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Congratulations, you're Kurama! One of the cuttest bishies, and all around good guy. Except when you're a yoko. Uh-oh, when that happens, watch out.

Yu Yu Hakusho Personality Test
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Fire Fairy
You are the Fire Fairy!!! You are very outgoing and
not shy at all. Almost everyone likes you.

What Beautiful Fairy Element Are You?
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water goddess
Goddess of Water. You can be quite emotional at
times, but are intelligent. You are at home in
the water.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
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earth goddess
Goddess of Earth. You are respectful to others and
stick up for plants and animals. You are most
comfortable in nature.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
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fire goddess
Goddess of Fire. You are hot-tempered and wild. You
love blazing fire.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
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darkness goddess
Goddess of Darkness. You hate others and isolate
yourself and your evil personality. You are
most comfortable by yourself at night.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
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sun goddess
Goddess of the Sun. You have a very cheery
personality and are an optimistic person. You
are happiest in the daytime.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Earth!
You are Earth!: Quiet and secretive, you live with
great knowledge and wisdom. You stand proud and
rarely succumb to that which you do not approve
of. You have a lot of ambition and great dreams
for a great and successful future.

What Element Are You? (Females only)
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You are Sumomo.
You're a moble persocom,
perky and cute. You have character! ERO SAITO.

What Chobits Character are you?
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ice dragon image
Beauty may be on the inside, but your beauty not
only is inside you, but outside as well. Others
may stop and gape in total amazement at your
looks. However, this is no match for your
personality. You are extremely kind, caring,
and nurturing. This may earn you many friends,
who know not only can they rely on you, they
may also find you fun to be with. You have deep spiritual roots, and know there is
more to the world than meets the eye. Your
strong connection to the natural world earns
you respect, and many may come to you for
advice. Being a Water Elemental Dragon, you have the power
to shoot water or ice from your mouth. This
power is extremely formidable, and you are
definately not a Dragon to be messed with!

Which Elemental Dragon Are You?
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