian protectively. He didn’t like not telling Sean but he had to follow orders.


                “Are ya his mate” asked Fitz angrily? Ian nods yes not sure where the old man would say next. “Then they’re other ways of bending the rules. Figure it out!” After giving Ian his advise the two old men flashes out.




                Sean opens the front door of Paige’s and his house.  Sean walks in and notices Phoebe sitting on the couch watching television.


                “Hi, Phoebe. Where’s Piper” asked Sean stopping at the edge of the couch?  Phoebe ignored him and he smiles. “You’re going to make me pay for my comment from earlier. You’re right I should pay.  I made all the Charmed Ones mad at me and I’m not even a demon.”


                Phoebe was trying to hold back a smile but Sean seen the corner of her lips twitch. “So do I need to send flowers or do I need to protect valuable body parts” Sean said jokingly.


                Phoebe turns to face him with a large smile “I would say you should probable protect valuable body parts because Paige has been know to threaten them.  I on the other hand will take a simply apology.”


                Sean walks over and sits down next to her on the couch. “I am very sorry for being a jerk. I have a funny feeling I’m going to be doing this for the rest of my life.”  Phoebe gives Sean a big hug “Maybe because you will.”


                 Sean smiles and gets up and Phoebe follows him to the edge of the staircase.  Sean takes a few steps up the stair and turns and faces Phoebe. “What if it’s not a demon but something else” asked Sean.


                “What like a warlock” inquired Phoebe?


                “Or some kind of darklighter” answered Sean turning back around and heading up the stairs.


                Phoebe stood there thinking about what Sean just said.  It could be a warlock or a darklighter.


                Sean walks into his bedroom and Piper greets him. “Shhh, she just fell asleep.”


                “Are you going to stay here with her tonight” asked Sean?


                “No you are” said Piper looking over towards the bed.  For the first time entering the room Sean noticed that his pillow was back on the bed. He gave Piper a confused look.


                “We talked and she decided it was better for you to be in here.  She going to give you another chance, so don’t screw it up.  She tried to stay awake but it was too much and she drifted off” explains Piper.  Sean grabs her and pulls her into a hug “Thank you and I’m really sorry.” Sean’s gesture surprised Piper but it made her smile. She had been giving him a hard time ever since the wedding and maybe she should give him a second chance.


                Piper pulls out of the hug “I know just don’t screw up anymore.”  Piper smiles and leaves the room.


                Piper walks down the stairs and finds Phoebe sitting on the stairs.  Phoebe hears someone coming down the stairs and looks up at her. “So how’s it going” asked Phoebe curiously?


                “Paige fallen asleep and I left it to Sean whether or not to wake her up” answered Piper.


                “Well let’s go back to the Manor and I’ll let you in on something Sean suggested.” Phoebe calls for the magical doorway to open up in the Manor’s living room.  Piper grabs Phoebe’s hand and they walk on through into the Manor’s living room.


                The nanny elf was sitting there watching the evening news.  A news reporter was talking “We’re her at Caltech talking to Dr. Jake Ewing of the Astronomy Department.  So Dr. Ewing so tells us about this comet you’ve discovered.


                “Well right now it is out of view do to the position of the Earth but in three days it will again be visible and we are having an open house for the public to come and view it” explains Dr. Ewing.


                “Doctor isn’t their some other astronomical event occurring on that same day” inquired the news reporter.


                “Oh yes there is. On the same day there’s going to be a total eclipses of the sun and also a meteor shower. We may even be able to see the meteor shower during the eclipses but you definitely will see it that night.


                “I take it doctor that this is a very rare occurrence” stated the news reporter.


                “Yes in recorded history it has never happen” described Dr. Ewing.


                The nanny elf didn’t notice Piper and Phoebe there until Piper picks up the remote and shuts off the television. “Oh ma’am the baby has been feed and is fast asleep” clarified Nanny Elf.


                “Thank you. If you would like to go, you can.  I’ll be home for the rest of the night” informed Piper.


                “Ma’am is your sister feeling better” inquired the Nanny Elf.


                “Yes she is” informed Piper happily. The nanny elf nods her head “Very good ma’am.”


                Piper waits for the elf nanny to leave before turning her attention to Phoebe. “Ok Pheebs tell me what you’re talking about?”


                “It may not be a demon. It could be a warlock or get this a darklighter” explains Phoebe thrilled with this epitome or she should say Sean epitome.


                “You need to let Sean handle this” came a familiar voice from behind them. Piper and Phoebe both jump and turn around quickly. “Ian” they both said together.


                “Do you know it’s not wise to sneak up on witches with one of them able to blow you up” informed Piper irritated?


                “I’m sorry.” said Ian.


                “We’re getting a lot of that today” said Phoebe smiling.  Ian gives her a confused look and shakes his head.  “You need to let Sean solve this. You getting involve...” Ian trails off.


                Piper gets right into Ian’s face “if you know what’s going on, you better tell us?” Ian just looks at Piper then Phoebe. “Ian she’s our sister and we won’t let anything happen to her” added Phoebe.


                Ian drops his head and closes his eyes “you’re on the right path but let Sean guide you.”  He makes eye contact with both of them and orbs out.


                Piper turns to face Phoebe “Ok what the hell did that mean?” Phoebe gives her head a little shake and shrugs her should. She was just as confused as Piper was. “Let’s just go check the Book of Shadows” said Phoebe heading up the stairs.


                Piper follows “I’m going to call my husband and he better get his Elder butt down here.”



                Sean slid into his side of Paige and his king-size bed.  He turns on his side and prop himself up on his elbow to look at her face.  Sean brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She let out a little moan in her sleep and Sean smiles.  He puts his hand on her belly and Paige grabs his hand in hers automatically. Sean leans over and lightly brushes his lips on her cheek leaving a gently kiss. “I love you, Paige.” Sean whispers in her ear. Paige mumbled something like I love you back in her sleep.  Sean lays his head down on his pillow as he laughs to himself.


                Sean lies there breaking down his dream in his head after awhile he also drifts off to sleep.  Sean eyes flew open with a jerk. He lays there for a second trying to figure out what awaken him. He raises up and glances at Paige’s alarm clock on her nightstand and several hours had passed, that’s when he heard it again. Sean freezes not sure what he just heard.


                “Did you hear that” inquired Paige in a low tone?


                “Uh huh” replies Sean.


                “Is that giggling” asked Paige a little confused being woke from her peacefully sleep?


                Sean looks down at her “Stay here and act like you’re asleep.” Sean fades and is now invisible. Paige feels him let go of her and slide out of bed.  Paige lies down her head and closes her eyes but leaving them open just enough so she can look through her eyelashes.


                Paige lies there very still as anxiety creeps through her.  She hears more giggling just outside their door. Paige stiffens in response wondering where Sean was at in the room.  She knew that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her but it didn’t stop the fear from inching into her mind.


                The bedroom door opens and three figures edge inside. They head towards Paige.  “You better have a very good reason for being here” said Sean flipping on the light.  The three individuals that Sean and Paige could now see was three women dressed very skimpy. Sean raises an eyebrow “Nymphs.”


                The brown haired Nymphs turn to look at Paige who now had managed to get up in a sitting position. “Paige you have gotten yourself a very nice beast.” Paige just simply nods as the Nymphs encircle Sean and start dancing around putting their hands on his chest and back.


                “What are doing here” asked Sean saying the last to words higher then others when one of the Nymphs pitched his bottom. “Hey...Oh...Paige” said Sean grabbing the Nymphs and ushering them back into the middle of room away from him. Paige was laughing to hard to say anything.


                “We’re here to celebrate life” said the red haired Nymph now heading towards Paige. “To bring a gift to out former sister and the new lives she’s about to bring into the world.” The other two Nymphs follow dancing around the room.


                Sean some how manages to get by them and is able to sit down on the bed next to Paige. Sean takes her hand in a gesture of affection and protection. “Formal sister” asked Sean confused.


                Paige waves the comment off “I’ll tell you later.” The confusion on Sean face changes to curiosity as a grin similar to Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland appears on his face.


                “Daisy, Miranda! What do you mean” questioned Paige watching the Nymphs dance around and when coming close to her or Sean they would playfully touch them?  Sean starts to get a little irritated at them.


                “Heather, show them” Miranda, the red headed Nymph, said to the blond haired Nymph.  Heather makes a big waving gesture and a small tree appears in the room.  The three Nymphs start to dance around the tree.  Sean leans close and whispers in Paige’s ear. “I think they’ve lost the little mind they have.”   Paige smacks him in the chest. “Ow” responded Sean.  “Hey Nymphs what’s with the tree?”


                “Oh this isn’t any ordinary tree” said Daisy the brown headed Nymph. “It was watered by the eternal stream” added Miranda.


                Paige looks at them with confusion and not sure what they were saying.  The Nymphs could see the confusion on her face.  “The tree has magical abilities” the Nymphs said together.


                “Like what” inquired Paige?


                “The leaves, bark, and every each of it has healing powers” clarified Heather.  “If you add the leaves and bark to certain potions, it will increase the potion’s power” elucidated Daisy.  “And many more uses” enlightened Miranda.


                Paige looks at Sean and then back at the Nymphs with an appreciate smile on her face. “Thank you so much.  We will make sure our children will us it wisely” informed Paige.


                “Oh no, You misunderstood it is also for you to protect the special lives you’re carrying” Miranda made clear.


                The saying of these words made Sean tense up and Paige notices the change in his demeanor.  Paige squeezes his hand to calm him.  “Is there a reason that we need to protect our babies” probed Sean cautiously.


                The three Nymphs look at each other with nervousness. “No reason in particular” said Miranda with an apprehensive look. “You are a Charmed One, Paige, evil is always after you. So natural they would go after your offspring” added Daisy carrying the same apprehensive look.


                Sean was about to ask another question when they heard music coming from downstairs. “We much go our Satyr is calling.  They start to leave and Paige yells out to them “I thought that you were going to try it without a Satyr?” Miranda stops and faces Paige as the other Nymphs continue out the door.


                “Oh we did. It wasn’t any fun.  You much have some understanding! Don’t you have fun with your beast” said Miranda with a girlish giggle before leaving to join her sisters.  Paige and Sean heard the last of music and giggle and they were gone.


                “A nymph huh” stated Sean with a mischievous glint in his eye.


                “Never, you mind” said Paige giving him a wry look. Sean laughs and gives a gently kiss on her lips that quickly turns passionate.  Sean breaks the kiss “I guess I’m out of the doghouse.” Paige nods in agreement.  Sean snaps his fingers and the bedroom light goes out.



                Piper had yelled for Leo since Phoebe and she arrived back at the Manor but her call went unanswered.  They had spent several hours trying to find if the individual in Sean’s dream was maybe a warlock or some kind of darklighter.  Both Phoebe and she chose to ignore Ian’s warning because he chose not to give them a reason why.  Around two o’clock in the morning, they gave up and went to bed.  Piper tossed and turned while her annoyance with her husband grew. She didn’t know exactly when her body finally one out and she fell off to sleep only to be startled from sleep by her son screaming.


                Piper jumps out of bed and rushes to Wyatt’s crib.  Wyatt was standing up and crying hysterical. Piper reaches in pulls her baby boy out of his bed.   Piper automatically starts to rub his back. “It’s all right sweetie. Mommy’s here. Did my little man have a bad dream?” Wyatt nods his head. “It will be ok” reinsures Piper.  Wyatt was starting to calm down and lays his head on her shoulder as she rocks him back and forth. 


                Piper hears orbs appearing behind her so she turns around and Leo is now standing there.  Piper glares at her husband as she continues to rub and rock Wyatt.


                “Is everything okay” asked Leo coming up to them?  Leo places his hand on his son’s head.  He sees the tears that still wet his face. “What’s wrong with my little man did he have a bad dream?”  Wyatt just nods his head yes as a response to his father’s question.


                “Why didn’t you answer my call” asked Piper firmly? Leo takes Wyatt and puts him over his shoulder. “I was busy Piper” reply Leo rocking his son back and forth. Piper glares at him making it very clear to Leo that she didn’t believe him.


