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These Crazy People I Know

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my friends page. These are some of the many crazy people I have come to associate with in my travels. I tolerate most of them :-P Kidding guys. hehe. Enjoy!!!

Jimmy aka Duriel is the guy who has stolen my heart away and makes no plans for giving it back. He's an ass, literally, and damn proud of it too. He's a total sweetheart though, and I've fallen pretty hard for him. Which is the reason we got married on September 11th, 2004. Yes, that's right folks, I've settled down (well, sort of) ;-), tied the knot, made the commitment. Scary huh? I'm so crazy in love with this guy, I'd do anything for him, and I'm going to, as his wife.

First of all....MWAHAHAH I finally stole a new pic!! :-P One of these days she really is gonna kill me for it *snicker* Nicole, aka Kitty, Kitten, or Sailor, has been a good friend since I first met her in Dixon. We have somewhat parted ways as we are each living with our loves, but we'll never lose the good times...or Foamy. "Stigmata of the Eye!!!" Thanks for everything Kitty!!!! Viva la France!!!! (Pssssssssst they're onto the squirrels!!!) She is also a very talented artist. She's got herself an adorable pet named Tom, have fun love!

Eric, aka Spiderman, or the Epidamy of Superheros is the sweetest guy in the world. He is always there when someone is hurting, and he always cares. Although he believes we don't trust him, its impossible not to. Thanks luv!!! And yes, the monkies CAN fly if they believe they can. He is one of my dearest friends in the world, one I'm more than proud to play pool with at any time, and will always be here for, friendships almost lost are the most treasured. Btw, CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!!!!!!!

Josh, aka Tom (from The Great Gatsby), Buddah, Gavin, or Bear, has been one of my freinds since I moved here. He recently moved to Florida to go to MMI there, and I know he's going to do great things someday, but I won't be in the picture any longer. Sometimes chances pass you by and leave the opportunities of a lifetime in front of you. Thank you for doing the things that made me who I am, I wouldn't have found real love without you, and trust me, its not you. Have a great life. Interesting thought, he doesn't know I'm married yet...

Tiffany, aka Tiffy or Rene, has a totally awesome personality. She can stare anyone in the face and tell them to f- off and they will. She is a very loyal and caring friend and I'm glad to know her, even when she is crabby and depressive. I also love her art, her pictures are awesome!!!!!!!!! She's also seeing some guy named Tylaun, I think Imma have to go beat him. LOL. Mwahahaha.

(Picture removed as per request, Love ya Nach, Be safe.)
Nach is my TJ buddy. He's funny as hell and we talk about everything, from lost loves to pool to Gir. Hehehe. He's a sweetie and a good friend, always.

Aerine is like my identical twin. We go through so much of the same shit it isn't even funny. She's amazing and sweet and an awesome person. Gay Male Lovers forever babe! lol. (Don't ask..inside joke) She is also going to be joining the married club once she graduates from college. Congrats Babe!!

Jillie is SEXAY!!!....a brat but sweet, and so cute too! lol Luv Ya Jillie Bean!

Sis is awesome, we tear through FNR like bats outta hell. We are sisters at heart, and I'll always be here for her. We both seem to have really bad taste in guys too. LoL. We are so like each other's halves, on the reare occasions we are both in the same mood at the same time....WATCH OUT!!!

And Last but certinly not least, most people don't know I am friends with a couple who decided they wanted me to be considered an aunt to their adorable son Alex....and I finally have baby pics!! Yippee!!
The coolest part, is he has a younger sibling on the way, so I get to be an auntie again!!! LoL. Congrats to the couple, and much love.

The lovely couple who are the parents of my nephew, Raven and Rose, have been there for me through good and bad. Although speculation runs as to if we are actually related or not, bonds of the heart have made us family always. Life has once again thrown them into more shit, I hope them the best in everything. Blessings to the family, and be well.

Everyone else is not mentioned on here yet because I'm too lazy or they haven't given me a pic to put on their spot...GIMMIE PICS PEOPLE! Or else I hate you and will never put you on here! LoL Sorry guys, I love you. Actually I think this is the extent of my close friends.....the rest are just..there? I dunno

Places To Go:

