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Main Stuff

Gutentag! Padfoot here, just welcoming you to the madness that is The Marauders!! Hehehe. If you click on us at the top of the page you can learn alittle about me, the other girls and about our name, but other than that I am the artist of this page, I used to draw comics in school to pass the time. So I decided to make good of my uhhh... talent? No, can’t draw that good, but I like it. :)

I’ve added some other pages at the bottom, more about Harry Potter type stuff. If you don’t wanna know about it, don’t bother go. But I spent a little extra time on it if you do. I got the Marauders Idea FROM Harry Potter, so its only fair that I add alittle HP to the page.

I hope to make a running gag outa this. Comics and short stories too. I’m from Billerica and that’s why I have so much free time. So..
sit back
shut up and


Uhh just some FAQ for you all... I draw these comics in my room, then scan them on my old school scanner. Thats why the pictures suck.
I cant draw to save the life of me. Im over it.
Hopefuly I'll have my story up on the page too. :/ Like that'll ever happen...
If you wanna donate some cool Marauders stuff, feel free to send it to me :)

  1. "Introducing!/ Lame Title Goes Here"
  2. "Lame Title Goes Here Pt2"
  3. "The Transformation"
  4. "The Movies" (8/6/03)
  5. "Learn To Fly" (8/10/03)
  6. "Spells 101" (8/12/03)
  7. "When Plants Go Bad" (8/13/03)
  8. "Books Books and More Books"(8/14/03)
  9. "Find Padfoot (with special guest)"(8/16/03)
  10. "Found Padfoot (with special guest)"(8/22/03)
  11. "Padfoot Goes To College" (9/3/03)
  12. "Missin The Gang"(10/4/03)
  13. "Hogwarts with Ericka"(10/4/03)
  14. "Boy Trouble"(10/4/03)