                “Leo I want you to tell me what’s going on with Paige and this dream Sean keeps having” demand Piper.  Leo didn’t answer Piper but instead goes and lays Wyatt back down in his crib.  He walks back into his and Piper’s bedroom.  Piper is standing there with her fists on her hips.  Leo sighs. “Piper if I could tell you I would.”


                “Bull Leo you’re an Elder now. You could tell me if you wanted to.  You just don’t want too” said Piper angrily. 


                “Piper, keep your voice down. You’re going to wake up Wyatt again” clarified Leo. Leo grabs her hand and pulls her down to set next to him on the bed. “Honey, the other Elder’s and myself are not sure where Sean is getting this dream because it’s not coming from anyone up there.”


                “So you think evil has sent it to him; that’s crazy” responded Piper.  “Because, if it was some kind of trap. They would have got him when he went down there.”


                “We understand that but it still doesn’t explain where he’s getting this dream or warning” explains Leo pulling her down with him as he lies down across the bed.  “The other Elder’s think it is simply a dream.”


                “What do you think” inquired Piper laying her head on his shoulder as Leo wraps his arms round her?  The anger that had grown all evening was starting to fade as Leo was explaining things to her.


                “I think it’s a warning and I was arguing with the rest of the Elders to try to convince them.  I wanted to use fairies to protect Paige and the babies but the other Elder’s thinks it’s a waste of magical resources” said Leo with a hint of bitterness in his voice.


                “So what are we going to do?  Ian stopped by and told us to let Sean guide us.  Do you have any idea what he means” queried Piper?


                Leo lies there quietly as he tries to understand what Ian was trying to tell them. “Ian feels. If you guys get involved that something bad could happen because the dream is only being shown to Sean.  He thinks Sean’s the answer” explains Leo tightening his arms around his wife.


                “What does your Elder’s wisdom tell you” asked Piper playing with a button on his shirt. Leo shakes his head.  He’s not sure what to think until they know where the dream is coming from whether it’s coming from Sean’s own psyche or someone is sending it to him but until he knows he doesn’t know how to answer the question. “I don’t know what to think. I don’t have all the facts yet” clarified Leo.


                Piper sighs “I’m tired let’s just go to bed and finish discussing it in the morning, when we both can think” suggested Piper unbuttoning the button she was playing with.


                The Morning sun was shining into Paige and Sean’s bedroom window. Paige was sipping tea and looking at the tree that the Nymphs had brought during the night. Sean was in the bathroom getting ready for work. Paige could hear him whistling a happy tune. Paige was smiling when she brings the cup of tea up to her lips.


                “Sean where are we going to put the tree” inquired Paige?  Sean comes to the doorframe with his robe on. “I think I’ll move it down to the parlor.  There’s a lot more light down there” answered Sean and goes back into bathroom.  Paige picks up a piece of toast from the breakfast that Sean surprised her with this morning.  Paige takes a bite of the toast, as a rainbow appears in the room in front her.  Paige slowly brings down her toast as a leprechaun materializes from the rainbow.


                “Good Morning, Darling” said the leprechaun.


                “Good Morning, Pádraig” Paige replies back. Paige was very surprised to see him. He was the same leprechaun that gave her Seamus Fitzpatrick’s shillelaghs


                The voice in the bedroom pulls Sean back to the door of the bathroom.  He was now wearing khakis and no shirt. He had a towel thrown over his shoulder and he had managed to get half his face shaved so half of his face still bears shaving cream.  Sean standing in the doorway took Paige attention to him which causes Pádraig to turn around.  Pádraig smiles at him “Good Morning, O’Hara.”


                “Good Morning, MacKeon” replies Sean going back into the kitchen mumbling to himself about Nymphs and Leprechauns showing up unannounced.


                “I’m sorry he’s a little grumpy this morning.  Nymphs stopped by in the middle of the night and woke us up” explains Paige.  Pádraig starts laughing “so they irritated the laddie did they?”


                Sean comes out of the bathroom buttoning up his shirt. He grabs his tie and hooks it around his neck. “You’re still here” asked Sean a little harshly?


                “Would you like to be cursed with some bad luck” Pádraig asked reaching into his pocket? Sean turns to face him and give the leprechaun a go-ahead-and-try-it look. Paige puts her hands up “Please don’t!”


                Pádraig glares at Sean as Sean glares right back.  A smile crosses the leprechaun faces “Seems the sweet lassie asked me spare you.”


                Sean turns back around to face Paige. “Don’t do me any favors” mumbled Sean.  Paige sigh, “Sean.”  Sean lets out a loud breath. “I’ll see you later.” Sean leans over and kisses his wife on the lips. “I love you.


                “I love you, too” replies Paige. Sean smiles at Paige and turns to face the leprechaun. “She needs her rest and she can’t get upset.”


                “I’ll protect her, laddie” responded Pádraig. Sean shakes his head grabs his suit jacket out of the closet and leaves.


                “You know I’ve spent a many a nights drinking pints of Guinness with him and I’ve never seemed him stressed” said Pádraig.


                “He’s worried about me. Pádraig, can I ask why you’re here” inquired Paige?


                “To bring the wee little ones a gift” answered Pádraig.  Pádraig reaches into his pocket and pulls out three good chains and at the end of the chains were small gold nuggets. “I thought I would give your babies a little luck to wear” he said handing Paige the chains.


                “Thank you. They are beautiful necklaces. I’ll put them in the nursery until they’re big enough to wear them” Paige said with a smile.


                “Well I better let you get some rest before your husband hunt me down.” Paige gets up and gives him a kiss on the cheek.  A flush of red comes over his face. “Is it hot in here?” Paige laughs.  Pádraig smiles and calls for a rainbow. He steps into it and is gone.


                Paige holds up the necklaces and looks at them. She walks over and puts them in the drawer of her nightstand.  She picks up the tray that Sean brought breakfast up on and heads out the bedroom door.



                Piper was a sleep in Leo’s arms.  Piper felt something on her face and her eyes flutters open.  Wyatt was laying his little hand on her face.  When she looks up Wyatt is smiling at his mother. “Good orning, Mommy” said Wyatt in a loud voice.


                “Shhh. Wyatt, you’ll wake up Daddy.” Leo grabs Wyatt and picks him up. “I’m already a wake and someone isn‘t supposed to orb out of his crib” said Leo tickling his son.


                “No, No” said Wyatt laughing. Wyatt was squirming and trying to get away from his father.


                “Did my little man have a bad dream” asked Leo letting him go? Wyatt climbs over him and gets behind Piper.


                “No dream, real” answered Wyatt.  Piper sits up and pulls her son on to her lap. “Sweetie what was your dream about” Piper asked curiously?


                Wyatt didn’t say anything at first. He sits there playing with his mother’s hair. Leo props himself up on his elbow, “It’s all right Wyatt you can tell us. You know that, don’t you?  We won’t let anything happen to you” reinsured Leo.  Wyatt nods his head and looks up into Leo’s eyes. Wyatt’s eyes are filled with tears.


                “Oh Wyatt, just tell Daddy and Mommy what your dream was about” asked Piper pulling him into a comforting hug.


                “Aunt Paige not wake up. Uncle Sean tried” answered Wyatt turning his head into his mother’s shoulder.


                Piper starts to rub his back to comfort him.  “Sweetie, it was just a bad dream. Aunt Paige is fine. If she wasn’t Uncle Sean would have called us” explains Piper.


                “It not happened yet” informs Wyatt turning his face out of Piper’s shoulder but leaving his head on her shoulder.


                Leo sits up and takes Wyatt on his lap. “Wyatt what do you mean it hasn’t happen yet” questioned Leo. Wyatt was now playing with Leo’s wedding band. “Wyatt, can you please tell us?”


                “I know, not a dream” answered Wyatt. Wyatt didn’t look at Leo or Piper.


                Piper claps her hands “Come on honey, Mommy will fix you breakfast.  Wyatt climbs off Leo’s lap and into Piper’s arms.  Piper gets up and sits Wyatt down while she puts on her robe. She bends down and picks Wyatt back up. “Are you coming” Piper asked Leo?


                “I probable should go and inform the other Elders” said Leo getting up too.


                “Okay, so you think he had a premonition” inquired Piper with fear?


                “No I don’t. I think whoever is sending Sean his dreams. Is now sending them to Wyatt” said Leo.


                “Why would they be sending the dream to him” questioned Piper? She was now scared for her sister and her son.


                “I’m not sure but I may know something more, later” said Leo kissing Wyatt on the head and kissing Piper gently on the lips. “I love you” Leo said orbing out.


                “Come on little man lets go eat” said Piper leaving her room with Wyatt in her arms.


                Piper carries Wyatt into the kitchen to find Phoebe sitting at the table with her laptop and a cup of coffee.  Phoebe sees her sister come in with her nephew and she gets up and takes Wyatt from Piper.  Phoebe looks into Piper’s eyes “What’s wrong?” Phoebe puts Wyatt in his high chair and Piper walks to the stove and put a skillet on it.


                “Wyatt had a bad dream that he says wasn’t a dream.” Phoebe looks at Piper a little confused. “Are you telling me that he had a premonition; about what?”


                “Leo doesn’t think it was a premonition but it was vision that sent to him like Sean’s is being sent to him and get this it was of Paige and Sean wasn’t able to wake her up” said Piper pulling eggs out of the refrigerator.  Phoebe just stares at her sister in disbelieve.


                “Why would they send it to Wyatt and not one of us” asked Phoebe.


                “Well Pheebs that’s the million dollar question” stated Piper breaking the eggs into a bowl.


                “It hasn’t happen yet, right” questioned Phoebe?


                “According to your nephew, no” said Piper pouring the egg mixture into the skillets.


                “We need to tell Sean and Paige” said Phoebe.


                “Do you really think we should tell Paige before we know everything” asked Piper? Phoebe shakes her head.  “Maybe not but we still need to let Sean know” convey Phoebe.


                Phoebe’s phone rings and she picks it up and flips it open. Phoebe brings it up to her hear “Hello.” She pauses for a minute. “You need me right now” she asked the other person on the other end. “Okay I’ll be right there. Damn” she says flipping the phone closed.  “That was Elisa, they lost my column I have to go in so can you handle this” inquired Phoebe sadly.


                “Yea go ahead!  I’ll call Sean and then check on Paige” said Piper as the cordless phone starts to ring.  Piper walks over and picks it up and pushes the talk button. “Hello” said Piper followed by a long pause. “No I’ll handle it. I’m on my way. Don’t let him leave” informed Piper hitting the talk button to end the call. “I have to go to the club. The band that supposed to play the club tonight is broke down somewhere between here and Santa Cruz, so if they can’t get here. I’m going to have to get another band” said Piper calling for the nanny elf.


                “So do you what me to call Sean” asked Phoebe packing her laptop into its bag?


                “No I’ll call and I’ll check on Paige” informs Piper as the nanny elf pops in.


                Phoebe gives her nephew a kiss goodbye and leaves the house.  Piper gives the nanny elf instructions. “Oh can you also maybe check on Paige and tell her that I’ll stop by later” asked Piper grabbing her purse and giving her son a kiss before leaving the house. The nanny elf nods her head.



                Paige walks out of her bedroom carrying the necklaces that Pádraig had given her for the babies. She turns right and walks down the hall for a couple steps.  Paige reaches for the doorknob and steps inside the nursery.  Paige heads for the dresser when she reaches it there are three wooden boxes sitting on top.  Paige runs her hand on top of one of them where a brass metal plate was waiting for a name.  Paige smiles and lifts the lid. The box is lined with emerald green velvet.  She lies the necklace inside.  Paige opens the next box and it’s lined with royal blue velvet. Paige lies the second necklace inside. Finally She opens the last box and it’s lined with dark purple velvet and Paige lies the last necklace inside.  She slowly puts the lid down.


                “I love what you did with the nursery” said a woman’s voice behind her.


