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Guild forum

Guild group

the guild

the newsletter

ranks / rules



beach club


Adoption centre

junk collector

game guide

neopets tips

Avatar help

cook book

Gourmet food list



Hidden links

Free jelly

Free omellette


Fruit machine

Guild activities








Our guild offers many activities with very friendly council and members. We luv to have fun and help our members out in anyway! Please do join our guild you'll never regret it!

Motto : Working hard for a growing communty :|: Having fun is number one!


NEW - every now and then (or whenever there is a new game) we will pick to random members to challenge eachother in the current game chosen. The two members must play the game and whoever scores the most wins! The prize will be 5000 neo.credits! If you were chosen then a neomail will be sent to you, if you would not like to participate or do not answer within 2 days or a new game a arrived then the challenge will be over and a new one will be held.

JOBS: Do you need lots of neo.credits? Bored? wanna help out the guild? Well you dont have to worry! Coz our guild has many jobs for you to do!

The webbie will be updated around one a week!


A big Volley ball tournament will be held soon so be prepared and practice!

"mynci beach vollyball"

A major sandcastle comp will be held! So start drawing up your sandcastles! You can do on your comp or draw it then scan!



The cook book, gourmet food list, game guide, neopian tips and a few more aren't quite finished yet as there one hundred pictures to find! and facts too! :P

looks like there is a new petpet!


Making your neo . life easier with junk!

Is your inventory, sdp (safety deposit box) filled up with all this useless junk?

answer : junk collector

with this you can trade all your junk with something more better



Special Event dates

Aisha Day
Jan 3rd
Festival of Buzz. (Buzz Day) Jan 11th
Elephante Day
Jan 16th
Kacheek Day
Jan 29th

Newest game!

skies over meridell

Guild game challenge!
Pley the current newest game!

Latest Avatar!
can you figure out how to get it?

The newsletter!
Have your questions answered, read poems, stories and much more than you can imagine!

click here!

Pet day
When it is a pet day and it's a pet day of your pet then your pet will get a freeitem related to that pet!

Newest painted pet & petpet



none yet

Top stuff
How creative can you get with sandcastles?


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