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Phoenix Rising : From the Ashes to a New Life

An Alliance of those Willing to Help Others in Need ...... Quote of the week : "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Alva Edison ......

Date : September 18th, 2003

The birthday of this site :o ) Just a little website all by its lonesome.

Somtimes life can pull us in so many different directions that we lose a sense of why we're here and we're afraid of where we're headed. We get lost on our way accross that bridge that takes us to some new, wonderful place. And sometimes it's hard to get through things on your own. As I have learned, it's even harder to talk to adults who have trouble really connecting with us, and could never really understand what we're going through.

This website is a free service dedicated to giving those who feel like there's nowhere to turn, a friend. Someone who really cares, who's near your age, and wants to talk with you about anything and everything. I've listed the e-mail addresses of the current members below. If you would like a private response, please request so in the e-mail. If you wouldn't mind your response being posted, so that it could be of help to others who feel the same as you, that would be greatly appreciated by the members of this website.

~With best regards~
~Your friend~

Feel free to e-mail or IM anyone of these members! This website is set up for the aid of people who need someone to talk to ... and these members are dedicated to helping any problem, no matter how large or incignificant it may seem! It will be completely confidential unless you give permission otherwise!

Justin (, AIM FllnPhoenixR123)
Journal : Justin's Journal
Age : 17
Sex : Male
Location : N.J. right by the beautiful Jersey shore
Bio : I know what it feels like to talk to people and feel like you're not even being heard. Sometimes, though people are trying to help, they really can't understand. Sometimes all people need is someone to sit and listen. I'm a great listener, having a sister and friends who love to involve me in their social lives. I was born in NJ, and have lived there all my life. My dream is to some day move to some nice, quiet place with my girlfriend :o ) I've been dating her for 8 months, and though we fight sometimes, we work through everything together and always seem to get through! Next year i'll be heading off to college ... I'm really enjoying writing my experience at Utah, when I went for a camping trip for 2 weeks alone in the wilderness (Outward Bound, ask me cause I LOVE to rant about it :-P)! I'm a black belt in Karate and have been doing it for 11 years now! I'm the biggest optimist you'll ever meet :o ) Sometimes, when you're deep in a problem, it's hard for you to see the light by yourself ... we all need friends and loved ones to show us the way! And that way is always near, no matter how afraid or scared or lost you may feel.

Heddy (, AIM Inniane)
Journal : Heddy's Journal
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Location : Iowa
Bio : I was born in Arkansas, but have lived in Iowa for ten years. I live on a farm and loveeee it :) I have a lot of siblings (6) and my family is constantly up and down relationship wise. I've been going out with my current bf for almost three months, it's long distance and not the first LDR I've been in either (so I have a lot of experience in that area). I recently suffered the loss of one of my friends in a car accident, but it was amazing how the schools and community came together through grief. The lives one person can touch in the space of 16 years is more than you might suspect. Over a thousand people showed up for his funeral, the majority of them were high-school students, some, as tearful as the others, knew this young man only by sight. Never underestimate how people's lives can change each others, even just in passing. Anyway, I'll be heading to college next year, ( apps). I'm always willing to talk, but even more willing to listen and help resolve problems. I do this all the time for friends, and appreciate it immensely when someone is there for me. I believe that when the moment is darkest, hope is closest...but sometimes it's so dark that you can't see what's ahead. And that's what friends are there for, to see for guide you when you can't find the way alone.

Mariana (, AIM mtnml)
Journal :
Age : 16
Sex : Female
Location : N.J.
Bio : "Self pity leads to nothing except depression, hold your head up high and take a deep breath and make it through, and then you'll be something ..." An amazing frend said that to me once. She helped me in so many ways. Self-discovery can be a very hard thing, but as long as you have people you can talk to and they won't judge, you'll get through it. I'm living proof. My friends supported me through everything and I love them for that. Suicide is not the answer. If you love your friends and family, don't put them through that. If you want to talk about anything, IM me or e-mail me. I play soccer (Used to... I have an injury now). I play the violin (8 years). I'm still a devoted fan to Buffy & Angel. I'm a very open minded person who will listen. So drop me an email if you feel that there is no one else to turn to.

Please note that all parts of this webpage are visitor driven ... feel free to e-mail the page with quotes or anything you'd like posted ... the page is only as good as you all make it!

  • E-Mails and Responses
  • Quote Corner
  • The Impulse Control Log (self-injury help)
  • Article of the Week

    If you would like to be a member of this site's free services, please e-mail with "membership" in the subject line and i'll be happy to get back to you as soon as possible. Please visit membership requirements page for more information on becoming a member.

    Please let us know who you are ... sign our page guestbook!

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