                Paige turns around quickly to see a woman standing there.  She wore a long blue gown that looked as thou it was twinkling.  She had shoulder length honey brow hair and green eyes.  She had a smile that went right to her eyes that gave her a beautiful and gently appearance.  She looks to be in her mid-forties.


                Paige stares at this woman standing in front of her.  “Who are you” Paige asked slowly?


                The smile grew even larger if that was possible.  “My name is Alexa and I’m your Fairy Godmother.”


                “Your my what” said Paige in disbelieve.


                Your Fairy Godmother” Alexa repeated again.


                “Okay Paige, You’ve meet stranger things then this” Paige mumbled to himself.


                Alexa laughs at Paige’s response.  “I really like the nursery.  You have great talent.  I like how you put all the magical creatures and being’s in here.  You even got a few fairy tales.”  Alexa went closer to one of the walls to get a better look at one of the magical beings.  “Is this the muse Melody” inquired Alexa?


                “Yes it is how do you know” questioned Paige? Paige came up behind her. “She’s my...”


                “Muse. Yes I know” she said interrupting Paige. “Melody and I has been friends for many years” answered Alexa. “But that not here or there” said waving her hand back and forth. 


                “Can I ask what you’re doing here” asked Paige curiously now that the fear is gone?


                “I’m here for you, darling. You made a wish will kind of a wish. It was more of a half-hearted remark” clarified Alexa.


                “Uh” said Paige giving her a look of confusion.


                “You told your sister’s nanny elf that you wish that you knew what kind of mother you’ll be.” clarifying Alexa. She spots the rocking chair and points to it so Paige will sit down.  Paige takes her nonverbal suggestion and sits down in the rocking chair.


                “How do you know that” asked Paige?  Her Fairy Godmother start laughing “I’m a Fairy Godmother I know everything.”


                “What? Do you work for the CIA” jokes Paige?  A grin graces Alexa’s face “The CIA has nothing like our information gathering procedures.”


                Paige raises her eyebrow in the response. “So what are you going to do, show me my future?”


                “No Paige but I’m going to give you some motherly advice.  You are going to be just fine and you will be the best mother this babies could every have had.  You come from a long line of strong women that made exactly mothers.  You can handle this and you’re not saying anything that mothers haven’t said before you.  You will need three things; first you’ll need patience, second you’ll need understanding and last but not least is lots and lots and lots of love. Paige, one more thing is; don’t forget to laugh” explains Alexa.


                “I just don’t know how I’m going to give all of them the amount of love they need” Paige said sadly.


                “Oh honey, there is no limit on the amount of love you’ll discover you have already and the amount you’ll have when they’re born.  I promise you. You have more then enough” Alexa explains smiling reassuringly.  Paige gives her a reluctant smile back.  Alexa pats her on the arm in a motherly gesture.


                “Now let’s see what to give you for a baby gift.  Ah huh” Alexa says pulling a long gold wand from somewhere in her gown. She taps the bag of diapers. “A mother who’s having triplets can never have to many diapers.” She gives Paige a gently smile, taps her head with the wand and she gone.


                Diapers start to pop in all over the nursery.  Paige sits there in complete surprise as the number of bags of diapers increase.



                Piper steps through the magical doorway into Paige’s bedroom.  Piper notices that Paige wasn’t in bed where she was supposed to be.  She checks for Paige in the Master bath and her little sister was no where to be found. Piper shakes her head. “Where is she at” she thought?  Piper steps out into the hall. “Marco” yells Piper. She didn’t have to wait very long for the response.  Piper knew it came from the nursery so she took the couple of steps to the nursery and froze in the doorway. Paige was stacking diapers against a wall as more diapers were popping into the room.


                “Paige what did you do” asked Piper looking at all of the diapers.


                “Why do you assume I did this” Paige asked a little irritated.


                “Because you said something about not having enough diapers” said Piper.


                Paige glares at Piper “I wouldn’t use magic for personal gain.”


                Piper looks at all the diapers still popping into the room. “This looks like a backfired spell.


                “Oh like you and Phoebe never used magic and it didn‘t backfire but I didn‘t do this” said Paige her irritation now turning to anger.


                If you didn’t do this then who did” asked Piper still looking at Paige with suspension?

                “My Fairy Godmother” Paige answered seriously.  Paige fisted her hand and puts them on her hips. Piper starts to laugh “Your Fairy Godmother.”  Paige anger grows “She might be your Fairy Godmother as well, she never said.  Piper, just quit criticizing and help me stop these diapers.  I tried a spell but it didn’t work.”


                “You’re not supposed to use magical and that includes spells.  Why didn’t you call me or Phoebe” asked Piper?


                “I did. You didn’t answer your cell and Phoebe was in meetings and her assistant said she would give her the message as soon as she could” explains Paige.


                “What about Leo” inquired Piper? Paige glares at her big sister. “I also tried that to and I also called Ian and Sean. And know one answered, so are you going to help?”


                Piper lets out a slow breath to calm herself before she said something to Paige that she would regret.  “Okay! Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.” Piper stood there as more diapers pops into the room. “It didn’t work” Piper said surprised.


                “I could have told you that. I tried it already” stated Paige aggravated.


                “Okay! Move back! Baby presents popping in bring the magic to an end” said Piper. The diapers keep coming in.


                “Great spell. It didn’t work. There must be something wrong with the spell” said Paige sarcastically.


                “There was nothing wrong with the spell. Our magic must have no effect on Fairy Godmother magic.  Leo! Leo! I need you right now” said Piper looking up.


                A few seconds later orbs appear in the room as he finishes materializing diapers appear in the crib next to him. “Umm what’s going on” said Leo looking at all the diapers.


                “Paige was visited by her Fairy Godmother and these are baby gifts” Piper said gesturing around the room. “So how do we stop it?”


                “You don’t. You have to find your Fairy Godmother and have her end it” clarified Leo.


                “What do you mean find her? Can’t we just summon her” asked Piper?


                “No Fairy Godmothers cannot be summoned they come only when they feel one of their charges need them” explains Leo.


                “So how do we find her” inquired Paige as more diapers pops in. “Because at the rate these diapers keep coming we won’t be able to put the babies in here.


                Orbs starts to appear in the room and when they fade away Ian is standing there just as a bag of diapers pop into his arms. “What the ...” Ian faded off after looking around the room.  “What’s with the diapers?”


                “Baby Gift” said Paige looking at Ian like he was a gift she wanted on Christmas. “Ian can you do me a favor.”


                “I guess. Why” Ian said apprehensively? Paige smiles at him “I need you to find Alexa, my fairy godmother.”


                “Your fairy godmother, you’re joking right,” Ian said taken aback.  Paige simply shakes her head.  Ian looks at Leo to see if this is true.


                “Ian use you’re whitelighter powers and find her and quickly” ordered Leo. Ian nods and orbs out. “Now we need to figure out what to do with these diapers” Leo said looking at the diapers.


                Phoebe walks in worried “Paige, are you...Whoa...What’s with the diapers?”


                Paige sighs and goes and sits down in the rocker.  She was very tired and her feet were starting to swell.  Piper watches her and notices the fatigue. “Paige, are you okay?” Paige nods her head. “They’re baby gifts from her Fairy Godmother” Piper said to Phoebe still keeping an eye on Paige.


                Leo, Piper, Phoebe and Paige were discussing what to do with all the diapers when Ian orbs in. They stop talking and their attention falls on him. “I found her . She said that she is giving you enough diaper for three babies for a full year and they should stop real soon” said Ian as the last diaper pops into the room.


                “How many bags of diapers do you thing are here” asked Phoebe.


                “A lot” answered Paige looking at all the bags piled in the room. “I guess what I don’t use you can use them Piper.”


                “Phoebe” exasperated Piper.


                “What? I didn’t tell her” replies Phoebe.


                “Piper the babies told me. I had a premonition of you being pregnant” informed Paige. “I’ll hug you later my feet hurt.” Piper goes over to Paige and hugs her.


                Sean walks into the nursery “what the bloody? What’s with all the diapers?”


                “Baby gifts from my Fairy Godmother” inform Paige. Sean raises an eyebrow. “What for a whole year” he said sarcastically.


                “Yes” they all said together.


                “Okay I guess we better move them to the attic” said Sean walking over to his wife. “And you are going back to bed.” Paige didn’t even argue as Piper helps her out of the chair. Paige kisses Sean on the lips and leaves with her sister following her. “We’ll tuck you in” said Piper and Phoebe together.


                “Okay we’ll start...” Sean was cut off by an explosion coming from Paige’s and his bedroom.



                Leo, Sean, and Ian froze for a second as another explosion occurs.  Sean takes off first for his bedroom as the others follow.  Sean arrives as another explosion hits him and sends him back into the hallway.  Paige screams his name.


                Sean knocks into Ian and Leo and they all hit the floor.  Fear and adrenaline causes Sean to be back on his feet in seconds and he was quickly, back into the bedroom.  Piper hands were up. “Piper don’t” yelled Sean!  Piper froze and looks at a large Irish wolfhound.  Sean glanced back at Leo and Ian with an angry look.


                “Sit” ordered Sean and the large dog sits down as ordered.


                “Sean you’re hurt” Paige said worried. Paige made her way over to him still keeping an eye on the dog.  Paige reaches up and Sean grabs her hand and kisses it gently. “I’m fine” reply Sean.  Sean’s shoulder was bleeding were he received the brunt of the explosion.


                Sean attention was still on the dog. “You’re too big.”  The dog cocks her head to one side and then she morphs into an Irish Red and White Setter.  Sean finally looks around the room there is holes in the walls and a lamp were totally destroyed.


                “Ok what the hell is that” said Piper pointing at the dog.


                “It’s a—”


                “Coimirceoir” Leo said finishing Sean’s explanation.  Piper, Phoebe and Paige look at the three men with complete confusion. 


                “It’s a protector; a kind of Celtic guardian” clarified Sean as his brow narrows in anger at Leo then his anger quickly disappears. “Paige, honey, why don’t you go downstairs and we’ll clean this mess up and do something with the diapers.”


                “Sean what’s wrong” asked Paige taking her husband’s hand?  Paige could tell that Sean was angry but she just couldn’t understand why.  She could tell as soon as he seen the dog, anger flashed across his face and then disappeared. “Sean, are you going to answer me?”


                Sean smiles at her and lightly brushes his lips over hers. “I’ll tell you after we get this mess cleaned up.  Piper. Phoebe. Do you mind taking Paige downstairs?” Piper and Phoebe nod and take Paige by the arms and lead her out of the room.


                Sean turns to Leo and waits for the Coimirceoir to follow the sister’s out the door.  “What’s that bloody beast doing here” demanded Sean?


                “I don’t know. Why are asking me” Leo replies back. He was a little dumbfounded by Sean implication.


                “Because there is only three ways it could have been dispatched here. One is by the Druid King and I definitely know he didn’t send it. The second is by the Elders and third is by the Ancients.  So Leo why did you send that thing here” snapped Sean.


                Leo shakes his head “The Elders did not send the Coimirceoir here.” Sean narrows his brow and grabs Leo by the shirt and lifts him up. “Do you know it’s been eight hundred years since one of those has been dispatched to a family? And as an Elder you have to know what happen to that family because of one of those.  I want it out and I want it out now.”


                “Is this a private party or can anyone play” asked Piper from the entrance to the room? “What is going on?”


                Sean lets go of Leo’s shirt and they both glares at one another. “The Elders didn’t send it so that would leave the Ancients” said Leo. They both look at Ian. “What” exasperated Ian?


                “You know what” Leo said to Ian. Piper walks into the room “Well I don’t, so share.”


                “Look after they found out about Wyatt having that dream” explains Ian.


                “What dream” questioned Sean? Piper grimaces “I sorry Sean I was going to call you. Wyatt had a dream about you not being able to wake up Paige.”


                “What? Why couldn’t I” he said as fear entered his voice?


