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The Vi And Perromon Saga



Unchained Melody: The Vi And Perromon Saga Episode One: "Not Over Yet" ******* "Sooo, tell me again why we're lost?" Mimi Tachikawa, the pink cowgirl dressed like girl whined. Leaning over to a short red-headed boy who sat on the ground typing on a laptop; Izzy Izumi. "We're not lost, Mimi." Izzy started, "We're just a little out of road." "Out of road? Ah, nevermind. Can we get moving, please?!" Taichi "Tai" Kamiya yelped. "I think if we did, we'd get more...lost!" Joe Kido spoke. "I don't wanna get in this odd conversation, but..." Gomamon started, looking up at Joe. "What?" Joe asked. "I'm hungry!" Gomamon finished. "Don't you guys ever take a break?" Matt Ishida wondered. "We are taking a break! We're just hungry!" Patamon pipped in. "That's the problem with rookie digimon. They never keep their mouths shut." Gatomon stated. "You don't know how right you are." Hikari "Kari" Kamiya said with a slight giggle. "Is it me or have these Dark Masters gotten stronger?" Sora Takenouchi questioned. "According to the battles we've seen as of now, they have gotten strong. But remember, we're basically through them all. I'm not sure, but I think our next step is Piedmon." Izzy replied. "Wow. I wonder what'll happen after all of this?" Takeru Takaishi wondered. "I hope you never have to leave us." Patamon said, a sad grin crossing his face. "Don't worry, Patamon. We'll never leave you!" TK asured. "Then again maybe-" Matt started. But suddenly got cut off. "Wait. I'm picking up a signal!" Sora yelled. "Huh?" Everyone asked. Sora pulled off her digi-vice. It appeared there was a dot signaling on it. Everyone soon pulled out their digi-vices, but... "Hey. Mine isn't beeping." Mimi said. "Neither is mine." Tai said. "Prodigious! Sora picked up something the rest of us didn't." Izzy said, amazed. "I think you mean the digi-vices." Tentomon stated. "That is what I meant." "What is it, Sora?" Biyomon asked. "It's like...there's someone over there!" Sora pointed with her right hand. "What is it's another Dark Master?" Agumon suggested. "We'll just have to find out! Come on!" Tai said. He then took off. "Wait." Agumon yelped running behind. The rest of the group followed aswell. Once they's gotten to were Sora's digi-vice had been beeping, they stopped. "It stopped!" Sora yelled. "Shhh!" TK shushed. There was a sort of voice talking. Or was it screaming? But wait...there were two voices! "What is that?" Kari whispered. “Wait here." Gatomon said. She crawled lightly, so her pawsteps wouldn't be heard. Over to a bush in between two trees, she went. “Be carefull." Kari whispered a little louder. When Gatomon got there, she gasped. As the team saw this, they moved in to see what was going on. Aswell as Gatomon, they also gasped. A girl stood there. Right at the inch of the cliff. Screaming. She had very ahort dark brown hair, on her forehead she had a red headband. She wore a yellow tank top with a light green vest over it. She also wore a yellow hand band on her right arm and long navy blue jeans. She also had a strange accent. But something stood beside her. A creamy mocha like colored dog. With a sparkling white mask that covered its eyes. It also has four tails, each ending with a white tail tip. It had four legs. “No. No! This…is a dream! So I’m just gonna go off this cliff! I’ll wake up! Normal! At my house!” The girl yelled. Her dark brown eyes sparkling as light rays hit her face. “No! Please don’t! This is real!” The dog like creature yelled. Trying to convince the dim-headed girl from jumping. “I don’t care if this is real or fake or a mango! I’m gone! See yah!” The girl screamed. She was about to jump when… The girl felt something pull her back by the waist. She looked down and saw two hands on her waist, “Ah! Great! Now there’s one of those other creepy monsters with hands!” “Oh stop moving!” Tai (who had been holding her all this time) said. Because the girl didn’t know who or what was holding her. She started to struggle. “OK! Let me go or else…or else-” she started. “Or else what?” Tai asked. “You’ll regret it!” “Yeah sure! Just stop it! Stop struggling!” Tai yelled. Without seeing it coming, the girl pulled forward her arms and swong it back. Hitting him on the nose with her elbow. Tai let go of her and jumped back. Landing down on the ground holding his face, “OW!” The girl turned around, she looked down and placed her hands over her mouth, “Oh God, I’m so sorry. I thought you were a creepy monster!” she yelled. “Hey!” The dog like creature yelped. “What are you going through?! Mood changes?!” Tai asked. “Well, I’m not the one that just grabbed me by the waist and tried to kill me!” she stated. “I was trying to prevent you from jumping off the cliff!” “Oh…Oh?…Oh! I’m sorry. But…I don’t even know you…so…” she stammered. As much as the rest of the team was amused by this event that took place, it was time they blew their cover. Or atleast go help the goggle headed guy. Kari was the first to go out. Beside her walked Gatomon, “Hi! I’m Kari Kamiya and this is Gatomon!” The brunette haired girl just stood in awe. Looking at the small girl, and the cat like creature beside her. After a few blinks, she snapped out of her trans and finally spoke, “V-V-Vu-Vi Ro-Romanov. Vi Romanov!” The girl said. “I’m Cremamon!” The dog like creature spoke wagging its four tails. Right then, the rest of the group came out. The girl now known as Vi Romanov stood in awe, “OK. Relieving there’s more than two people in this world. If you all are people…” Vi wondered placing her hand on her chin. “Don’t worry. We certainly are humans…” Izzy started, “ I’m Izzy Izumi.” he gestured to behind him, were the rest of the group stood. “They are Mimi Tachikawa, Matt Ishida, Joe Kido, TK Takaishi, Sora Takenouchi, you’ve met Kari Kamiya, and her older brother Tai Kamiya.” “Yeah, we met.” Tai said, rubbing his face. “And as you may be wondering. The creatures behind us, or most likely known as digital monsters, or digimon for short, are our partners. Tentomon, Gatomon, Palmon, Gabumon, Gomamon, Biyomon, Agumon and Patamon.” Izzy explained. The girl made a quick fake smile, “Right…and now, I’m gonna go! Buh bye!” she yelped running forward. “Please excuse her…she’s a little traumatized…I think…” the dog like creature, or now known as Cremamon explained. “I’ll take care of that. You all just wait here.” Matt spoke. “Huh? And what are you gonna do?” Tai asked. “There’s nothing like the Ishida Charm!” he winked and ran off behind Vi. ******* “Hey um…Violet was it?” he asked. The brunette turned around and glared, “Name’s Vi. See yah now.” she said and turned around again. “Wait, no! Can we atleast talk?” Matt asked. “Talk? I don’t know you, dude.” she stated. “I’m Matt.” “You could be bloody Waldo for all I know!” the girl yelled louder. “Now. Sit down. Come with me.” “No! I’m going home.” Vi said. “You can’t. You’re in the Digital World. And if you don’t like it, fine!” he yelled and turned around. Pretty tired of insisting. She turned back and sighed, “OK…OK…Sorry. I over-reacted.” Seeing how the girl had changed moods, he once again turned, “Good. Because I was starting to think you were pretty impossible to talk to.” “I am when I get these panic attacks…” she said. Then suddenly, she started to see everything go into a blur. She placed one hand on her head. “Hey, are you OK?” Matt asked. Seeing as the brunette would start to tumble. “I…just…feel a little…di…zzy…” Then everything went black. #*Later*# “Is she alive?” TK asked. “She just fainted.” Joe said. “Can someone faint for three hours?” Biyomon asked. “How are you so sure it’s been three hours?” Gomamon questioned. “Who cares what hour it is.” Gabumon spoke. #*Vi’s Dream*# Vi walked through a type of village. She wore an odd red like dress. In different tones. She looked down, no shoes. She kept walking when… “There you are!” a female voice yelled. It laughed in a sinister tone. “You’ll never win! You know it!” Vi yelled. She turned around. It was basically impossible to take a look at the face of the female. “Oh. I’ve killed all of them in this village!” the voice said. “Ha! Except me!” she turned around. Pulling out a dagger, attempting to stab the female. “Die!” The female said. Without Vi being able to stab the woman. She swong a fist making Vi fly back and making her slam against a house. ******* “Ah!” Vi yelled. Jumping up from the ground. She opened her eyes, just to find a pair of huge blue eyes staring back at her, “AH!” she screamed again. Gatomon jumped back, “Ah!” she screamed aswell. “Owe, that hurt my eardrums.” “Well, atleast she woke up.” Mimi said. “Are you…OK?” Kari asked. “OK. One question. Why are you people being nice to me? I could be a killer for what anyone knows!” Vi waved her arms around frantically. “I highly doubt a digi-destined is a killer.” Kari replied. “A whatty what?” Vi asked. Sora pointed down at the brunette’s belt holder, “You have a digi-vice.” she said. “A whoty what?” Vi asked, yet again. “So you must have a crest! Right?” Mimi asked. “Huh?…” Vi made a pause, cleared her throat and suddenly yelled, “What’s going on here?!” “It’s better if we explain everything peace by peace guys.” Izzy said. “Good idea! I’ll explain!” TK pipped in happily. He sat in front of Vi and smiled, “I’m TK. You’re in the Digital World. That doggy that was with you is your partner, called a digimon. The thing on your jeans is called a digi-vice. It’s used to make your digimon evolve into the next level! It helps them! Which means you’re a digi-destined. A special kid that is destined to save the Digital World. And a crest is a special trait you hold to make your digimon digi-volve more!” The kid looked back at Izzy, “How did I do?” “Prodigious, TK!” Izzy yelped. Vi just blinked twice, “OK…thank you for putting that in perspective for me.” “Wow. This all makes me want one of my mom’s famous cream cakes.” Mimi closed her eyes and dreamed. “Cream? Oh my God, Where’s Creamamon?” Vi asked standing up. “Um…be careful you don’t pass out again…” Joe affirmed. “I won’t. I want to find Cremamon…” Vi said, starting to walk. Suddenly she felt a sting like pain on her ankle. “You must’ve twisted it when you fell.” Tai said, “Come on, I’ll help yah.” He helped her limp off. “Let’s all go search for the little digimon too!” Sora said. They all separated around. ******* “Almost have it…” a clown like female digimon said. She had long bright red hair, with many curls. Her costume was made in black, white, red, and yellow patches. She wore a clown hat that ended up in two jingling bells. Instantly, another clown like creature appeared from the darkness. As the female clown looked seriously at a screen in front of her, which flashed many pictures of different digimon; this clown creature laughed sinister tone. “Will you ever take a break? The male clown like creature asked. “Piedmon! Get out! I’m busy!” “Pierrotmon…What’s got you so uptight?” Piedmon asked, then started laughing. “What’s so funny?!” “Get it? Uptight! Clown?! Aha!” he laughed. “You idiot! Get out! Now!” Pierrotmon ordered. “Gee. When you feel funny, I’ll be back.” Piedmon said. And with that, disappeared as fast as he had appeared in. Pierrotmon looked frantically at the passing digimon pictures. Until, she stopped at one, “Go get them…my precious.” she said. Pushing a flashing red button, the screen faded. And she smiled devilishly. ******* “Owe! Could you walk any faster?” Vi said sarcastically, trying to limp as fast as she could. “I thought you wanted to find your digimon…” Tai said. “I did! I mean do! Then again…I have no idea were I am. And I’m jumping on one foot.” Vi replied crossing her arms. “Why are you so hysterical?” Tai asked. Vi stopped and started to wonder, “As in funny, or hysterical as in panic?” “Both.” “Ha. Very funny. Oh sure. I just one second going out of my house then the next waking up in a huge forest with creepy crawly monsters