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My 'Gallery'


Of course there's more from last year and things I've lost, things I've
given away etc etc. (Why anyone wants or pretends to like them is beyond me)
But lets not go there. I have too many doodles on binder paper
that I worked on during class that I probably burned with my
school papers.

Oh yeah....there's a lot of me bashing myself in here. Maybe it's cause I just like doing that. Maybe it's cause
I'm stupid. I don't know. But I HATE my drawings. Like 'em for like 5 minutes (though I think the real reason is
because I'm relieved I finished something for once) but then I hate them. I'd burn them if I didn't wanna see
how much I've improved (haha yeah right), or you know, use them for school assignments that want you to draw things....or even drawing
next year. Either way no lying people. Tell me how horrible I am and how to fix it. Cause I already have a low
enough esteem when it comes to drawing...yep, need to lower expectations I believe.


I should have the commentary boxes up soon. Oh yes, their interactive. Just click on the link
below the picture later, and write about it. Easier for me to understand if it's that particular picture..
Cause you all know I'm not too bright.

More later, I think.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Orginal Picture

Don't EVER doodle on binder paper! This is what you get. A
horrible smeared picture. I got some fixing spray so maybe my
other pictures could be saved. So, with that said, this one's
smeared everywhere, I did it during class with mechanical pencil
(which is HB lead, not nearly soft enough to get the effects I
wanted. So I also got different lead for mechanical pencils! Yay!
Exciting isn't it?)

All that randomness off to the side is permanent. Due to fixing
spray. Smelly stuff that is. Curls the paper too, even more than it
originally was.

So the picture itself started as a few lines while watching
cartoons. Tried some manga/anime style. 'Cause I get pissed when
it comes to natural shading and all. Yep, grew...that is to say
been growing up with cartoons my whole life. And my retarded
habit isn't changing now nor ever! Plus I give this cartoon a
bonus for involving Ancient Egypt (oh yes, history freak) and
at the same time, I laugh at them for their absurd ideas. Errm
rambling. Onwards...Not touched up (like I know
how to do that!) and nope, don't have one of 'em cool signature dealies.

Mediums: Binder paper, HB lead with regular mechanical pencil
from school, an eraser, fix spray yada yada. Please forgive all of my poor
and grimy scanning. It's not the cleanest or most used thing in
this house.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 'Final'

I had a little assistance. Cheating if you will. But I'm NOT gonna
re-draw EVERY bit to make myself happier. Although this was also
failed. Especially those eyes. They mock me with their crappy
'shading'. And the marker streaks! Oh my goodness! How they bled.
They bled so much they went outside the lines, through the other side
and onto my other drawing of this cartoon serious (and last one too!)
So that ones ruined. But I'll post it anyhow. Yep, first time
with these damned markers. Although their better than Sanford Prismacolour
by far. So here you are. Go ahead and review. I'm NOT WORTHY! Once again
no touch ups. Just poor scanning. It doesn't do justice to my sloppiness.

Mediums: Tria pens, cartoon inking pen (large tip) and crap bumpy
sketchbook paper.

I know what mediums is...but I just like to write pencil and paper etc for the
hell of it.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Back

Just thought you'd be interested in what this looks like....well, not really. I had nothing better to do.

Oh, and here's the back if you were wondering how MUCH it leaked through.
Black didn't cause it was a different pen. Used too much ink if
you ask me. But it's always fun drawing it (compared to working in class).
So I wasted about $10. Yep. Ever need any ideas on what NOT to do
I can assist you there...


Yu-Gi-Oh! Leaked

Here it is. The picture under my other Manga picture. The scan
was absolutely dreadful though. Whoops.

Mediums: HB mechanical pencil as well (horrible shading) Nothing
else though I should have used my spray.

Elijah Wood 'Frodo Baggins 1'

What can I say? I tried to draw E.W. in funny lighting under my bed covers.
This was my result. Needless to say, I long gave up on this one.
But I'm determined to draw some LOTR pictures. Cause I love it so much.
But I'm not worthy of drawing Tolkiens divine creation. wow, those
eyes are scary. the picture I modeled this from was real nice.
He looks real calm and Hobbit-ish. Not like he's going to murder you.
As of this moment. My views for E.W. have forever been altered.
I think he's gonna murder me. Once again, poor scanning.

Mediums: Yet again, HB mechanical pencil. you'd have though I learned my lesson
by now, especially using the spray as well...and the lumpy sketchbook.
But 'tis not meant to be.

Elijah Wood 'Frodo Baggins 2'

Second attempt. Entirely different page. Horrible yet again. That
shading makes me cringe. No help to the lumpy paper. Oh yes, and the
techniques I learned yet fail to use. Like the gradual build up and
junket. Given up on this as well. Once again, poor poor scan.

Mediums: Derwent B, 5b, F, 2H graphic pencils, putty eraser, lumpy
sketchbook. Perhaps it wouldn't be SO failed if I drew it on REAL drawing paper...
or Bristol or something. Gah.

Drawn on copy of Katie. I ruined her gorgeous face. XD

Katie Holmes - Joey

Currently working on a picture of the lovely Katie Holmes who plays
Joey on that show I just love you watch and you all hate, Dawson's Creek.
(BTW I finally figured out the title on my own!) Once again, the scanner
just HAD to screw up the pencil, so you really can't see it. But I
suppose that's a good thing. TOTALLY off from what the final product should be
(assuming their is one). It's a lot softer. More subtle. The hair
is absolute crap (along with the face and whatnot) but it annoyed me
to have nothing there but an I took the liberty of
willingly royally screwing up my picture. Yes, it was indeed intentional!
Did I mention all of my oil on the pages? Can't see it, it's naturally
from my hands, but I'm one of the dorks who likes slowly ruing their
'work' so I just smear it everywhere.

Mediums: Derwent B leaded graphic pencils and tortillon (that's what I call 'em
probably off though...) and a putty eraser. Photo should be posted.

Lowered Acura NSX Incomplete

Here's a picture of 'my brother car' well not really. But it's
supposed to be an unfinished, lowered Acura NSX. Started it during
family dinner. Never finished. Don't know if I will. My Aunt
was talking so loudly. How I hate her voice.

Medium: Once again, HB mechanical pencil.

it's that car you saw some time ago. VROOOM!