                “Do you three what to know or not” interrupted Ian.  They all give Ian their undivided attention. “Okay. This Coimirceoir was sent to help protect Paige and the babies.”


                “So why don’t you tell us? What we’re going to do if some demon turns this one evil and she attacks Paige or anyone else” inquired Sean? Ian sighs. “This one is different. It has been trained for hundreds of years.”


                “Forgive me Ian if I’m not so confident. No one and that include the Elders and the Ancients know how the demon turned that other Coimirceoir evil. Especially when the Coimirceoir is immune to most magic” informs Sean.


                “Wait you mean that dog thing is immune to magical powers” questioned Piper. Leo nods his head “that’s why it’s used as a guardian and it’s very loyal to the family it protects.”


                “But one of them turned evil and attacked it’s family” inquired Piper?


                “Killed all of them except for the youngest daughter” enlightened Sean. “That’s when the powers that be decided it would be to dangerous to ever send anymore.  So what’s change, Ian?”


                “The fact that: this is an unusual circumstance” replied Ian.


                Sean shakes his head in disbelief. He was having a hard time understanding why the Ancients would intentionally put his family, endanger.  “I have to go do something with the diapers” he said as he was leaving the bedroom. Sean walks by them and gives them a half-hearted smile.


                “Leo, are you sure we can trust this Coimirceoir” asked Piper wryly?  Leo just looks at her and pulls her into his arms but he doesn’t answer her. 


                “I think I’ll go heal Sean and help him with the diapers” Ian said leaving them alone.



                The little silver television setting on the kitchen counter was turned to a local morning news show. The local meteorologist was talking about how it was going to be warm and sunny for the next two days, so if anyone wants to take in the three astronomical events tomorrow should be able to observe it.  Sean stands at the kitchen sink holding a cup of coffee and staring out the window.  He’s immersing in the events of last night’s discussion with Leo and Ian. Who was he kidding it was a full out argument on whether or not to tell Paige the truth about the Coimirceoir.  On top of it, Piper and Phoebe had agreed with Leo and Ian about not telling Paige.  For some strange reason they believe that if she knew the truth. She would not trust it and it could get her killed. He decided to give up the argument because it was a no win situation.  But what was eating him up this morning is that he promised them that he would not tell Paige.


                Sean shakes his head to try to get rid of the overwhelming memories and takes a drink of his now cold coffee. He turns around to see Piper and Phoebe standing there.


                “Did you tell her” asked Piper?


                “Good morning to you, too” replies Sean sarcastically.  He turns back around and pours his coffee down the sink and reaches for the coffeepot.  “Phoebe would you like a cup.  I would offer you a cup, Piper but it’s leaded.”  Phoebe nodded and Sean pours her a cup.  He takes out the teapot and places it on the stove. “I’ll make some tea for you.”


                “Sean, are you going to answer me?”


                “Not particularly but the answer is I did not tell her.”  He finishes pouring himself a cup of coffee and walks over to the table to sit down.  Piper and Phoebe follow.  Sean picks up the Bay Mirror and starts to read it.


                “Sean, what did you tell her” inquired Phoebe?


                Sean looks up at her. “What does it matter? I lied to her again. If I remember right you gave me the last bit of advice to lie to her.  I hope you don’t make this an every day thing in your marriage because I personally hate it.”


                The teapot starts to whistle and Sean gets up and pulls it off. “Piper you know where the tea is.  I have to leave for work. I need to call Ian to come and keep an eye on the doggy.”


                “That’s why we’re here” explains Phoebe. “Seems we convinced you not to tell Paige; about the Coimirceoir. We thought it was only fair that we come and stay with her today.  Besides today is Friday and you will be home tomorrow.”


                “Why are you staying here?” They heard Paige’s voice coming from the doorway.  They look at her and give her a guilty smile.


                “Okay what’s going on” inquired Paige?


                Sean walks over to Paige and kisses her gently on her lips. “Good morning, honey.  Piper and Phoebe came over to stay with you today.”


                “I don’t need a baby...” Sean places his finger over her lips.  “I know you don’t need a babysitter but I want you to get some rest today. You‘re suppose to be resting but we keep getting uninvited guest.”  Sean glances at the Coimirceoir and Paige knew that Sean was getting tired of the magical community dropping in unannounced.  Paige rises up on her tiptoes and kisses Sean on the lips that turn passionate.


                “Oh” said Piper turning her head away.  Phoebe also tries to get ignore the scene. 


                Sean breaks the kiss. “Okay then. I think I’ll just go to work.  Sean walks by and Paige smacks him on the behind.  Sean looks back and gives her an are-you-all right smile.  Paige just smiles back and heads further into the kitchen.  Sean sighs and grabs his briefcase and leaves the house.


                “So you two are here to baby-sit me” asked Paige?


                “No where here to spend the day with our little sister” corrected Phoebe with a smile.  Paige smiles back.


                “Why don’t you go and sit on the couch and I’ll bring you some breakfast” Piper said walking towards the refrigerator.  Paige nods and heads out of the room.


                FOUR HOURS LATER, Piper, Phoebe and Paige was sitting in the living room watching All My Children.


                “Who do you think did it” asked Paige?


                “I have no idea” replies Phoebe. “Since I got a job I’m so far behind.”    


                “Personally I think its Bianca’s old girlfriend” said a woman’s voice from behind them. Piper and Phoebe jump up and look at where the voice came from.  Paige slowly gets up and looks also.


                Three women stand there and they were dressed in medieval clothes. The woman with auburn hair steps forward from the middle.  Piper raises her hands up ready to use them.  The woman smiles, “Piper, I don’t think you really what to blow me up.”


                “Who are you” asked Piper defensively as she moves in front of Paige?


                “I’m Awena the Queen of Avalon” answered the woman with the auburn hair. “These are my ladies in wait.”


                “You’re who” said Paige coming forward?


                Awena inquired, “May I please sit?”  All three of the sisters just nod their heads. Awena smiles and sits down on the couch and the other two women come up and stand behind her.


                “Why are you here” questioned Phoebe sitting back down in the chair she occupied a few minutes ago.


                “I’m here to deliver a gift to the babies.” Piper and Paige both sit down in the same big plush chair.


                “How do you know who we are” asked Paige?


                She smiles again. “You are the Charmed One’s.”



                The front door opens and Sean steps inside.  He was looking through the mail, when he heard laughing coming from the living room.  Sean heads towards the laughter and walks into the living room.  He makes eye contact with his wife.  “Hey what’s so funny?”  Paige gestures towards the woman on the couch and she rises up and faces Sean. 


                The smile he wore on his face washes away and is replaced by pain and anger.  “What are you doing here?”  Sean didn’t care about his harsh tone.


                “Sean, this is the Queen—”


                “I know who she is.” Sean interrupted harshly.  Paige looks at him a little surprised with his tone. “Sean what’s your problem?”


                “It’s all right, Paige.  I’ve brought gifts for the babies” informed Awena.


                Sean puts up his hand to stop her from saying anymore.  “I’ve work to do before my late afternoon class,” Sean walks away shaking his head with irritation.


                “Sean” yelled Paige after him.


                “No, Paige let him go. He has every right to be mad at me” Awena said sadly.


                “What do you mean” asked Phoebe?


                Awena sighs.  “My nephew has never forgiven me for letting him down when he needed me the most.”


                “Your nephew” said Piper, Phoebe and Paige together. All three was very surprised by the information they just received.


                “Sean is your nephew” inquired Paige. She still was having a little trouble processing this new information.


                “His mother was my baby sister.”


                “Sean said he had no family.” Piper cut in to the conversation. She couldn’t figure out why Sean lied to them.


                “In Sean’s eyes...I am died.  I died the day of the memorial service.  He asked me to stay with him a few days to help him with the lawyers and everything else.” Awena sighs and closes her eyes trying to push down the pain that was strangling her throat.  “But I couldn’t. He had to go through it on his own.  He had to know he could handle it.”


                “I don’t understand. How could you turn your back on him?”  Paige needed justification if not for her at least for her husband.


                “I didn’t do it easily. In fact it wasn’t even my choice.”  Awena pauses and turns back to look at her ladies in wait.  One of them handed Awena a package wrapped in shiny pink paper with a gold ribbon and bow.  Awena takes it from her and hands it to Paige.  “Please open this and I’ll continue with my explanation.”


                Paige takes the package and slowly takes the ribbon and the shiny pink paper off of it.  She opens the two outer flaps of the box and then the inter flaps.  She reaches in pulls out not one quilt but three.  Paige grabs two of the corners of one of the quilts and flips in open.  In the middle of the quilt was the triquetra and triskele connected together.  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”


                “Don’t thank me. I didn’t make them. Sean’s mother did and she came to Avalon to give them to me for save keeping until the time was right.  Sean’s mother foreseen this very moment; the quilts are made out of Sean’s old baby clothes.”


                Paige smiles at this bit of information and takes a closer look before she hands it to Phoebe and Piper.


                “It was Sean’s mother who told me to let Sean handle everything on his own that he would not turn into the man he needed to be if I help him.  I did as my sister asked not because I wanted to but because she asked me too.  I have watched him turn into this strong, gently man he is now.  I’ve seen him save witches by making the demons he wanted information from think he killed them.  He used the power he acquired from his grandfather to do that.” Awena smiles with pride. “...The power of illusion and teleportation.”


                The sisters just sit there staring at the Queen of Avalon trying to get their thoughts around the information that was just shared with them.


                “Does Sean know any of this” asked Paige?


                “No he wouldn’t listen to me even if I tried to explain it.”


                “Maybe I can....”


                “No Paige let it be.  It’s for the best for now.  I just asked one thing if I could come by and see the babies after they’re born.”


                “You don’t even have to ask.  Yes, you can come and see the babies when their born” Paige said smiling.


                “But before I leave, I have one more gift to give the babies” Awena said accepting another package decorated exactly the same way as the other gift.  She gives it to Paige and Paige un-wraps the gift. She pulls out an iridescent blanket.


                “What is this” inquired Paige?


                “It turns what ever is under it invisible” clarified Awena.


                “Like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak,” said Paige.


                “Who’s Harry Potter?”


                Piper, Phoebe and Paige share a knowing look.


                “Never mind” said Phoebe. 


                Awena looks at them a little confused then let it go.


                “So you’re saying, what is every hid under it, turns invisible” asked Phoebe?


                “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”  Awena smiles and stands up. “I must be going.”  


                Piper, Phoebe and Paige also stand up.  Awena walks over to Paige and pulls her in a loving hug.  “Take care of that bull headed man upstairs.” She places her hand on Paige belly. “And take care of these special little angels.  They are more special then you can even image.”


                “I’ve heard that a lot lately” said Paige.


                “It must be nice not to have to be healed by your whitelighter.”


                “What? Leo has had to heal me when I was injured. Why” informed Paige?


                “Really, Huh,” Awena simply responded.  Awena waves her hand in a large circle and a swirling portal appears in the leaving room.  The Charmed Ones watches in amazement as the ladies in wait steps through.  Awena hugs each one of the sisters and steps through the portal as well. The portal disappears behind her.




                Piper, Phoebe and Paige went upstairs. Paige stops just outside the nursery. “Let me talk to him a lone OK.” Piper and Phoebe both stop and watch their sister walk into the room.


                “I had a nice talk with your aunt.”


                Sean didn’t answer and continued to stare out the window.


                “Sean, she’s really nice.”


                Sean let out an exasperated breath. “Look I don’t want to talk about it.”


                “One of the gifts she brought....”


                “I said I don’t want to talk about” Sean said angryly as he turn around to face her.  “I don’t give a damn what she brought.”  Paige narrowed her stare at him and let out a small laugh that had no humor in it. “For someone who doesn’t care about it, you sure are angry.”


                “You don‘t know anything about it, Paige and I said I don‘t want to talk about” Sean said with less angry in voice but with more pain.


                “Why don’t you explain it to me” said Paige? “Because she said she let you down when you needed her.”


                “That’s an understatement” mumbled Sean.


                Paige walks over and sits down in the rocker.  She looks at him waiting for his explaination.  Sean sighs and went back looking out the window.


                “Sean, I’m your wife please talk to me.”


                Sean walks over and sits down on the floor in front of her. He leans back on his arms to look up at her.  A glisten of tears coated his eyes and he clears the lump rising in his throat. “All I needed was for her to help me through the worst time in my life.  When she turned me down...I buried my grandparents, my parents, all my brothers and sisters and... my nieces an nephew.  You have know I idea what’s it like to bury a child and I hope you never know.” Sean’s voice broke as he wipes a lone tear away.  “I don’t ever want to go through that again. I don’t want us to know how that feels. The dream I’ve been having and then seeing her...brought the anger and pain all back again.  The pain made me want revenge and hatred and anger filled the hole that was left after losing my family.  The only thing that seperated me from the demons was the small amount of compasion that I had left that’s how the demons never knew.  I didn’t like myself and when I saved a little girl, she saved me.”


                Paige slides out of the rocker and tries to get down on the floor.


                “Paige what are you doing?”


                “Trying to get down on the floor so help me” said Paige smiling.  Sean smiles back and swing on to his knees and help his wife to the floor. “You know it’s going to be hard to get up.”


                “I’ll just orb.” Sean raises an eyebrow at her. “I’m kidding.”


                “Now I’m going to tell you what your aunt told us.  The gifts she brought was from your mother and it was a quilt made of your baby clothes.  She left it in Awena hands to hold on to it until now.  Your mother knew what was going to happen and she told your aunt to let you go through it a lone.”  Sean shakes his head in disbelief. “Your mother knew you had to go through what you did to become the man you are now, Sean, that’s a man that is loving, kind, generous and sometimes irriating as hell but I still love him.  When she comes and see the babies talk to her give her a chance, if not for yourself or me but for the babies.  Can you do that?”


                Sean nods his head and smiles.  Sean stands up. “Let me help you up.”  Paige puts her hands up but instead of letting Sean help her up she pulls him back down to the floor.  Paige grabs Sean’s face in her hands and kisses him. “I love you.”  Sean smiles, “I love you, too.”


                “Now tell me what your aunt meant when she asked if it was nice that I didn’t need to be healed by my whitelighter.”  Sean looks at her a little confused.  “I have no idea what she means.”   Paige looks at him like she didn’t believe him.


                “Honestly, Paige, I have know idea what she’s talking about. If I did I would tell you.”


                “Sean, do you think she knows something about our babies” asked Paige hesitantly?


                “I’m beginning to think that everyone else knows more about our babies then we do” said Sean smiling.  “Come on lets me get you off the floor and back in bed or on the couch.”  Sean helps her up off the floor and they walk into the hall where they run into Piper and Phoebe.


                Sean smiles and Paige narrows her eyes. “Were you eavesdropping?”


                “No” Piper and Phoebe said together.  Paige and Sean laughs


                Sean looks at his watch “Damn. I’m going to be late. I better get going so I’ll leave you in your sisters’ capable hands” said Sean kissing Paige gently on the lips.  He heads down the stairs.


                “Well do you want me to call Leo and ask him if he knows anything” inquired Piper?  Paige shakes her head.  “I think I’m going to lie down. I’m kind of tired.”  Piper and Phoebe nods and a concern look cross their faces.



                Sean is sitting in his backyard at a cast iron table and chairs.  He’s working on trying to put a piece of aluminum foil at one end of a box.  Sean is about to tape the last side down when he pulls a little to hard and the foil tears.  The frustration that had been building all morning over takes him and he flings the box across the table.


                “What did the box do to you? It’s innocent.” Phoebe voice came from behind him.  She bends down and picks the box up.  “Sean, what’s wrong?”


                Sean lets out a breath of frustration. “Your sister, she can be absolutely infuriating.”


                “She also can be pig headed and stubborn, stubborn and more stubborn” Piper piped in.


                “What did she do now” asked Phoebe?


                “It’s not that she’s done anything.”  Sean sighs. “It’s the fact I think she needs to go to the hospital and she won’t go.”


                “Why do you want to take her to the hospital” inquired Piper taking a seat next to him at the table?


                “She’s very tired and—.”


                “Sean” interrupting Phoebe. “She’s carry triplets.  She’s bound to be tired.  She is fixing the foil at the end of the box.


                “And if you would let me finish, she’s denying it but her back is killing her just like it did four days ago when she went into premature labor. So I feel I have every right to think she needs to go to the hospital.”


                “Let me guess, she says she’s fine and that’s why she won’t go” stated Piper.   Sean grimaces and nods his head. 


                “Well I’ll just go and talk her into going” Phoebe said confidently.


                Sean starts to laugh and Piper joins him. “This is Paige.”  Sean nods in agreement with Piper insight.


                “Hey, If I can talk her into it” queried Phoebe?


                “I will get behind the wheel of my SUV in lightening speed” injected Sean.


                Phoebe marches off with the confidence of a hungry lion.  Sean arches an eyebrow at Piper as Phoebe enters the house.


                “So you think she can convince Paige because I’ve been at it all morning.  Sean glances back towards the house he shares with Paige.


                “Who knows? This is Paige and no one can make her doing anything she’s not ready to do.”


                They both was looking at the house when they see a flash of light coming from upstairs and heard Phoebe scream and Paige yell for Phoebe.  Sean and Piper both took off for the house.


                Paige was sitting on her bed and is now ready to go to the hospital.  She heard someone coming up the stairs.  Paige rises up to get ready to leave for the hospital.


                “Paige” calls Phoebe.


                Phoebe appears in the doorway just as black orbs materialize in the room to reveal a man dressed in black and donning a long black trench coat.  In a split second he forms an energyball and hits Phoebe with it.  It knocks her into the far wall and with a wave of his hand the door swings shut.  When the door clicks shut a purplish glow washes over the entire room.


                Paige tries to orb out but she just bounces off the walls.  She rematerializes in the middle of the room as a contraction hit which makes her scream in pain.  The man in black starts to laugh an eerie laugh that would cause a chill go down her spine if she wasn’t in so much pain.


                When Paige was unable to orb away the Coimirceoir morphs back into the large Irish Wolfhound as when she arrive. The Coimirceori positions herself between Paige and the darklighter.


                “What kind of darklighter are you” asked Paige as the contraction lessens and tears start to burn the corner of her eyes.  She knew this is the evil that was in Sean’s dream.  An overwhelming will to survive comes over her.  She was going to survive this for Sean and her babies.


                “Oh I’m only half darklighter. You see my mother was a warlock and my father was darklighter.  Does it sound familiar?”  A smirk crosses his lips.  “They made sure I stayed a sercret from The Source.  He would’ve not liked it.  Oh and now that you and your sisters vanquished The Source.  It puts me in the perfect place to become the new Source.  Well after I kill you and your brats, that is.”


                He forms an energyball in one hand as he smokes in a crystal sword in the other hid behind his back.  But before he can throw the energyball, the Coimirceoir launches at him.  When the Coimirceoir is upon him, he pulls the sword from behind his back and swings it at the Coimirceoir striking her on the side.  She falls to the floor with a yelp of pain.


                “It’s amazing what a warlord’s crystal sword can do” the darklight/warlock said with a mocking tone.


                When Sean and Piper reaches the hallway they find Phoebe lying unconscious on the floor.  Piper kneels down beside her and checks her pulse.  Piper calls for Leo as Sean calls for Ian.  Sean attention is pulled to his and Paige’s bedroom when he hears the Coimirceoir yelps in pain.


                Sean runs to the door to open it but as he touches the doorknob he is thrown back against the wall.  Leo and Ian orbs into the hallway.


                “Leo hurry Phoebe’s hurt” said Piper frantically.


                “What happened” asked Leo as he kneels down to heal her? 


                “Just heal her” order Piper.  Piper attention is now on the door to Paige’s bedroom.


                After a few minutes, Phoebe starts to open her eyes and tries to jump up. “Paige.”


                “Whoa” said Leo “I’m not done healing you.”


                Ian goes over and helps Sean to his feet, as soon as Sean is back on his feet, he tries to flash in the room but a second later he reappears on the floor in the hallway.


                “I can’t get in.” He said it to no one in particular.  “Paige.”  Sean yells as he forms an emerald fireball and throws it at the door.  It has no effect on the door.




                Paige looks up from the Coimirceoir lying on the floor to the door, when she hears Sean yell her name and sound of an explosion on the other side of the door.


                “If you think my husband and my sisters are going to allow you to harm me and you get out of here alive then you have another thing coming.”  Paige hopes she can keep him talking to give Sean and her sisters enough time to figure out how to get in the room.


                “Do you think a mortal and two witches will be able to stop me?  Once I kill you and your babies and take your powers.”


                The darklighter/warlock forms an energyball in his hand.  Paige calls for the energyball and sends it back towards the darklighter/warlock but before it hits him; he dark orbs out then back in as the energyball hits the wall.


                Paige hears more explosions on the outside of the door.  She knows that Piper and Sean was trying to breakthrough the door.  She just doesn’t know how she’s going to get out of this but as she was lost in her thoughts, her eyes registers that an energyball was coming at her.  Paige orbs out just in time.


                Paige orbs back into the room just as the energyball strikes the wall.  When Paige reappears in the room, the darklighter/warlock laughs and forms another energyball just as he throws the energyball Paige is rocked by another contraction.


                “Aw” Paige hunches over in pain.


                Paige looks up and calls for the energyball but when she sends it back towards him.  It misses him by about five feet.


                Sean closes his eyes as he hears another explosion coming from the room.  Piper is standing beside him and Phoebe has a piece of paper on a hall table and was working on a spell.


                “Sean, are you ready” asked Piper?  Sean nods and forms an emerald fireball. “On three.”


                “OK” replies Sean.


                “One, two, three.”  Piper moves her hand while Sean throws the emerald fireball at the door.


                The force of both their blasts causes the door to rattle but when Sean goes to open the door, the forcefield sends him against the wall.  Sean ends up sprawled out on the floor.  Sean slams his hand on the floor. “Damn.”


                “OK I have the spell done” informed Phoebe walking up to them.


                “So do you say the spell first and then Piper and I try to knock the door of the hinges” questioned Sean getting up off the floor?


                “That’s the plan” replies Phoebe.


                They hear another explosion coming from the bedroom. “Then let’s get this going.  Paige has been in there alone to long.”


                Phoebe finishes saying the spell and then Piper and Sean tries to blast the door again.  Phoebe goes to the door and tries to open it.  She is sent flying but Phoebe is stop short of hitting the wall.  Sean has one of his hands up and slowly brings his arm down which inturns slowly lowers Phoebe to the floor.


                “Thanks” said Phoebe upon touching the floor.


                “No problem but it looks like your spell didn’t work.”  Sean turns to face Leo and Ian.  They had been standing next to the wall watching.  “OK, do you mates have any ideas or are you going to just stand there?”


                “I don’t have any idea on how to get in there” explains Leo.  “I wished I did.”


                “Maybe if you two would try to help instead of being wallflowers.  We could’ve been already in there” exasperated Piper.


                They hear a scream from the bedroom.  Sean stands frozen in place as the dream flashes through his head.  “Come on I have an idea.  Oscail Manor’s attic.  Go on through I forgot something.  I meet you in a few minutes.”


                “All right hurry” said Piper as she grabs Phoebe and Leo’s hand and Ian grabs Phoebe’s hand. They walk through the magical doorway.  Sean goes running down the stairs.


                Paige orbs back in and the darklighter/warlock has another energyball ready and hits her with an energyball.  Paige screams as she flys into a wall and crumbles to the floor.  The darklighter/warlock stretches his hands out in front of him as a purplish blue light stream comes out of his hands.  The light stream hits Paige and it pushes her flat against the wall.  He raises his arms and Paige rises off the floor still plastered against the wall.


                Paige is screaming and crying in pain as her contractions increases in frequency.  The stress of the light stream was speeding up her contractions.


                The darklighter/warlock is totally in thralled in his torture of Paige.  He does not notice that the Coimirceoir is still alive.  The Coimirceoir starts to crawl towards the darklighter/warlock.  When the Coimirceoir gets close enough, it propels itself and locks his massive jaws over the darklighter/warlock’s arm and knocks him to the floor.  The Coimirceoir thrashes its head back and forth ripping his arm apart.


                Paige falls to the floor with a moan after the Coimirceoir grabs the evil intruder.  The invisibility blanket, which Sean had flung over the closet door the day before, slides off and covers Paige lying unconscious on the floor and it makes her, disappear.


                The darklighter/warlock was screaming profanity as he tries to get the Coimirceoir to release him.  But the Coimirceoir has a death grip and no matter how hard the darklighter/warlock hit it, the Coimirceoir would not release.  In the cloudness of his mind do to the pain the Coimirceoir was inflicting, he turns his head and sees the crystal sword lying a few feet away.  He puts his free arm hand towards the sword and the sword slides to him.  Once he has the sword he thrust the sword into the chest of the Coimirceoir.  The Coimirceoir release and collapse on top of him.  The darklighter/warlock rolls the Coimirceoir off him and grabs his bloody arm. He slowly gets up as he watches the Coimirceoir fade away.


                He looks over to where Paige should be but she isn’t there.  “Where are you at witch” he mumbles?  He walks over and jerks open the bathroom door.  He narrows his eyebrows and steps inside.  He steps back out of the bathroom. “Olli Olli oxen free Come out Come out where ever you are!



                Phoebe is standing in front of a boiling pot in the Manor’s attic.  Sean appears through the magical doorway, a short time later, carrying a small bag of sawdust.


                “What’s that for” asked Phoebe?


                “It’s to strengthen the potion. It will give your potion a little more of a kick at least according to the Nymphs who gave the tree as a baby gift.”


                Sean hands the bag to Phoebe and she shakes the contents of the bag into the boiling pot.  When the contents hits the potion, there’s a small explosion and a puff of green smoke.


                “Well that’s impressive” Piper expressed astonishingly.


                Sean says nothing but steps away to look out the attic’s window.  He knows he has to regain control of his emotions, mostly his fear of loosing the only woman he’s ever truly loved.


                Phoebe starts to fell the bottles with the potion.  Sean is now pacing back and forth impatiently. “Is it ready?”


                “Yea” replies Phoebe filling the last vial with the potion.  She walks over and hands a vial to Piper.


                “Sean how are we going to get into the room?  Seems everything we’ve tried has failed” inquires Piper.


                “We’re going to use the magical doorway.”


                Piper and Phoebe look at Sean with some doubts.  Sean knew by their expressions that they did not believe him.


                “I assure you that this will work. I totally forgot that evil couldn’t use the doorway therefore they shouldn’t be able to block it’s magic.  It’s very old druid magic and most demons don’t even know about it” explained Sean.


                “And you’re just telling us. Why didn’t you mentioned this before now” questioned Piper?


                “Like I said, I forgot about it until the dream came running through my mind again.  Oscail Paige and my bedroom.”


                Sean extends his hand out to Phoebe and she grabs on to it.  Piper, Leo, and Ian grabs on to each other’s hands then Piper grabs Phoebe’s hand to complete the change


                “Are we ready” asked Sean?  They reply with a quick nod.


                Sean enters the doorway with the others closely behind.  When they enter the bedroom, the darklighter/warlock has his back to them.  Sean makes eye contact with Piper and Phoebe and with a simple look a silent understanding passes between them.  Piper and Phoebe raise their arms ready to throw their potions and then give Sean a nod to let him know their ready.  Sean forms an emerald fireball and gives a whistle to get the darklighter/warlock attention.


                The darklighter/warlock turns around and his eyes widen in shock.  Sean’s lips curve up in satisfaction.  Sean throws the emerald fireball that sends him across the room.


                “Throw the potion” yells Sean.


                Piper and Phoebe throws the potions when it makes contact with it’s destination, the darkligher/warlock disappears instantly.  The only way to explain it is that it’s like a flash fire used by magicians in their magic acts.


                “Whoa! That did pack a punch” Phoebe said with surprise because of the increase of  power to the potion.


                “I guess there is something to say about the element of surprise” replies Piper.


                Sean takes a survey of the room but he couldn’t see her.  “Where’s Paige?”


                Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Ian take inventory of the room as well.  They realize that things just got increasingly worse.


                “Paige” Sean calls her name but there is no answer, not even a moan.


                Piper looks at Leo. “Leo can you sense her?”


                Leo closes his eyes and a few seconds later his eyes opens. “I can’t sense her anywhere.”


                “Ian, try to sense the babies” ordered Sean.  Ian closes his eyes in attempt to sense the babies but in a few seconds later his eyes opens with a hint of worry in them.


                “Does this mean she’s—”


                “No!” Sean says cutting Phoebe off. “Don’t even think that.  She’s in here.  I just know it.”   Sean looks aroung the room and his eyes focus on the closet door.  “Closet door.”


                Everyone in the room looks at Sean like he’s just lost his mind.


                “What are you talking about” asked Ian?


                Sean doesn’t answer but he takes a few steps towards the closet door then falls down on his knees.  He starts to slide his hands back and forth in front of him.


                “Sean, honey, what are you doing” Piper asked with a hint of concern in her voice?


                “I’m trying to find Paige.” Sean crawled a little more forward, still moving his hands back and forth.


                “Do you think he shrunk her” questioned Phoebe? She’s unsure if the stress of the situation has caused her brother-in-law to loose his mind.


                “No. Ah Hah!” Sean said grabing something and giving it a quick pull.  Paige is revealed still lying there uncounscious.  Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Ian quickly move to join Sean kneeling next Paige.


                Sean puts to finger on her neck to check her pulse.  “Leo her pulse is weak.” Leo is already kneeling next to him.


                “Sean you’re going to have to move” informed Leo.


                Sean gets up and moves out of the way giving Leo more access to Paige.  Leo places his hands above Paige but nothing happens. No glow, not even a flicker.  Sean’s stomach cletches up and hope starts to fade.


                “Leo what’s wrong” Piper asked wearily? Leo looks up at her and can’t answer.


                Ian kneels down beside Leo.  “Here Leo let me give it a try.”  Ian puts his hands over Paige but still nothing happens. Ian gives Leo a knowing look and Leo nods to verify his worse fear.


                “We don’t have time for this” Sean says pulling Ian to his feet.  Sean grabs the front of Ian’s shirt once he’s standing and looks him directly in the eyes. “Go and get Bret and meet us at hospital.  Go Now!”


                Ian glances at Leo before orbing out.  Sean bends down and picks up his pregnant wife. “I’ll see you at hospital.”  Sean flashes out with Paige in his arms.


                Piper and Phoebe look at each other with a frown and grabs on to Leo and Leo orbs them out.




                Paige is still unconscious when Sean carries her through the E.R. doors.  Piper, Phoebe, and Leo closely follow him.  An E.R. Nurse behind a counter gets up and comes around the counter to meet them.


                “What happened” inquired the E.R. Nurse.


                “She fell while in premature labor” came a familiar voice from behind them. “ Sean follow me” directed Dr. Bret Bennett.


                Dr. Bret Bennett goes by the E.R. Nurse into the E.R.  Sean follows carrying Paige tightly.  He’s so afraid if he lets her go. He could lose her.


                “Sean put her on the gurney.” Sean lies her down but he continues to hold on to her hand.  Piper and Phoebe are watching everything with great intensity.  Phoebe grabs Piper’s hand for support to help the fear subside.


                Dr. Bennett orders a nurse to grab a portable ultrasound machine.  Dr. Bennett grabs Sean’s arm.  “Sean, you have to move back.”


                Sean reluctantly let go of Paige’s hand and moves back to stand with the others.  They watch as Dr. Bennett and the ER nurses’ work to try to stabilize Paige.


                One of the nurses, hook up a infant heart monitor as Dr. Bennett tries to assess Paige’s injuries then an alarm goes off on the infant heart monitor.  Dr. Bennett grabs the print out and looks at it.


                “What’s going on” questioned Sean but Dr. Bennett doesn’t answer him.


                Dr. Bennett orders a nurse to call up to Maternity to get an O.R. room ready.  “Tell them that we have a woman in her thirtieth week with triplets and she is in premature labor and the babies are under distress.   It is due to a fall.  I also want Dr. Terri Clark to assist me and we’re on our way up now.”


                Dr. Bennett and a nurse unlocked the wheels on the gurney and starts to push it to a patient’s elevator.  Sean, Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Ian are following close behind the gurney.  Sean goes to get on the patient’s elevator.


                Dr. Bennett sticks out his hand to stop Sean. “Hold the elevator” Dr. Bennett says to the nurse.  “Sean you’re going to have...” Dr. Bennett glances over Sean’s shoulder at Paige’s sisters and brother-in-law. “...wait in the waiting room.”


                Sean starts to argue.


                “Sean, you can’t be in the OR, not in the condition she’s in.  She’s in critical condition and I have to give her and the babies my full attention.  I have to go.” Dr. Bennett turns to walk away and Sean grabs his arm. “Bret, I—”


                “ I know what they mean to you. Trust me, like I’ve trusted you over the years” Dr. Bennett said cutting Sean off.


                Sean gives a small nod almost unnoticeable.  Dr. Bennett gives a reassuring smile and gives a gentle squeeze to his friend’s shoulder for added support.


                Dr. Bennett steps back on the elevator and the doors close behind him.  Sean realizes his future is in the hands of his friend, who just asked him to trust him.  Sean let out a breath he was holding, then he heads for the visitor’s elevators and absentmindedly hits the button for the elevator.


                They step into the empty waiting room.  Sean steps in front of Ian.  “So are you going to tell me how you knew Paige was labor” asked Sean coldly?


                Ian glances over Sean’s shoulder at Leo.  Sean notices where Ian’s eyes flashed.


                “Don’t look at him...” A glimpse of betrayal crosses Sean’s eyes. “...or should I be asking Leo” exasperated Sean turning to face Leo.


                Leo glances around at all the eyes looking at him with unbending curiousity.  Leo looks at Sean again and Leo sighs.  “Because the Ancients, the other Elders and myself knew, if she would gets hurt while in labor.  There was a possibility that Ian and myself would not be able to heal her and when we couldn‘t, we knew she was in labor.”


                “Don’t you think that little bit of information should have been shared with us, Leo” Piper asked irritiated?


                “We thought it would be better if you didn’t know.  It would not have done any good for you to know.  You couldn’t have done anything for her” justified Leo.  Piper sighs in disscuss and Sean walks away to look out the window.


                “Leo, she’s our sister.  We should have been told whether you thought it was a good idea or not” retorted Phoebe.


                “It doesn’t matter.  It would’ve done any good anyway” said Sean breaking his own silence.  He slowly walks back to where everyone is standing.  “Destiny plays a wicked hand.  You can’t change what’s meant to be whether you like it or not.  You just have to have faith.  You also have to be able to read the signs or at least be paying attention to them.” Everyone looks at Sean a little confused at his babbling.


                “Like three really rare astronomical events, which we all have ignored.” Sean raises an eyebrow.  “They are occuring today and one is right now.”


                “The eclipse, the meteor shower, and the comet” listed Phoebe.  “I didn’t even make the connection until now.”  A realization crosses Piper face.  “None of us did” added Piper.


                Dr. Brett Bennett walks into the operating room.


                “Doctor, she’s ready” said the anestesiologist.  Dr. Bennett gives a nod of acknowledgement.


                Dr. Bennett leans down by Paige’s ear, so no one else could hear him.  “Are you ready to become a mommy, Paige?  Don’t you worry just have faith and I’ll pull you through this.  I promised Sean I’d take care of you.”


                Dr. Bennett straightens up. “It’s time to let the good time rolls.”  All the nurses roll their eyes and Dr. Terri Clark chuckled.