calling themselves digimon.” Vi answered sarcastically. Right then. A voice was heard, “Wait. Do you hear that? Sounds like Cremamon.” Vi stated. Tai aswell heard the voice. They both walked (or in Vi’s case, limped) towards were the voice came from. It was Cremamon’s voice! She sat under a tree, looking down at the ground. “I’ll never be able to digi-volve. I want to protect Vi. But I can’t. I never will.” Cremamon commented sadly. “How can I?” “Go console her.” Tai whispered. The brunette nodded and managed to jump out of her hiding spot. Unfortunatley, she tripped, falling flat-faced on the ground. Cremamon turned around in surprise, “Vi!” “Oh, um, hi.” Vi smiled trying to get off the ground. Tai walked out his hiding spot and sweat-dropped. “Um…” Cremamon started, “You heard what I said?” “Yeah…sort of…um…I know I don’t know much about this world yet. Or how you evolve or anything. But…I still want you as my digimon whatever happens.” Vi replied, starting to stand up. “Aw. Thanks!” Cremamon smiled happily, wagging her four tails. “See. Everyone’s happy now. So we should head back and-” Tai started. “Now hold on a minute!” Vi cut him off, “I still don’t know you. Or your friends. Or digimon for that matter.” “We think you’re a digi-destined. So…I guess I didn’t ask before. Mind joining our team?” Tai asked, lending out a hand to help the girl stand up. “Well…” Vi started. But as she was about to speak, a huge roar came from the trees. A huge gigantic dog like digimon jumped out. It had two heads, and a centaur like body. It roared again, attempting to scare them. “Oh great. Where’s Agumon when yah need him?” Tai wondered, “Let’s run!” “Um…I…can’t…” Vi said. “Don’t worry! I’ll protect both of you!” Cremamon yelped jumping in front of them. “You’re an In-Training digimon! I highly doubt you’ll be able to beat that thing!” Tai yelled. “I will! That’s just Cicoremon! He’s a champion digimon who’s strongest attack is Stomp Strangler. They’re usually quite thenice digimon. But this one seems to think otherwise!” Cremamon stated. “No, don’t!” Vi yelled. But she couldn’t do anything. Before anyone knew it, Cremamon had jumped in attempt to tackle the giant digimon. “Bubble Blow!” Cremamon yelled. Releasing pink bubbles from her mouth. But the bubbles didn’t do anything. Just bounce off the digimon. “Stomp Strangler!!!” Cicoremon cried. He jumped up, and crashed down his front legs on the ground. Provoking somewhat of an earthquake. Cremamon was nowhere. All both Tai and Vi could see was dust. Cicoremon laughed, “Now for you.” “Cremamon! No! Where…” Vi started. She then looked down, almost about to cry. Then, out of the blue Vi’s digi-vice started to glow. Cremamon jumped out of the dust as she started to glow aswell. “Cremamon digi-volve to……….PERROMON!” The brunette girl looked at the new digimon in awe. She had done it! She had evolved! “She evolved into rookie!” Tai commented. “Ancient…BEAM!” Perromon yelled. The ground around her turned red, as so did her paws. Suddenly, a red arrow followed by a beam shot out the red circle in the ground. Once it hit Cicoremon it scratched him. But it wasn’t enough to beat him. For he was ten times stronger. “Stomp Stran-” Cicoremon started. Then he felt a huge pain in his back. “Harpoon Torpedo!” “Electro Shocker!” Ikkakumon and Kabuterimon had attacked him. Just in time. Cicoremon fell to the ground, “Slay!!!” he cried just before he disintegrated. “Hey! Are you guys OK?” Joe said, running over to them. “Just fine. Thanks guys!” Tai said. “Wow! You’re…” Vi started, observing Perromon. “Perromon! Evolved form of Cremamon!” Perromon yelped happily. She had changed! She looked like a dog. A very light brown color. Her four tails had now turned into one, that resembled a fox tail, and ended with a white tail tip. Golden eyes also. She wagged her tail in amusement. “Wow. Snazzy!” Gatomon commented approaching Perromon. Perromon giggled, “Yeah!” “And they say cats and dogs don’t get along.” Gabumon observed. Kari smiled and looked at the others, “We found a clear cave back there. Maybe we should rest there for the night.” she suggested. “Yeah!” They all replied. #*That Night*# Vi sat by the fire Agumon had made outside the cave. Perromon slept by her side. The girl looked at the fire, “No se porque…pero no quiero volver a casa.” she said in Spanish. “OK, I know for sure your speaking gibberish.” Tai said walking outside the cave. “It’s not gibberish, it’s Spanish.” Vi answered with a sigh. “Bilingual? I speak English and Japanese.” “Oh joy.” Vi replied sarcastically. “I’m trying to be nice to you!” Tai yelled. “One, I don’t know you. And two, you’ll wake up everyone else.” “Oh, Now I see it, you’re one of those snobby American girls, right?” Tai asked. Vi sweat-dropped, “I’m Puerto-Rican not American!” “Then you’re a snobby Puerto-Rican girl.” he replied. “Yeah, yeah. OK, sorry. I’m just-” “Homesick?” “No way!” Vi yelled. “Oh now who’s gonna wake up who?” Tai said with a cheesy grin. “Eh…As I was saying…I’m just a little concerned about Perromon. She almost got killed today.” “Don’t worry. She won’t. Digimon are stronger than you think.” Tai winked. “Yeah. But then…I can’t even defend myself.” Vi replied, “I’m just to weak.” “I don’t recall that blow to MY nose being weak!” Vi laughed, “Sorry…again…” “Ah, it’s alright!” Tai said, “Besides, I won’t let anything happen to you!” “I know you for a second and now you’re assuring that?” Vi asked. “You gotta learn to trust people more often.” Tai said. “OK. Let’s make a deal. I lighten up, you stop mentioning your nose!” Vi said. “Fine, deal!” They shook hands, “It still hurt yah know.” he said. Vi slapped herself on the forehead, “OK, I’m bored now.” “What?” Tai asked. “I…uh…can’t sleep. So I’m bored.” Vi said. Tai picked up a rock and gave it to her, “What’s this for?” Vi asked. “We’ll play tick-tack-toe or something.” “Oh that’s amusing!” Vi replied in her sarcastic tone. “You said you were bored! Anyways, what’s with the accent?” “You