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Long ago in the Alaskan tundra, it being cold and bitter winds blowing harshly making large snow drifts, a pack of wild wolves roamed freely with out care of humans, playing with one another, like little pups plenty of food and running water there for them.

One early morning the winds calmed while the pack slept..the snow through out the night had stopped the sun rose and a beam on light glimmered through the tree branches, loud noises from a far had awoken the wolves from there slumber, these voices ,echoed making the pack restless and now alert.The Alpha male and a Beta male went onwards to scout to see what the great disturbance in nature was ..Only to been shown there were Humans where they played.

The Alpha male let out an alerting howl to his pack,hearing him they howling in acceptance and padded off , suddenly without warning the young wolves were surrounded and shots had been, fired one after the other they were killed and there hides were then to be sold or traded.

As the Alpha female got away from the pack only to be caught in a wooden cage and trapped by the hunters howling in fear for her mate. The hunters picked up the cage with her in it as she growled and snarled at them , the Alpha Male wolf stayed hidden only to track them to free his mate.

The Alpha female saddened by knowing her pack were killed she sang in sorrow as the night came the hunters had gotten drunk and passed out, then as all became quiet the Alpha male snuck in swiftly into the camp seeing his mate she whined with excitement lowly seeing her mate he then padded over to her nudging his muzzle to hers , as he then gnawed to the ropes holding the cage door to free his mate puling it open with his K9`s. He nuzzled into his mates neck , licking it as they padded, off into the night.

As the Night went on further snow became heavier not visible to humans eye but for wolves there keen eye sight is clear making tracks to a near by snow bank the Alpha Female finds a semi open hole and sticks her muzzle into it as she begins to paw at it to open it further as the Alpha Male stood watch.

Daybreaks now an the Alpha female panting and whines,as she has a young pup the Alpha Male still outside guarding tilts his ears back wards, he sticks his head into den the young pup yips some and the Alpha male wags his tail, hearing a faint sound.Pulling his head from out of the den he jumps around throwing his head around in the air howling happily.

The Hunters, awake from there drunken sleep, mad about seeing the wolves have evaded them they go and look for them, as they approach the Alpha male stops singing , and smells the air as one human aims his long rifle in the direction of the Alpha Male wolf and fires off a single shot, killing it right in its tracks dead.

The dirt crumbles from the echoing sound above the Alpha Female stays silent digging around her and the pup to hide them so the hunters wont hear or find them. after the night fades daylight comes, and the Alpha Female un buries them just enough to poke her muzzle out to smell her surroundings to make sure its safe for her to venture out and hunt for food she knew she was alone now without her mate she had to fend for her self to keep the young pup healthly.

Four months go by the young pup had grown he was able to learn how to hunt with help. One mid early day the Alpha Female had been teaching her young pup how to hunt small field mice, unbeknown to them both a mountain man by the name of Jon`paul a frenchman had been watching them, Catching a mouse the young pup yipped in happiness and padded to the Alpha Female watched as it seemed she smiled with proudness for her young pup.

Jon`Paul aimed his rifle blasting the mother wolf killing her instantly the young pup ran off in fear hiding in a bush the mountain man grabbed the dead wolf and skinned it right there as the young pup watched on as he took the skinned hide and tossed it into a bag he whistled for the young pup, it made a yelping sound as it was now caught in a small cage the mountain man had set there, the night before. Hearing its crys for help, Jon`Paul had walked over, and took the cage along with his mothers hide , to a near by town only to have sold the hide for some whiskey and gold nuggets.

Taking me back to his home 2 more moths go by I am an aggressive Alpha male now, hating humans deeply , one day Jon`Paul goes by the cage and kicks it, and I snarled trying to bite his leg off he jumps back tripping on a log falling and now i gnaw at the cages ropes loosening them as i break free i lunge for the hunter and rip his throat out killing him fast and quick leaving him there to die i pad off into the forest deep away from everyone and everything.

Traveling around the forest my trails led me to a #Wolfs_Den there I found i sole Alpha Female by the name of Wiccan-Pup we touched muzzles and now have started our own pack here for we are now known as the "NorthernWolves" here we we roam free of NO "human threat".......