Pink and Fluffy!

Who Are We?

We are two young people who looked on the net for people like us. Since we couldn't find any, we started our own website! Young queers need a reference point for advice, pride and fun, so we are creating one.

Why PinkAndFluffy?

"Pink and Fluffy" is our own euphemism for gay/lesbian, inspired by Graham Norton's curtains/outfits.

Our Favorite things about PRIDE -

Our Favorite Web Sites UK
UK site, lots of info. Best bit? The boards, everything you could ever want to know and more.
Queer Youth Alliance
Help and boards for the young gay community. Good for finding gay youth groups in your area.
Gay Quotes
Hilarious quotes to keep the gay mind going.
Rusty is a Homosexual
A darkly comic view of the problems facing young gay people. Well worth a read.

Welcome to the future! This site is always under construction so look around and find something useful. There's also links to cool pages and more serious stuff.

Thankyou and remember - Gay Means Happy!

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