have a problem with my accent?” “No, no. I mean, what, are you from Spain or something?” Tai asked. “Um…when I said Puerto-Rican, I meant from Puerto Rico.” “You mean the Island?” “No, the other Puerto Rico beside yah!” Vi replied again, sarcastically. “Excuse me!” Tai yelled. “Oh yeah. I said I was gonna lighten up.” “Yep.” “Anywho, Where are you from? And the rest of the kids back there?” “Japan. We’re all from Japan.” “What? Now way!” Vi yelled. “What? What? What did I say?” Tai asked looking around. “Nothing! I just…I used to live in Japan. In this place called Highton View Terrace!” Tai suddenly fell backwards with a blank expression on his face. “Uh…Are you OK?” “Y-Yeah. D-Did you by any chance remember anything from when you lived there?” “Um…I think. There was…a dinosaur and a bird…that’s all I remember.” Vi replied. “Then you are a digi-destined!” “Excuse me?” “You know. You are destined to save the Digital World.” Tai yelped. “Ugh…I’m trying to sleep…” Perromon whined. Vi yawned, “Now that I think about it…I’m sleepy…” she said, with another yawn she curled beside Perromon. “Goodnight.” “OK, goodnight.” Tai replied and leaned against the tree log on the ground. Episode Two: “Velocity’s Comet” Once everyone had woken up the next morning, they had taken off in search for Piedmon. Nevertheless, Dark Masters… “Wow. You’ve really been all that long beating up bad guys?” Perromon asked in amusement while walking along Gatomon and Patamon. “Yeah! Gatomon just joined us recently, but we’ve been doing everything!” Patamon yelped. “It’s actually funny. I used to work for Myotismon.” Gatomon said. “You mean the one that looked like a vampire digi?” Perromon asked. “Yeah. It was all an accident.” ******* “Ho…How!? Ah!” Pierrotmon yelled while walking through a hallway. “You do realize, Pierrotmon, boss will be very, very mad.” Piedmon laughed. “Shut up, Piedmon! You fool! I’m trying to concentrate!” Pierrotmon yelled. “In what?” “In your death you idiot!” she screamed. They walked to the end of the hallway. Were a huge door stood. It opened alone, like magic. Instantly, Pierrotmon bowed down, so did Piedmon. “Sorry, boss. I promise, next time, we’ll win. And we’ll find the-” Pierrotmon started. But was soon cut off by a weak female voice. “There are no excuses…I grow stronger…but I need digimon…” The voice said. Coughing aswell. “I will bring you digimon, boss.” Pierrotmon assured. “Please excuse me, boss. But if Pierrotmon needs assistance-” Piedmon started. “Silence! She shall do it alone! And I will finally find The One!” The female voice yelled. Both Piedmon and Pierrotmon bowed their heads, and stood up. They walked away… In the hallway, Pierrotmon looked somewhat peeved. Her fist held up closely to her lips. Barely turning red. “Now what’s the matter?” Piedmon asked, walking alongside her. “My last digimon was destroyed. Those brat digi-destined are getting in the way! I must destroy them! As well as grab a few digimon…” Pierrotmon explained. Piedmon laughed, “Don’t quit your day job.” he said before disappearing once again. ******* “Nooooo! No, no, no, no!” Mimi yelled, holding her shoulders, “It’s cold! Why of all places must we go to where it snows!” “Mimi please. We’ll find refuge.” Palmon tried to comfort her whining friend. “Hey! We can have a snowball fight!” TK yelped. “I think it’s too cold for that to happen, TK.” Matt said. “I for one think-” Joe started. But he was cut off when screams were heard. The team looked back, but now they couldn’t see TK, Vi or Patamon. “TK! Vi!” Matt called. “It’s like the ground swallowed them!” Izzy commented, “On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if that did happen.” “We have to find them!” Tai said. ******* “Owe!” Vi yelled jumping up. She felt a strong pain in her head. Once she opened her eyes, she looked around. “Perromon? Somebody?” she asked. Then she noticed TK laying on the ground and to his left, Patamon. The brunette crawled over to the small boy, “Hey uh…OK…I’m bad with names…wait! TK! TK! You OK?” she asked. TK mumbled then opened his eyes, “Vi? What happened?” “I don’t know.” “Where’s Patamon?” he asked. He slowly sat up and looked beside him, were Patamon lied. “Patamon!” TK cried. Patamon moaned before finally opening his eyes, “TK?” “It’s OK. Stay there. Don’t move…” TK spoke. “Boy do we ever need help.” Vi commented. She started to look around, it was dark. Like a dark cave. “Maybe we should wait here…for the others…” TK suggested. “Yeah. But what if they don’t know where we are?” “Then…I don’t know.” TK replied. “Maybe we should move on.” said Patamon. “Oh great. What if there’s a psycho killer guy in here?” Vi said. “That doesn’t help.” TK said. “OK. How about we sing? Singing’s good?” Vi suggested. TK picked up Patamon and started walking alongside Vi. “I can’t sing.” TK said. “Well neither can I. But who cares, right?” “You remind me of Joe.” “Oh that’s positive.” She said crossing her arms. Something behind them suddenly started to glow. They both turned around. “Wha-What’s that?” TK asked. Out of the dark, three Salamon popped out. “It’s Salamon!” Patamon yelped. “Whew. They’re good.” TK said. Vi tapped TK’s shoulder, “Then…why are their eyes glowing red?” “Huh?” “We’re here to kill you.” One Salamon spoke. “Destroy you and make you live in our side.” Another one said. “Woah. They’re like wound-up dolls.” Vi observed. “We better run!” Patamon said. “Can’t you digi-volve, Patamon?” TK asked. “I’ve been trying. But I can’t.” Patamon said. “OK then! We run!” Vi said and took off, grabbing TK’s arm and dragging him along. The Salamon didn’t move, they just smiled evily. Why wouldn’t they run after them? The kids ran with all they could, although they didn’t know where they were headed. Until they started to see flames. “Fire?” Vi asked. “No! It’s Meramon!” said Patamon. “He’s good! He helped us before!” TK yelped. “May I point out the red eyes again…” Vi said. “His eyes are always red.” TK giggled approaching Meramon. “T-TK…” Vi whispered, “Owe!” she suddenly yelled. TK turned around and looked at her, “What’s the matter?” “My…head…hurts…” she stammered. Without noticing, Meramon had an evil smile upon his face. He slowly reached down. Was he attempting to grab TK? He took TK by his shirt collar. “TK!” Vi yelled. “No! TK!” Patamon yelled, being pushed onto the ground by Meramon. “Ah!” TK yelled, “Help, Patamon!” “TK!” Patamon stood up. He flew rapidly behind Meramon. “Boom Bubble! Pah!” He shot his bubble at Meramon. Not even a flinch from the flame covered digimon. “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. What am I gonna do? I can’t do anything…I can’t…I…” Vi stammered. She paced back and forth, trying not to listen to TK’s screams. “Die, brat!” Meramon said. “Why, Meramon? You were nice!” TK yelled. Meramon didn’t listen. He pulled his fist back. Ready to flame punch the boy. While Patamon tried frantically to stop Meramon from doing so. Vi opened her eyes, she looked at TK. Suddenly, for her, everything went black. It was like being transported into another world. “VI HELP!” TK yelled. ******* “Get out of here!” Vi yelled as she sat in a dark room. Her hair was so long, it reached the floor. And her dress, was a little broken in most parts. “Oh now what did I do?” a male voice was heard. “You did everything!” Vi yelled. She stood up; and picked up a dagger that had been on a stool. The room had red curtains on the windows. And a huge carpet were the bed Vi sat at stood. On the well carved wooden stool, was a bracelet. A silver colored bracelet. “Vianne! Your best friend is taking them on herself!” the male voice shouted. “Ex-best friend! No one deserves my friendship like this! No one!” Vi yelled. “How can you be so cruel?!” “Cruel?! Cruel?! You were with her!” “So that’s it? You’re jealous?” The male voice asked, softening. “Never! I-” Vi started. Then a piercing scream cut her off. “VI! HELP!” a female voice screamed. Everything faded. ******* The brunette blinked twice. What had happened? It happened so fast. This was all so confusing. She saw TK and Meramon. It was like slow motion. Meramon swinging his fist towards TK, Patamon had been on the ground screaming. Vi felt something. An urge she’d never felt before. And just like that, she jumped up. On impulse she punched Meramon in his chest. Enough to send him flying backwards, aswell as dropping TK. When she landed on the ground, all she could do is look at her hand. Why wasn’t it hurting? “How on pumpkins did I do that?” She asked. Then, forgetting about that, she walked towards TK and kneeled beside him. “Are you OK?” Please tell me you’re OK!” She yelled. “I’m OK.” TK smiled, “But…what’s the matter with Meramon?” he asked a little shaken now. “I don’t know.” Vi looked back. Meramon was now standing up. He was smiling. Vi’s punch had blown him away, but it hadn’t done any damage. “Woah, he’s like the un-dead! Come on, TK! Let’s get out of here!” Vi yelled pulling TK up. “Wait! Patamon!” TK yelled. “Right!” Vi quickly rushed over and picked up Patamon. The two kids ran off, carrying Patamon along. ******* “We’ve searched everywhere!” Tai yelled. “Not to mention it’s snowing!” Mimi added. “We can’t give up. Where’s Vi?…” Perromon whined. Running about everywhere frantically. “Come on! Let’s go this way!” Matt said. Then a very familiar sound reached them. They looked back. It was Sora! Not her, but her digi-vice! It was beeping! The same beep it had made when they had found the brunette girl. “They’ve got to be close!” Sora stated. “Then why are we standing here?” Kari asked. With that, they all left to where the digi-vice would signal to. ******* Vi and TK ran with all they could. TK was already warn out, but for some reason, Vi wasn’t the least bit tired. “I…don’t…want…to say I’m good or anything but…today…I’m…different…” Vi yelled while running. “How…did you…punch Meramon?” TK asked, panting. “I…don’t know!” “Guys! Less talk, more run!” Patamon yelled. Meramon was beginning to catch up to them. As TK ran, he began to see something in the distance. No, two things! The road was covered in snow. And there were figures walking towards them. When TK managed to make out who it was, he smiled, “It’s everyone!” Vi looked down, then looked in the distance, “Well everyone is walking the wrong way!” The two ran right at them, then actually past them. “I wouldn’t stay there if I were all of you!” Vi yelled while running past them with TK and Patamon. Izzy observed to were Meramon was running rapidly, “Our digimon can take care of him!” “I highly doubt it!!!” TK yelled. “I don’t know what’s going on, but let’s get him!” Tai yelled. Agumon nodded. So did the rest of the digimon. “Agumon digi-volve to……….GREYMON!” “Biyomon digi-volve to……….BIRDRAMON!” “Gabumon digi-volve to……….GARURUMON!” “Palmon digi-volve to……….TOGEMON!” The bird digimon flew up, “Meteor Wing!!!” “Nova Blast!!!” “Howling Blaster!!!” “Needle Spray!!!” The four attacks combined, forming into one huge attack. It striked Meramonw ith all its might. When the snow faded away, Meramon still stood there. Unscratched. “Impossible!” Matt commented. “Guys. I think we should join TK and Vi now!” Joe said. “We’ll hold him back!” Birdramon yelled. “Don’t you worry about a thing!” Greymon added. With that, they were sure. And took off running. The digimon attacked. They kept attacking with all they could. But nothing would even make the tiniest scratch on Meramon. Why? He was a Champion. Could it be something related to his sudden evil turn? “Why isn’t he falling down?” Togemon asked. “We’ve tried everything!” Garurumon yelled. “Let’s try tackling him!” Greymon said. The digimon nodded. They ran towards Meramon. One huge tackle. Meramon flew backwards. “We did it!” Birdramon yelped. But then, Meramon got up again. “What can we do to beat him?” Togemon asked. “I suggest we get out of here. If there are other digimon like this out there. We’re not safe in the Digital World anymore!” Garurumon said. The digimon