                Dr. Bret Bennett position himself even with Paige’s swollen belly. “Scalpel.”


                A few minutes later, Dr. Bret Bennett delivers the first baby.  “Here’s your first baby girl, Paige” he said handing the baby to a nurse.  She quickly takes the baby over to a table where Dr. Terri Clark, a pediatrician from the prenatal unit was waiting, for it.


                A couple more minutes, Dr. Bennett brings forth another baby.  “Here’s baby girl number two” informs Dr. Bennett.  He hands her into the waiting arms of a nurse, who then rushes her over to the table for Dr. Clark to look at it.  The first baby is now crying loudly.


                A minute or two later, Dr. Bret Bennett is delivering the last baby girl.  “Number three, Paige” reported Dr. Bennett.  He gave the last little girl to the waiting nurse.   The nurse carries the last baby girl over to the table to be check out.


                Dr. Bennett starts to close the incision.  “Terri, how’s are little patients doing?”


                “For being born at thirty weeks, they are doing surprisingly well” answered Dr. Terri Clark happily.


                Dr. Bennett was putting in the last staple in, when an alarm goes off.


                “Dr. Bennett, her blood pressure is drop—” The anesthsiologist was unable to finish that statement when the heart monitor alarm goes off then it changes to a long beep indicating that Paige was flatlining.




                Dr. Bennett reacted immediately.  His muscles working involuntary as he starts chest compressions.  He is going through the motions from memory.


                “I’m not going to let you leave him.  You’ve freed his heart and soul.  He locked them up the night he lost his entire family.  The Sean that I remember is waiting for you in the waiting room and is the Sean I meet the first day of college.  The guy was the epitome of fun.  He was the guy that loved life and reveled in it.  I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you die and lose my friend all over again” Dr. Bennett said to himself.


                In the back of his mind he hears the defibrillator charging up.


                “Clear” yells Dr. Clark.


                Dr. Bennett and the others step back from the table.  Dr. Clark puts the paddles to Paige’s chest and sends an electric circuit through her heart.  The medical personal looks at the heart monitor and it is still showing a flatline.


                Dr. Bennett begins chest compressions again as the anestesiologist holds the CPR mask.


                “One, two, three, four, five” counted off Dr. Bennett.


                The anestesiologist squeezes the bag of the CPR mask to force air into Paige’s lungs.  Dr. Bennett begins the chest compressions as they wait for the defibrillator to recharge.


                “Clear” Dr. Clark says again.  Everyone steps back as Dr. Clark shocks Paige again.


                A nurse that remained with the babies is watching the doctors and the anesthesiologist trying to save their mothers life.


                The nurse glances back but her eyes freeze on the babies.  She closes her eyes tightly and then reopens them.  The nurse couldn’t believe what she was seeing.


                Gold orbs of light were slowly forming around the baby girls.  The cloud of gold orbs is getting larger and larger as the nurse watches; her ability to speak had escaped her.  The cloud of gold orbs is now starting to rise up into the air.  The nurse opens and closes her mouth with no sound coming out.


                Dr. Bennett and Dr. Clark are still working on trying to save her life. Dr. Clark is about to place the paddles on her chest, when the cloud of gold orbs flies across the room and right into Paige. Dr. Clark’s eyes widen in shock as Paige whole body starts to glow in a golden light.


                Dr. Bennett looks down at Paige’s closed incision but right before his eyes, it disappeared.  Dr. Bennett clenches his jaw trying to figure out how to make everyone in the room remain quiet about what they’ve seen.


                Paige sucks in a quick breath and bolts up as the golden glow fades away. Paige’s  hand goes immediately to her belly.


                “Paige it’s all right.  I’ve had to do an emergency c-section.  You’re in the hospital” explains Dr. Bennett taking Paige’s hand to calm her.


                “Bret...I mean Dr. Bennett my babies” asked Paige still confused. “Where’s Sean?”


                “I would say their more then fine and Sean and your sisters are waiting in the waiting room” chuckled Dr. Bennett. He was amazed of what just happened.


                Paige narrows her brow not thinking any of this is funny. She still confused because the last thing she remembered was being attacked by a darklighter/warlock.  Paige just wanted an explanation on what was going on and why everyone was looking at her, like she had two heads.


                The nurse watching the babies is now pointing at them.  She’s still in too much shock to speak.  A blue cloud starts to form little above the babies and then it starts to float up into the air. When it starts to get closer to the ceiling in gets larger and lightening starts to streak through the cloud.  Everyone’s attention has now moved to the blue cloud resting by the ceiling.


                “Paige what are your babies doing now” Dr. Bennett whispers in her ear? “They heal you first and now this.”




                Paige, Dr. Bennett, and everyone else in the room had their eyes lock on the blue cloud.  The cloud had continued to grow as the lightening streaks through it.


                “I have no—” Paige stops talking when everyone but him and Paige starts to move in reverse quickly.


                Dr. Bennett and Paige widen their eyes in shock as they continue to move backwards.  “It’s like someone hit a gaint rewind button” committed Dr. Bennett.  Paige just slowly nods her head in agreeement.


                A couple minutes later, everyone was where they were at the same exact time Paige went into cardiac arrest.  Everyone pauses and starts to move forward.  Paige narrows her eyes not sure what will happen next.


                “For being born at thirty weeks, they are doing surprisingly well” informed Dr. Clark. “Would you like to see your daughters Mrs. O’Hara?”


                Dr. Bennett leaning close to Paige’s ear. “She said, it exactly the same early when I asked her about the babies.” Paige looks over at Dr. Bret Bennett not sure how to answer or react to what she just heard.


                When Paige didn’t answer him, he arches his brows with surprise and some confusion.  “Do you think they reversed time?”  Dr. Bennett looks at his watch and then at the one on the wall. Dr Bennett’s mouth drops open in shock.  “Paige my watch is twenty minutes faster then the one on the wall” he whispered in her ear.


                Paige closes her eyes and jumps a little when Dr. Clark places her hand on her shoulder.  “Here’s daughter number one” said Dr. Clark handing Paige the baby.  Paige blinks her eyes trying to slow the tears that are starting to burn her eyes.


                “Hi there! I’m your mommy but I guess you already know that.  You are so beautiful, my sweet angel.  Thank you” said Paige.  “You and your sisters are going to be so loved.”  Dr. Clark reaches out and Paige places a kiss on her baby’s forehead and hands her daughter back to her.  Dr. Clark smiles back at her.


                A nurse bends over and places Paige’s second baby in her arms.  “Hello sweetie, You are so beautiful, too.”  A couple of tears fall gently down Paige’s cheeks. “You are so loved.  Your daddy and your aunts are going to spoil you and your sisters to death along with me.” The nurse leans over and Paige kisses her on the head and hands her daughter back  to the nurse.  Paige wipes away the tears that are falling in streams.


                Another nurse bows down and gives Paige her last daughter.  The nurse flashes a little grin at her and Paige smiles back. “Last but not least, Hi pumpkin! I can’t wait until your daddy and your aunts get to see you.  Your Aunt Phoebe is going to be very surprised at what your sisters and you can do.  You and your sisters are my love, my beauty, and my truth.”   Paige kisses her last daughter on her cheek and hands it to the nurse. 


                Paige has a smile that spreads all the way to her tears of joy eyes. Paige lets out a laugh as Dr. Clark and the two nurses starts to leave the O.R.  “Where are you taken them” asked Paige?


                “Don’t worry we’re taking them to the prenatal unit.  We need to run some test and see how strong they really are, being born so early.  My first observations are very promising” explains Dr. Terri Clark.  Dr Clark smiles back and her and the nurses leave the room.


                Sean is sitting with his elbows on his knees and he’s spinning his wedding ring around.  Sean’s eyes are glossed over, as he is lost in his thoughts.  Ian is pacing the floor between the door and the windows.  Phoebe’s eyes are closed as she stands by the window.  Leo and Piper are sitting next to each other on the couch.  Piper is resting her head on her husbands shoulder and Leo has interwined his finger with hers.  Leo brings Piper’s hand up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles.  Piper lips curve into a smile and she sighs.


                Dr. Bennett steps into the waiting room and observes Paige’s family waiting for news.  He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “ Sean.”


                Sean stands up and faces him. Piper raises her head off Leo’s shoulder.  Phoebe turns around and came forward towards Dr. Bennett.  Ian stops his pacing and stands behind the chair that Sean was sitting in.


                “Your wife and daughters are doing well” informs Dr. Bennett.


                “Can we see them” asked Piper and Phoebe together before Sean even had a chance too?  Sean smiles at them.


                “Yes in a little while, Paige is in recover and the babies were taken to prenatal unit for some test.  Paige really doesn’t need to be in recover but—” Dr. Bennett fades off.


                “What do you mean she doesn’t need to be in recover” inquired Sean? “She just delivered by a c-section, right?”


                Dr. Bennett looks behind him towards the door then clears his throat. “Well you baby girls saved Paige’s life.


                “How” Leo asked? Everyone looks at Dr. Bennett surprised and confused by the statement.


                Dr. Bennett swallows.  “They made glowing golden ball things.  They looked kind of like when you come into a room and leave” Dr. Bennett said making eye contact with Ian.


                “You’re meaning orbs” questioned Ian?


                Sean is just sitting there.  He’s trying to understand that his daughters, that were just born, had to save his wife.


                “Yeah...orbs...these orbs things flew across the O.R. and entered Paige after she flatlined.  Dr. Clark and myself were trying to get her heart started. When—”


                “My wife heart stopped” asked Sean cutting Dr. Bennett explanation off.


                Dr. Bennett stares at his friend realizing in all the excitement he blurted out Paige’s conditions before the babies saved their mother’s life.  Dr. Bennett closes his eyes and sighs.  “I’m sorry, Sean. When I’d delivered the last baby.  Paige’s blood pressure dropped and for some reason caused her to go into cardiac arrest.  The anethesiologist and myself started CPR, while Dr. Clark was getting the defibrillator ready.  We shock her twice and were about to shock her again when the orbs enter her body.  A golden glow surrounded her and the incision I made to deliver the babies healed immediately.  I’ve seen Ian—” Dr. Bennett glances to Ian. “—heal someone but this was...”


                “Amazing” interrupted Piper.


                Dr. Bennett smiles and nods. “Percisely.”


                “Leo, do you want me to do some clean up” asked Ian ending the silence that entered the room after Dr. Bennett explained the events that occured after the babies were born.


                “What do you mean clean up” questioned Dr. Bennett?


                Ian looks at Leo and Leo smiles.  “We need to adjust some memories on the doctor and nurses.”


                “No you don’t” retorted Dr. Bennett.


                “No offense Doctor, but yes we do. I will not have anyone knowing about our secret” riposted Piper.


                “You misunderstood me; they don’t remember anything of what happen.  The babies took care of that too.  I think they reversed time, at least in the room or just put them back to where it all started.” Dr. Bennett tried to explain but was having little success.  Everyone was looking at him like he’d lost his mind.  They deal with magic everyday and this surprises them.


                “Dr. Bennett” Piper began. “None of our powers can control time; In fact, the only one we know that can affect time is a demon called Tempus.  Leo is that possible?”


                Leo shrugs his shoulders. “Anything is possible. We are trending in new water. I’m as surprised as you are. I will have to check with the other Elders and —”


                “Can I see my children and my wife now” Sean asked breaking into the conversation?  Sean didn’t really care how his babies saved their mother he was just overjoyed they did.  He wants to thank them but more then anything; he just wants to see them to see that they’re really okay.


                Dr. Bennett smiles an understanding smile at Sean. “I’ll take you to the prenatal unit to see your daughters and after that Paige should be out of recover.”


                Dr. Bennett heads for the door and everyone follows him.


                Leo grabs Piper’s elbow gently and she faces him.  “I’m going to go and check with the Elders and let them know what is going on and what just happen.”



                “But Leo, don’t you want—” Piper is cut off in mid-sentences by Leo’s kiss.  Leo breaks the kiss and smiles then orbs out.  Piper glares upward then left to catch up with the others.




