When I saw you...
I was afraid to talk to you...
When I talked to you...
I was afraid to hold you...
When I hold you...
I was afraid to love you...
Now that I love you...
I'm afraid to lose you...
As I sit here, looking at the sea
I know you and I were meant to be
I only wish I could make you see
How much your love means to me
I wish I could walk up to you
And speak the words that lovers do
But now I sit here,
Sad and blue
Wishing I could be with you...
Never a day goes by
without me thinking about you
of your touch
and your smile
And never a day goes by
without me wishing you
were here beside me
sharing laughter
and joy
and the beauty of
this day
And never a day goes by
without me finding
that I love you a little
more each day
A Wish
it seems so long since you've been gone,
i wish you wouLd come back.
when you were here the sky was bLue,
but now it's turned aLL bLack.
if i couLd have just one wish,
i'd wish that you were here.
then everything wouLd be happy,
and i'd never shed a tear.
A dreamer like me can only think of you
I never dreamed of a guy so true
'Cause I am always true
Until you came through
The flames of passion may burn out
But our love will burn until death comes forth
Never had I dared to dream of a love like ours
Until I dare to dream of you.
I haven't known you for all that long,
But these feelings I have are very strong.
I can't help but smile when you are near,
But losing you is a constant fear.
Your soft voice and gentle talk
Make my knees tremble and I can't walk.
People talk and rumors spread,
But I block them out of my head.
I really hope that all you say is true,
Because I can easily see myself falling in love with you.
I Love You
It's easy to know you love someone,
possibly, difficult to explain why,
sometimes the right words won't come out, no
matter how hard you try.
Some people say your actions speak best and
possibly, this could be true;
but, I believe you'll do better, often telling her,
"I love you".
once upon a time it happened to me
the sweetest thing that could ever be
it was a fantasy
a dream come true
it was the day i met you
no one else in the world can even compare
you're perfect and so is this love that we share
we have so much more than i ever thought we would
i love you more than i ever thought i could
i promise to give u all i have to give
i'll do anything for u as long as i live
In yout eyes i see our present, our future, and past
by the way u look at me i know we will last
i hope that one day you'll come to realize
how perfect u are wen seen through my eyes