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Diana's Home Sweet, Home.

Well as you can tell my name is Diana. I live in Iowa it is really boring. I am originally from Kansas, and have lived in Seatle< Washington. I even traveled Europe the summer of 2002. It was so awesome my favorite places were Germany and Switzerland they were so beautiful. I also went to Venice and I will never go there again it isn't all the Romance everyone says it is, it is actually very terrible. I also have a tattoo on my left shoulder, it is a Pegasus with flames for wings. I am planning another tattoo for my other shoulder but it is taking a little bit to get this one how I want it. I am hoping for a dragon but I want a pixie type dragon instead of one of those blood and guts ones. Even though those are cool they won't go with my style. I am getting married next summer :) I am reallly looking forward to it. I have made all of my flower arangements and stuff so if you need a cheap florist get a hold of me and I will see what I can do. I am an AOTT for those who don't have a clue what that is it stands for Alpha Omicron Pi. It is my sorority and I love all my sisters. but anyway Thanks for visiting my Angelfire webpage. Please come back once I have it finished. Are You HOT or NOT?
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