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28/7/03, 21:50
song: Eyes on me
mood: happie~!!

Heez~ Making a new fren is realli a very happie thing~ >___< and i played basketball till 12.30am today! I got to draw my manga yesterday and listened to music the whole day yesterday too!!! heez~~ happie dae! *hops around* yippie~!! ^-^

26/7/03, 14:04
song: Yue ding (cantonese)/ Ai ni ai de xin hao tong (hokkien)
mood: dunno what to do but have alot of things to complete

Nice weather out there - no rain, no sunshine..... haiz. Really don't feel like doing anything but there's lots of stuffs waiting for me... bet the queues can go round the esplanade twice. 
There are so many questions in this world, but rarely any answers to them. There's happiness, yet there is sadness. There's health, yet there are sicknesses. Some are rich, some are poor, some 'good' people, some 'bad' people. However, without sadness, how would people know what is happiness? Without sickness, what's health? With no poverty, where's richness? And last but not least, without 'bad' people, how do you recognise the 'good'? Same to same, with no experiences of failure, how can one feel success?? Everything in life, there is bound to be a balance. Just like the yin and yang. Without one, the other cannot exist. And the definition and differentiation of what is considered as 'good' or 'bad' is all in the mind. What is 'bad' to someone may seem neutral or even 'good' to another. Thus, nothing in the world is true, therefore nothing is false. After a period of time, everything will turn to dust. What is this complexity of life? Simplicity is the best way of life. To live life simply is to understand and acknowledge knowledge, and after that living with just the 'knowing' and not the theories. Why make life difficult? One has to be like water - able to fit into any form and shape. It gives life, yet has the ability to take away life just the same. It has no colour, no shape, no form, no smell, no taste. Yet it revitalizes. It does not attack, yet it's attacker will feel the pain.

 25/7/03, 23:20
song: Yin wei
mood: so-so...

Haizzz... today juz got to know my overall results... one word to describe - BAD. hahaz. anywayz. Jay Chou's new album is coming out maybe next week~! got to spend money again. haizzz...

20/7/03, 01:12
song: Dao bu liao
mood: tired, abit depressed

The bbq wasn't what i have expected, but still i tried to make the best of it. The nicest part was that i finally got the chance to lie down on the beach and gaze at the nite sky~!! However, the sky was misty and thus no stars can be glimpsed. Haiz... I hope the next time i would be able to see a sky full of stars~!! >__<


17/7/03, 00:38
song: Gao su wo
mood: abit sadz... tired... dunno

Sianz... realli did badly for mid years... time to buck up~! Haiz... found out that i'm actually quite anti social..? hmmz. last time i did a personality test and found out that i'm two sided... hahaz... meaning to say that i may seem to have personalities opposing each other~ whatever~... hope i'll be able to relax and enjoy myself during the bbq this sat...
Didn't really had the time to scan and place in all the pictures nicely... i think that has to wait till i've got more time...

13/7/03, 13:00
song: Dang ni
mood: dunno...

Yesternite downloaded some ani-kao~ very cute!! I'm going to place them all over my webbie~

9/7/03, 21:58.
song: Wo deng ni/zhi shao hai you ni
mood: can't think properly

Eah.. dunno today why can't think properly. Haiz... very tired. Sianz... >___<


6/7/03, 13:27.
song: Ru guo ni bu xiao xin xiang qi wo
mood: sad...

My hamster, xiao ben died this morning... Dunno why, suddenly i forgot how to cry... that was a very terrible feeling... he died in his sleep.. hope that he died to accompany my xiao yuan qiu.

5/7/03, 17.08.
song: Tian Liang Shuo Wan An
mood: sianz...

Yay~ mid year exams are over! Think I'm going to fail all the papers. Haiz. And the song is very nice~.
OKie. Actually this webbie is juz part of my hobby... There nothing much in it but maybe one day when i think of something more to add in... then it'll grow. hahaz