left. ******* The nine kids were lost in the middle of a snowy forest. “What just happened back there? Tai asked. “Almost getting killed is one.” Matt replied. “Yeah! And the weirdest thing happened!” TK started, “Back there. Meramon almost killed me! And Vi…she punched Meramon! It blew him away!” Everyone looked at Vi. “What? It’s not like I killed anyone!” Vi yelled. “It’s impossible for you to actually hit and blow Meramon away. Unless you were other than human.” Izzy observed. “Oh I’m human! Of course! Look! Skin! Bones! Hair! My ankle-br-” Vi started as she gestured down to her ankle-bracelet. Then, something entered her mind… #*FlashBack*# “Oh now what did I do?” a male voice was heard. “You did everything!” Vi yelled. She stood up; and picked up a dagger that had been on a stool. The room had red curtains on the windows. And a huge carpet were the bed Vi sat at stood. On the well carved wooden stool, was a bracelet. A silver colored bracelet. #*EndFlashBack*# “What happened?” Tai asked. “Hm?” said Vi. Snapping out of her trans. “You spaced-out.” Sora said, “You were mentioning your ankle bracelet, then you just…left reality! If this is reality anyways.” “Oh…Oh! I’m sorry.” Vi apologized, “I just had a vision…sort of…” “A vision? What kind? What happened?” Perromon asked frantically. “Woah. Chill. Why so desperate?” Vi asked. “It just bother me.” Perromon said. “Oh I see.” “Guys move it!” Palmon’s voice was heard. Everyone looked back. It was the digimon. Now in their rookie forms. They ran towards them. “That Meramon’s no ordinary Meramon! It’s like…he can’t even be hurt!” Agumon yelled. “None of you are safe! This is bad!” Biyomon yelled flying towards them. “Everyone. I have a feeling Piedmon isn’t our only problem any longer…” Izzy said. “You have a feeling?! Izzy! That doesn’t help!” Tai yelled. “Fire Ball!” Meramon’s attack came rushing in. A medium sized fire ball was aimed at Vi and TK. “Vi! Move out of the way!” Vi yelled. “Watch out!” Gatomon called. But both Vi and TK were too nervous watching the flaming ball. “TK!!!” Patamon yelled. “Noooo!” Matt yelled. “Perromon…” the small puppy yelled. “Digi-volve to……….VELOCIMON!” “I have to help!” Patamon commented. “Patamon digi-volve to……….ANGEMON!” Perromon had become a fairly large cat like digimon. She was white, with short pine green hair. It was held up with a baby blue headband. Her long tail ended with a pine colored tip. It’s appearance was more like a sphinx. Angemon flew up, “Hand Of Fate! Argh!” he yelled. The attack just bounced off Meramon. This gave time for Velocimon to quickly rush over and stop the fireball from hitting TK or Vi. When she finished there, she turned towards Meramon, “Down little flame candle!” She spoke. “Haha!” Meramon laughed, “Roaring Flame!” He released his second attack. Velocimon smiled, she ran towards him and jumped up. “Star Tornado!!!” A tornado made of stars started to fly around. Aimed straight at Meramon. Once it hit him, it finally blew him away. Only one scratch had gotten onto him. Atleast he had been blown to a far away snow mountain. Velocimon de-digivolved back to Perromon, “I did it! Well…sort of!” she yelped. Vi ran over to her partner and hugged her, “Yes you did!” “But he never disintegrated…he’s still alive…how can that be possible?” Matt wondered. “Prodigious! It’s like an immortality spell! And he didn’t even seem to have anything stuck to his body!” Izzy observed. “Which reminds me! We saw some Salamon exactly like that back then too! Right, Vi?” said TK. “Yeah…their eyes were glowing red.” Vi stated. “Then that’s it! Piedmon’s got them in a spell!” Joe said. “I have a bad feeling about all of this…we should all just try to move on. I don’t think it’s Piedmon anymore.” Tai commented. “Right…And let’s get out of this snow!” Kari said. Trembling from the cold. “Right! Come on! We have to get to a place where it’s atleast safer than here!” Gomamon stated. With that, everyone left. Trying to fight the cold as best as they could. Only, they didn’t know…eyes would be watching upon them… A sinister laugh was heard as the scene faded away… Episode Three: “Glowing Dreams” They had been walking a while since they’d left. Until they came across a beach. It didn’t look like another beach they’d seen in the Digital World before. Although, it wasn’t short of amazing. Palm trees everywhere. As the waves crashes against the sand, it appeared to be glitter. It also had a fairly large cabin. Made out of bamboo and palm trees. It was two stories high. It was certainly a pleasing view. “Wow!” Kari gasped. “Let’s go in!” said TK. “But what if it’s a trap?” Joe asked. “Then we’ll be with all of you!” Gomamon assured. “Oh that helps.” Joe replied in a sarcastic way. Izzy sat down on the sand and started to type something on his laptop, “Hm. My laptop’s detecting something! Some sort of electronic device!” “Then let’s go check!” Tai yelped. “Oh I hope there’s food in there.” Mimi said. “Yeah! And nice comfy beds!” TK added. Walking inside, the team just let out a gasp. It looked like a normal tropical cabin inside. A bamboo table, bamboo made chairs. Windows, a hall heading towards bedrooms and finally a laptop, right on the corner of the cabin. Upstairs was a wonderfully carved design balcony. With yet another bamboo made table and chairs. The floor on both floors was made also of bamboo. And the roof, out of palm tree wood and leaves. Izzy of course, as seeing the laptop on the corner floor, he rushed to it, “Prodigious!” he exclaimed, “Another laptop computer!” “Just what we need. Izzy on another computer.” said Tai. ‘You’ve Got Mail.’ The computer on the floor informed. “Hey look! Wonder who could it be?” Izzy wondered. Palmon looked at the screen. Wondering what it was? As Izzy pushed the ‘Read’ button on the menu screen, something very familiar was heard. “Hello Digi-destined!” the voice screamed. Palmon, who had her face closed up to the screen, jumped back in astonishment, “Ahhh!” “Gennai!” Everyone yelled. “Whohai?” Vi asked. “Oh! I see you’ve found the ninth digi-destined.” Gennai said. “Oh so there’s a ninth one?” Izzy asked. “Of course. The ninth digi-destined was supposed to be with you from the start…well, sort of.” Gennai cleared his throat, “I got news for you aswell! Piedmon isn’t your only concern as of now. There’s a new threat to the Digital World.” “Tell us about it!” Matt replied sarcastically. “There was this Meramon we couldn’t beat no matter what!” Tai said. “We ganged up on him. It was like he was invincible.” Agumon added. “And there were some Salamon like that too.” TK said. “I know. There’ve been many digimon around here like that too. It’s a new virus spreaded through the Digital World. Neither of you are no longer safe! And worst, there is no cure!” Gennai informed. “I bet there’s a prophecy involved in this!” Izzy said. “Yeah!” Mimi yelped. “We have to-” Gennai started, but his connection started being disrupted, “I’m losing signal! Oh no! The digimon have gotten here! Digi-destined! It’s up to you! Be careful!” Gennai disappeared from the screen, and the laptop just turned off on it’s own. “This is bad.” Joe commented. “Do you think this is our hardest battle yet?” Sora asked. “It shouldn’t be. We’ve beaten other things before. This’ll be just like that!” Biyomon said. “Atleast the ninth digi-destined’s on our side.” Kari said. “It is? Wicked. So who is the ninth digi-destined?” Vi asked. Everyone looked at Vi and sweat-dropped. “What? What did I say?” she asked. #*Later*# Mimi walked along the shore. Small waves hit her boots and she strolled along. Palmon and the other digimon had been inside the cabin, along with Izzy. The red-head was explaining more human world materials to the digimon. TK and Kari were making sand-castles and throwing sand at each other, while Joe was worrying about how tall the waves could get. Matt and Vi were sitting on the sand talking, Tai was watching them from as distance. Sora, was standing under a palm tree. Mimi started to walk farther from the others. Until she reached a quiet shady spot. She sat down, “I don’t get it. Why is it always war? Why can’t it ever be peace? The again, we wouldn’t be digi-destined if that happened.” she said to herself. The girly girl just looked around and enjoyed the breeze, “It’s like being in a tropical island! No worried of any kind!” She was starting to fall asleep when she started to feel some sort of odd vibe run through her head. The girl stood up in a snap and looked around. Starting to shake she headed back. “Must’ve been my imagination. This place is totally safe!” she said. Trying to be as positive as she could. She headed back to the cabin. “Hi, Mimi!” Palmon greeted. “Palmon…don’t you ever think…it’s best of without having to fight?” “Well yeah! But we fight to save The DigiWorld.” Palmon yelped. “But, Palmon…Maybe we should…find why we’re here.” “Mimi! You’re not saying we leave, are you?” “No! Of course not! I was just wondering…” Mimi replied. “Oh…Wanna go take a swim?” “Yeah! Let’s go!” Mimi yelped and ran off. Palmon behind her. ******* Why? Why are they together? Tai thought while watching Matt and Vi in the distance. He placed his hand on his forehead. Why am I even thinking that? Boy am I acting strange… He looked up at the sky. It looks just like it would back on Earth. His vision soon turned back at the two who sat on the sand, What are they talking about? And why do I want to know?! In a sudden flash, it was as if everything would turn black. And he’d be transported to another world, another dimension, another…time… ******* “Get out of here!” Vi yelled as she sat in a dark room. Her hair was so long, it reached the floor. And her dress, was a little broken in most parts. “Oh now what did I do?” a male voice was heard. “You did everything!” Vi yelled. She stood up; and picked up a dagger that had been on a stool. The room had red curtains on the windows. And a huge carpet were the bed Vi sat at stood. On the well carved wooden stool, was a bracelet. A silver colored bracelet. “Vianne! Your best friend is taking them on herself!” the male voice shouted. “Ex-best friend! No one deserves my friendship like this! No one!” Vi yelled. “How can you be so cruel?!” “Cruel?! Cruel?! You were with her!” “So that’s it? You’re jealous?” The male voice asked, softening. “Never! I-” Vi started. Then a piercing scream cut her off. “VI! HELP!” a female voice screamed. Everything faded. ******* When he blinked, everything was gone. The vision…the dream he’d had. What happened? Why did I see Vi there?… He thought. “I am starting to go crazy…” Tai commented in a whisper. “Yeah, you are. What’s the matter?” Sora asked sitting beside him. “Hm? Oh! Um, nothing! Just thought I saw something.” Tai replied. “Oh well. In that case, I shouldn’t worry.” “Yeah…” “Hey, um. Do you think we’ll get back home alive?” Sora asked. “Of course we will! I am telling you. We will beat this evil! Whatever it is!” Tai assured. “Yes! Like a team! Like always!” Sora yelped, she then turned her attention towards the distance, “Well, don’t those two look adorable together?” She gestured to Matt and Vi. Tai didn’t bother to look, “Yeah sure…” “What’s with you?” Sora asked. “Nothing.” Tai replied. He then got up and walked towards the cabing. Sora sighed. Oh, Tai. She thought. For her it was hard to admit, but she knew what was going on. ******* “You know, you’re fun to talk to!” Vi said laughing. “So are you! You must get a lot of coconuts where you live.” Matt commented. “Oye! Are you saying I’m whacked?” Vi asked, arms crossed. “No! No! I mean-” “I know what you mean. I’m just foolin’ with yah.” Vi laughed. “Oh yeah. I knew that.” Matt replied. “So you say you lived in Japan once?” Matt asked. “Wow, what’s with people and locations?” Vi asked, “Anyways, yes I did.” “Cool.” “So why were you gonna kill yourself the first day we met you?” Matt asked. “Because it was the rage back in Puerto Rico.” the brunette replied, once again, using her sarcasm, “Nah. I