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I Miss U So Much!

Sunrise ~ August 12, 1974 ~
Sunset ~ November 12, 2001 ~

Click Here to View Shane's 10th Anniversary in Heaven Page


When I'm Gone

When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile
Just forget if you can, that I ever frownd
And remember only my smile

Forget unkind words I have spoken
Remember some good I have done
Forget that I ever had heartache
And remember I've had lots of fun

Forget that I've stumbled and blundered
And sometimes fell by the way
Remember I've fought some hard battles
And won, by the close of the day

Then forget to grieve for my going
I would not have you sad for a day
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay

And come in the shade of the evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best

Lyman Hancock


Love is an eternal flame.
Burning and flickering, unto the night.
Everlasting light!

As I light this candle today for you sweetheart
My heart is broken, my spirt too. I miss you!
mom, xoxoxo

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understandings,
With the passing whisper of their life,
Their hope and their dreams.

Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile,
Leave their footprints on our souls,
Their smile in our hearts,
And we are never, EVER the same.

Author Unknown

~ Shane ~
The World Is a Sadder Place Without You Here Sweetheart!

Think!! Before you verbally attack someone
Never take away anyone's hope!
It may be all that they have!


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This page created and maintained
by Shane's Mom, "Peggy"
Copyright ©2002-2004
All rights reserved