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I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

This is a dedication to the heroes Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and James Potter, and a maniacal war of hate and terror against the traitor Peter Pettigrew.

Hey! The name's Degis, and you are at 27 Diagon Alley. This place is mostly a dedication to the three greatest wizards of the world, in my opinion, but it also contains some knowledge I have gained in the wizarding world. I don't claim to know everything and I welcome opinions, but don't expect to sway my views. I have a sense of humour, have a sense of humour with me. Beware this site if you have not read all the books thus far, of spoilers.

I am just opening this up to the public. I have been a great fan of the series particularly since the third book-- the entrance of my two favorite characters, Sirius and Lupin. When I first read the third book (as i have read it numerous times at this point), I had a sneaking suspicion that Sirius was innocent. At long last (since I read the first Harry Potter book in what i believe to have been 1999), I am making a place for you people when you're bored enough to cry. Don't cry! Come here!

All over the site you will find places where you can voice your opinion-- or show your opion! There are banners and submissions all over. Hope everything's hunky-dorie!

You will find information and fun ramblings about Lupin, Sirius and James, and of course the Death March against Pettigrew, the dirty rotten snitch. (snitch.. creepy...)

Oh, and don't worry, the sketch images are for comic relief. I didn't spend ages on them or anything, I just though the place needed something, and why not have a good chuck over it? This is all standardized junk, as i'm using angelfire, i have a crappy computer, i'm a scrooge and why bother with all that extra nonsene? Have fun!

Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter

Fiction of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs
Art of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs
When You're In Denial
Dedication to Mischief-Makers
Back In The Day... RPG
Be A Weasley Freak!
Owl Post
27 Diagon Alley

(P.S.>> Apparently, the line separators may or may not appear on your computer... If they don't, I do apologize because it can be slightly confusing. But there's not too much I can do. But, with any luck, all of your computers are not as shi--crappy as mine.)

(P.P.S.>>I am never ever using angelfire ever... ever again... Any queer things on this site-- other than the writings and drawings of course-- but things dealing with HTML issues and such, are probably not entirely my fault. Report anything strange you see, but for some reason, i probably can't fix it)