was just having a panic attack.” Matt opened his mouth to say something when Vi cut him off. “I know, I know. You’re gonna say I sound like Joe.” Vi said. “Oh, now you’re psychic?” “No, everyone’s just predictable.” ******* “I’m tired of doing sand-castles. Aren’t you?” Kari asked. “Yeah. I’m pretty whooped.” TK replied. “I don’t know why, TK. But this all seems too safe to be real.” “What do you mean?” “Well, we haven’t been attacked yet. And this cabin just appears out of nowhere!” Kari replied. “It is odd. But this is the DigiWorld after all.” TK said. Right then, Gatomon arrived, followed by Patamon. “Hey! It’s time to atleast have some food.” Gatomon said. “Yeah! Cause we’re all starving and we can’t eat without you!” Patamon added. Kari and TK looked at each other and smiled, “Let’s go!” TK yelped getting up. Kari got up and followed him. ******* After everyone ate, they all went to sleep. Of course, they had to make space everywhere for each to fit. For the exception of Vi, she was upstairs on the balcony looking out. “Vi. I’m tired. I want to sleep. Can I?” Perromon, who sat beside her asked. “Wow, you wine more than me.” Vi joked, “Sure. Go get some rest.” “Thank you, you owl.” Perromon laughed. “Haha. Very funny.” Vi replied. Perromon smiled and began to walk downstairs. After Perromon left, and Vi was sure everyone else was asleep, she carefully sneaked out. Attempting to go out and look at the ocean. One of those evil digimon better not pop up… She thought holding her arms. There was such a breeze blowing, that anyone would be cold. Vi sat down on the sand, very near the beach, Man, I have such an odd feeling. She thought to herself. Looking out at the see, she started to calm down. Feeling more relaxed. “Hi.” said a voice. The brunette girl jumped up falling flat face on the sand, “EEE!” She stood up and realized it was just Tai who just sat there. “Do…not…do…that…again!” Vi yelled. “Jumpy?” Tai asked. “Very.” she replied. “So, Why are yah up? Again…” “I can’t sleep! Isn’t that just a little obvious? Anyway, What about you?” Vi asked. “Same. Hey um…” “Yes?” “You said you had a vision…” “I did? When did I say that?” Vi asked. Tai sweat-dropped, “You know. Oh…never mind.” “If you say so.” Vi replied. “So, just out of wonder…” Tai started. “Why are you being so skittish? Say it already.” Vi said. “Hey don’t rush me. Um…Why were you with uh…Matt back there?” Tai asked. “Why? He a cold blooded killer?” Vi asked. “No. Why are you always in a joking mood?” “Woah. Am I gonna answer your first question or your second one?” Vi asked, confused. “Both…” “Um…I was talking to him cause…he’s fun. And I’m in a joking mood cause I like looking at things brightly.” Vi replied. “Oh, I see.” Tai said, “Fun?” “Wow. I feel like I’m being interrogated.” Vi started, “What…are you jealous or something?” “No…you know…Just though you and I were bonding the other night.” Tai explained. “You and I? You and I was bonding?” Vi said imitating ‘Rocky’. “You really think you’re funny.” Tai said. “No. I just like being weird.” There was something about what Vi had said that Tai knew. He couldn’t quite place a finger on it. #*FlashBack*# “Vi! Why are you making knots on those curtains?” Tai asked. He dressed in a black shirt with black pants. He almost looked like a priest in those clothes. Vi, whom wore that red dress. Was on the floor with window curtains on her hands. “No reason.” The brunette replied. “You need a new hobby.” Tai said. “No. I just like being weird.” Vi replied. #*EndFlashBack*# “Hey! Yo! Hola!” Vi yelled waving her arms in front of his face. Tai blinked twice as he snapped out his trans, “Wha? What happened? This is the second time I’ve gotten a vision.” he said. “Vision? Vision? You’re getting visions too now?” Vi asked. “I-I don’t know what’s going on.” Tai replied. “That’s odd.” “But…ah…” he stood up, “Wanna take a walk?” “Sure.” Vi stood up aswell. They both started to walk along the shore. “So…you play any sports?” Tai asked. “Well, basketball. But that’s about it.” Vi said. “With your height?!” “Hey! Are you saying I’m short?” Vi asked. “Well, I’m not saying your tall.” Tai said. Vi laughed, “I know I’m short. But oh well. Do you play any sports yourself?” “Yeah! Everything. Specially soccer.” Tai replied with a smile. “Wicked! We’d have to play against each other one day.” “But you’ve never played soccer.” “No, but I sure can try!” Vi yelped. They walked till the end of the shore. Where some palm trees were located. The ocean view was amazing from there. “Wow. Look at that!” Vi pointed out at the sea. “Wow. That’s wicked!” Tai said. “Hey Tai…” Vi started. “Yeah?” “That’s my word! You’re starting to steal my vocabulary!” Vi yelled, then started laughing. “What? I just said wicked!” “My point exactly!” “Anyways. Back to the ocean. It’s such a great night to go swimming.” Tai said. “Maybe…” “Huh?” He looked at Vi, “Why do you say that?” “I…don’t know how…to swim…” Vi admitted. “What? Oh well it’s easy!” Tai yelped. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” “Um…Do you like Matt?” Tai asked, swallowing his fear. “HoHippityHowHow!” Vi yelled. “What, is that a yes or a no?” “Dude! Where’d that question come from?” Vi asked. “Just wanted to know…” Vi gave him an evil smile, “Well, I won’t tell you.” “Why?” “Well, unless you like me or something…” “Um…Oh come on! Tell me!” Tai said. “Nope.” “Please?” “Nope.” “Come on! No fair!” “Fair is for an empire. Live with it.” Vi replied. Tai then mumbled something. “Huh? What did you say?” Vi asked. “I said…” he took a deep breath, “I like you.” he whispered. “Can’t hear yah.” Vi sang. “I like you! I like you! There, I said it! Happy?!” Tai yelled. “Ha! I knew it! And for your information, I don’t like Matt.” Vi replied. Tai sighed in relief. “Also, I like you too.” Vi smiled. “Really?” “Oh, I don’t know. You’ll just have to…figure it out!” Vi smiled. She then stuck her tongue out and ran off. “Hey come back here!” Tai yelled running after her. *******
