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Here is a great game you can play with the Zillions of Games Interface!
Users Corner

Game: Escapade

Invented by R. Wayne Schmittberger (and appearing in the December 1999 issue of "Games" magazine),
Implemented for Zillions by J.P. Sharp, August 2000.

Each player starts with a General surrounded by six Guards, and six reserve Guards off the board. The nine spaces at the edge of the board farthest from where a player's pieces begin is that player's goal area.
There are three ways to win:

  1. Be the first player to move your General into the goal area.
  2. Capture the opposing General.
  3. Have all nine spaces of the goal area (toward which you are heading) occupied at the end of your turn -- regardless of whose pieces are on the goal spaces.
On each turn, the player may either move a piece or bring a Reserve onto the board.
All pieces move the same way: in a straight line, in any of the six directions, to any unoccupied space. A piece may not jump over other pieces. A Reserve may be placed on any unoccupied space on the board.
Guards are captured by becoming "sandwiched" between two enemy pieces on opposite sides.
A Guard may safely move between two opposing pieces without being captured. For a capture to occur, the capturing player must be the one who makes the move. A Reserve does not make a capture on the turn it is brought onto the board, even if it causes an opposing Guard to be sandwiched.
A General can only be captured if it is surrounded by enemy pieces on all available sides (i.e. six sides if the General is somewhere in the middle of the board, four sides if it's on an edge, or three if it's in a corner).

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