                Paige is lying in a hospital bed, a sleep.  Sean is sitting next to the bed in a chair.  He has thrown a blanket over his lap and lying on the blanket are his three baby girls.  Sean is singing a lullabye softly to them when Paige’s eyes flutter open. 


                She lies there watching her husband and a smile grace her lips.  She loved waking up to such a beauty sight; her husband singing to their babies. She wasn’t for sure that she could love him more then at this very moment.


                “What are you smiling at” inquired Sean after he glanced up and seen that she was watching him?


                “You with our daughters, You’re a natural.”  Paige’s smile grew if that could be humanly possible.  She doesn’t remember being so happy.


                Sean smiles at her.  “Na, I just had lots of practice.”


                Paige’s smile drops a little. “Can you believe what they can already do?  How did your aunt know about the healing?”


                “It’s only reasonable.  My mom was able to heal and you’re half whitelighter but I never dreamed that they would be able to heal like that.  Also, I assumed the girls would be a lot older” stated Sean.


                Paige watches him pick up their daughters and place them in the one hospital bassinet.  Sean stands up and takes a couple of steps then sits down beside her on the bed.  Sean takes her hand and brings it up to his lips and kisses it gently.


                Paige glances into his eyes and smiles, then her attention fell back to her daughters sleeping peacefully.  Paige couldn’t figure out why their daughter would raise such a fuss when they were separated.


                “Paige, honey, what’s wrong” asked Sean noticing that her eyes had narrowed.


                “Uh” Paige looks up being brought out of her thoughts.


                Sean chuckles.  “I asked you if anything was wrong or I guess I should ask what’s on your mind?”


                “Why do you think they have to be in the same bassinet and if you try to separate them, they throw a big fit” queried Paige?


                “I think they’re stronger when they’re together and they probable know it, as well.  So when you try to split them up they let you know it’s not a good idea.”


                “You think they’ll act that way when we take them home” asked Paige weary.


                “I don’t think so.  I hope they fell save with us in their home.  They know we’re their parents and we wouldn’t let anything happen to them.  We haven’t messed them up yet.” Sean smiles and chuckles a little at his own joke.


                Paige laughs, too.  “In this family we should probable get them into therapy now.”


                “So do we keep the names or do we change them” asked Sean changing the subject?


                “We knew what we were going to name them a month ago and now you want to change it” snapped Paige.


                Sean holds his hands up and chuckles. “I was just checking to make sure we were going to stick with those names; that’s all.” Sean smiles and cocked his head to side to try to look cute and innocent.


                “Don’t do that” ordered Paige smiling.


                “Don’t do what” Sean said innocently.


                “That whole I’m innocent act.  Don’t you like the names we chose” Paige asked with concern?


                Sean pulls Paige into his embrace.  She tries to push out of it.  “I love the names and I love you and I love our daughters.”  Paige relaxes and wraps her arms around him and Sean relaxes his hug, so he could look in her eyes.  “You know we could think about adding those other names we liked to our little family.”


                “Sean, I—” Sean cuts her off when he brings his lips to hers in a loving, reassuring, and passionate kiss.


                He breaks the kiss and smiles. “Later much later.” He glances over to the bassinet. “I have a funny feeling that these three will keep us busy for awhile.”


                Sean leans in, to give Paige another kiss when the babies starts to stir and then one by one they start to cry.  Sean jumps up and goes over to them “Oh what’s wrong with my little girls?”


                Paige is standing next to her husband.  “Do you have daddy wrapped around your little fingers” Paige asked her daughters? “Hey, I think they just smiled at me.”


                “I think that was just gas, darling” clarified Sean.


                “Smiled” Paige said narrowing her eyes as the corner of her lips twitched, trying not to smile.


                “Gas” retorted Sean grinning.


                “No, they smiled” countered Paige now unable to stop her lip curving into a smile.


                “I beg to differ, its gas” Sean repartees.


                “I think it’s a smile” interrupted Ian causing both Sean and Paige to jump.


                “Damn, Ian, you scared us to death” said Paige holding her hand over her heart.


                “I’m sorry but do you guys really think you should be fighting in front of the babies” asked Ian sticking his finger down and letting one of the babies grab hold of it.  Ian wiggles his finger when the baby grabbed hold. “You are a strong one aren’t you?”


                “We aren’t fighting. Ian, how did you get in here” inquired Sean?


                Ian didn’t take his eyes off the babies.  “I orbed. Why?”


                “Just curious” answered Sean.


                “So what’s their names” questioned Ian?


                “We thought we would name them baby girl one, baby girl two, and baby girl three” replies Paige smiling.


                Ian looks at her a little confused.  “You’re not going to tell me.  What’s the big secret?”


                “It’s not a big secret we’re just waiting for my sister and Leo” answered Paige.


                “Can’t you give me a hit” inquired Ian?


                “Yea, they’re girls names that start with K” said Sean.




                Sean hands Ian a folded up diaper and Ian takes it from him.  “What do you want me to do with this?”  Ian holds up the diaper to emphasize his point.


                Sean points towards the trashcan. "Trash!”


                “Oh, yea trash” said Ian turning around and trowning the diaper away.  Sean and Paige are laughing and when he turns back around two more diapers waited him.


                Paige picks up one of her daughters and one of the bottles she’d just fixed.  She starts to walk over to the bed but when she gets five feet away the baby starts to tense up and starts to wail.  Paige tries to give her daughter the bottle but the baby refuses to take it.  Paige sighs and turns back round and the closer she gets to her other daughter the calmer the daughter in her arm becomes.


                Ian’s eyes widen with surprise.  “Uhh...Why did she do that?”


                “They like to be in close vicinity of each other” explains Paige coming up beside Sean.


                Sean picks up one of his daughters and hands her to Ian then he hands him a bottle. Ian takes the bottle and smiles down at the baby in his arms.  Sean smiles as he picks up his last baby daughter still in the hospital bassinet and grabs the last bottle.  He nods to the bed and the others follow him over.  Ian scoots the chair along with him as he goes towards the bed.  Paige and Sean take up residences in the bed while Ian takes a seat in the chair.


                “The Ancients said that they are very connected but I would have never dreamed by this much” said Ian as he put the bottle in the baby’s mouth that he was holding.


                “What else did the Anciets say” queried Paige?


                “That thethink that they can share each other’s powers” stated Ian.


                “How could they share each other’s powers” questioned Sean glancing up from his daughter in his arms.


                “The Ancients think they are so connected that they might be able to feel each other’s pain.”


                “Couldn’t that be dangerous for them” asked Paige more then a little worried?


                “Not anymore then any other power” stated Sean reassuringly.


                “As long as they learn how to control it” added Ian.


                “Oh you mean like Phoebe and her empath power that drove her crazy for awhile” retorted Paige.


                “No because it’s apart of them like mortal twins that have the same connection” elucidated Ian.


                Silence fell over the room, as the three of them watch the babies drink their bottles.  Sean pulls the bottle out of his baby girl’s mouth and put her over his shoulder.  He starts to rub and pat his daughter back.  “Come on, pumpkin, don’t you have a burp for your daddy.”


                Paige also places the baby she was feeding over her shoulder.  She starts to pat her daughter back to get her to burp and shortly later Ian has the baby he was feeding over his shoulder.


                “Come on sweetie” said Sean.  A second later a small burp comes from his baby girl.  Sean brings her back down into the cradle of his arm. “Whoa that was a big one. That’s my girl” Sean gives the bottle again.


                Paige keeps patting and finally she gets the desired results. “That was a big bubble.” Paige puts the bottle back her daughter’s mouth.


                Ian gets the baby to burp and returns her back into his arms.  Ian starts to feed her again.


                The babies finish their bottles and all three of them have the baby that they were feeding up over their shoulder.  They were trying to burp the babies. There is a small knock on the door.


                “Come in” calls Paige.


                The door opens and Phoebe comes in closely followed by Piper and Leo.  Phoebe smiles and comes over and hugs her sister. Piper also hugs Paige. Piper lays a kiss on top of her niece’s head.


                “Hi Paige, how are you feeling” asked Piper and Phoebe in unison?


                “I’m fine.”


                Sean is sitting with his back to the door with his daughter on his shoulder.  Phoebe comes up behind him. “You are so cute.  I could just eat ya up.”


                “I don’t think Paige would like that very much” Sean said jokingly.


                Phoebe frowns. “I wasn’t talking to you.  I was talking to my baby niece.”


                “Oh I see” replies Sean still smiling. “Hey, pumpkin did you fall asleep on daddy before your burp?”


                “No she’s still awake.  She’s just closing her eyes when you pat her back” informed Piper smiling at her little niece.


                Paige smiles. “Hey, I got you to burp for me again before Daddy got your sister to burp.” Paige brings her down to cradle her in her arms.


                “I didn’t know it was a contest” Sean said smirking.  Paige smiles and does an air kiss to him.


                “Ok, we’ve waited long enough.  What did you name our nieces” interrupted Piper?


                Sean gestures to Piper, Phoebe, and Leo with his free hand.  Sean goes back trying to get his daughter to burp.


                Paige smiles at her family.  “You know we’ve been wondering what to name our daughters.”


                Piper, Phoebe and Leo nods. 


                “Well it was right in front of us all along.  The answer was on the gifts that we were receiving for the babies.  We combined our two families together and that is what all the gifts were showing.  So we decided to choose the names from our family trees.  For the babies’ first names, we chose from Sean’s family tree and the second name is from our family tree.”  Piper gives Paige a look of displeasure. “The only reason it’s that way is because that's how the coin toss turned out” explained Paige.


                “You decided their names with a coin toss” inquired Piper.


                “No, just whether the first name would come from Sean’s side of the family or from ours.  It landed on heads, which indicated that the first name would come from Sean’s family tree,” clarified Paige.


                “Ok, just tell us their names already” said Phoebe impatiently.


                Paige nods to Sean and he gets up with his daughter now cradled in his arm and faces his in-laws. “This little one is our baby, born last.” Sean looks down at his daughter in his arms then back to Piper, Phoebe, and Leo. “Sweetie, these are your aunts, Piper and Phoebe and your Uncle Leo.  Everyone this is Kiley Brianna O’Hara.”


                “O’Hara” said Phoebe taking her niece when Sean offers Kiley to her.


                “Yea, because it is a name that other druids and some witches recognize and respect and were so feared that the Source tried to have wiped off the face of the earth” defended Paige.


                Sean frowns a little at Paige’s statement.  Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Ian’s eyes widen in surprise at Paige’s bluntness.


                “Ok Paige I was curious” stated Phoebe.


                Sean turns and puts out his arms to take his daughter from Ian.  Ian hands Sean his daughter but a little reluctantly.


                “This is our middle daughter” enlightened Sean turning around.


                “Oh the peacemaker”adds Piper grinning.


                Sean’s smirk turns into a full smile that reaches his eyes. “Sweetie this is your Aunt Piper and your Aunt Phoebe and your Uncle Leo.  Everyone this is Kayley Lauren O’Hara.” Sean takes a step forward and hands his daughter to Leo.  Leo takes his little niece gladly.


                Sean walks around the bed to where Paige is sitting holding their other daughter.  Paige smiles up at him and for a moment it was like the world froze. Sean smiles back and takes their daughter.  Sean leans down and places a gentle kiss on her lips. “I love you.” Sean said only for Paige’s ears.  Paige replies back. “I love you, too.” Paige returns his kiss.


                “Ok anytime now” said Piper weary.


                Sean turns around to face them.  “This is our first born.  So she has a special name we decided to name her after our mothers.  Sweetie, this is your Aunt Phoebe and your Aunt Piper and your Uncle Leo.  Everyone this is Katlain Patricia O’Hara.” Sean hands Katlain to Piper.  Piper and Phoebe look at each other then at Paige and smiles at their baby sister.


                “They have some big shoes to fill” said Leo.


                “No they don’t, but they’ll know they came from a long line of good, strong, and powerful women” said Paige happily.